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RE: Global Banksters: Manipulating Crypto Markets- An Addendum

the thing about bitcoin is the transaction costs...too high.
I've decided that I'll stick with Eth and LiteCoin.
much cheaper to traded.

no need giving the middleman any more than I have too.


I agree... my wallet only does BTC, but I'm sure it will get with the program before long.

I have a ledger-nano. Real Soon now I intend to learn how to use it.

Funny you should mention that... I was pricing them just today. By the way, do you use Windows?

I use Mac.
My son bought them direct from the factory in France...he said he's heard rumors of 'bad things' for those that go thru distributors.

cost was less than $100.

I'm waiting until he can help me set it up.
This is too critical for 'trial and error.'

Jim called me up yesterday freaking about windows. I've got an old Gateway i paid $25 for.

I have, (or had) several old computers like that stuck in a closet somewhere. I hung on to XP with bleeding fingernails. I didn't want to let go...

You and me both Buddy... I thought XP was the best OS they ever came out with! I understand there's no profit without changing stuff up- but Vista was NO improvement! For my money, neither is 7, 8 or 10! XP was easy to use- did everything I needed it to

Bring back XP!!! By the way... check out my post today- I think you'd get a kick out of it!

I always check your posts...
I've been threatening to go to Linux...
the problem is that I want to KNOW and DO.
but I don't want to be bothered with the learning curve.
so I haven't yet.

That is so true.