The Revolution Is Not Being Televised

As a young boy my music tastes were somewhat narrow, I was only into the then, relatively new genre of hip-hop. Heavy D, The Fat Boys, and Big Daddy Kane all went to make up the staple ingredients of my musical diet.

However at around the age of 16, I was introduced by some new friends, to the delights of rare grooves, jazz funk records from the 1970s. Suddenly James Brown, Bobby Byrd, and Lonny Liston Smith became the delicacies that replaced my earlier tastes.

It was in this period of my life, that I learned about revolution, a term that I believe I have only just become to truly understand.

Televising The Revolution

In 1971 in his seminal song, Gil Scott Heron told us that the revolution will not be televised, and ever since I heard the song for the first time, I have often pondered upon the meaning of the lyrics.

Gil Scott Heron grew up in a time of revolution, from the civil rights riots in America, to the wide swept (often C.I.A. backed) instability across Latin America, Scott Heron saw a lot.

Unless you were alive at the time, it's rather hard to imagine exactly how somebody living in the 1970s related to the media. TV of course was still in its infancy then, a product of just a generation earlier, however it had become the main source of information for many people.

In the song he talks about not needing a tiger in your tank, or a monster in your toilet bowl, paying reference to modern advertising slogans, whilst pointing out the way commercialism and news was often wrapped up in a nice easy to digest package.

Re-imagining The Revolution

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised was perhaps saying that the real and final revolution will not have time to be televised. Because it will be happening too fast to show, events will unfold at a rate that will make it impossible to cover.

However with the dawn of the internet came a new way to cover the revolution; user generated content. Suddenly we didn't watch the news, we were the news, perhaps this was the revolution that Scott Heron spoke of?

The revolution of the internet, Orwell's Surprise, this was the thing that would give us our non-televised revolution.

Hmm, but alas no, if anything, the internet increased the chances of the revolution being televised . . .

The People's Revolution

The revolution will put you in the driving seat!

That was a line that struck me recently, perhaps Gil Scott Heron was talking of the ultimate revolution. One that isn't government backed, or funded by a nefarious security agency. This one would be by, and for the people, not fractured by arbitrary notions of belonging and geography and wrapped in a neat little segment to put in between ads for whiter teeth and bigger TVs.

To those ends, the crypto revolution begins to fit the type of uprising that he envisaged. Of course he could not have known about bitcoin 40 years before its invention, any more than he could have about the internet.

However the crypto-revolution surely is the type of revolution he meant. Gil Scott Heron perhaps knew that one day, there would be a revolution that the man, couldn't fight.

In that respect, I believe the artist was talking about the final revolution, the one that was most worthy of the term 'revolution'. To be called such, it must replace tyranny with freedom, for this is what it truly means to revolt.

The crypto-revolution puts us in the driving seat, we are the masters of our own destiny. We are writing our own economic and social rules, reducing the powers that be to the role of mere administrator.

Is It Live?

So is this it; are we in the midst of a revolution that is not being televised? Some may point to the rise and rise of Bitcoin, we have read and watched plenty from the mainstream media.

However they are not televising the revolution unfolding, merely the aftermath. They are not revealing the hundreds of crypto-projects springing up every month. They are not showing a blow-by-blow account of new systems being built and readied for the future. These events are happening right now in real time leaving behind no shockwave to rock the bows of mainstream media.

The TV is reduced to reporting events from the revolution after the event. Like Gil Scott Heron said, we won't be back after some message from our sponsors, because this time around, the revolution will be . .

. . . Live.




Wow. It reminded me of the lines from lowkey:
Your corporate dictatorship, pretends it's democracy
I hold your bloodline, accountable for every crime
Adam Smith to Rothschild, It's all been a clever lie
Two choices now, revolution or genocide
But thanks to Rupert Murdoch neither one will be televised
He was however referring to the peoples' revo of 90s and 21st century but what is totally relatable to crypto context. Good memories you have with hiphop. I actually believe crypto model will break faces of manipulators very soon. That will be a virtual revolution by the people.
@Cryptogee thanks for sharing your thoughts as they make sense *runs to play Scott Heron"

That Lowkey song sounds wicked, I haven't heard it before, glad I turned you onto the great Gil Scott Heron.

Vive La Revolution! :-)


Hahahahha. Yeah thansks lol

It's "viva" you dummy, and hell no!!

Death to Revolution!! Death to the traitors!!

Also, in Spanish it is "Revolución". ;)

Just covered the same topic at the same time as you were writing this post. This is my opinion

And if you are about to dig more into SciFi-alike,

Great post @cryptogee! Really interesting viewpoint on user generated content and what it is achieving.

I do agree though, and I'm glad to see other people posting this sort of content! By the way, you transferred 2 STEEM to me, I'm not sure if it was an accident or not! Will send it back of course if it was, if not, thank you very much!

Thank you for your comment, the Steem was indeed for you, I held a competition called the Great Steem Giveaway, and you won 2 Steem with one of your comments :-) Enjoy!


That's great to hear, thank you very much! I will have a look now. I'd really appreciate any feedback you have on my posts if you have a minute to check out my new series for beginners on Steemit!

Sure thing :-)


Thank you! If you have any feedback, feel free to let me know!

I think movie Transcendence, explain everything... I guess you might have already watched, but if you're not is a big recommendation.

Television is more and more becoming a thing of the past. It is mostly watched by older people and uneducated middle aged people. As you said, it is reduced to reporting events after they happen.

"The revolution will not be televised" and "The revolution will put you in the driving seat" may both refer to the same thing: the revolution will come from the people and it will spread in a soft, non-aggressive way that will be hard to explain by mainstream media. We will just realize one day that we are living in a new world.

Cheers! : )

Yes Cypto the future the ultimate revolution!
Great technology ;)

I like more "The Evolution" Revolution sounds obsolete!

Hi @cryptogee ! Great post, i like it, i just upvoted it ! @wildvest

One of the greats! RIP Gil Scott Heron

You also reminded me of other old time music icons like the Carpenters, Abba, late Marvin Gay and many others. Music was more interesting and much more appealing lyrics wise than what we have these days. Thanks @cryptogee for the reminiscences.