New CryptoKitties Fancy and Cattributes! Ponzis fall like Dominos! Free Kitty Giveaway!
Winners @yura81
So as fast as it started and made people a ton of money, it left with speed, fury, and emptied Eth wallets in its wake. Remember those Ponzis I told you about...... well they got hacked. There was an exploit that someone noticed. They informed the community. Everyone thought it was fake. Then, boom the Ponzis went down like dominos. Luckily I got out before the house fully collapsed. I hope some of my followers that said they were involved got out as well. Maybe on the next one they will make sure the code for the smart contract is rock solid. So with that said, the ROI for the contest is 11%. It was way more, but at least I didn't lose. That means that @yura81 wins this kitty , with a guess of 6% for our Guess the ROI CryptoKitties Contest.
New Cattributes
twilightsparkle (0.00%) background
forgetmenot (0.00%) eye color
norwegianforest (0.01%) face ?
savannah (0.03%) face ?
Its kind of hard to see some of these. I can't really tell who is norwegianforest from savannah. They are both labeled as faces. We also have a new fancy. Its a cool looking ninja kitty! I've heard its pretty hard to breed. i believe the traits you need are: Wolfgrey Onyx Slyboots and Henna. There is another red ninja Fancy, but I'm not sure about the genes yet.
Random Kitty Contest
Tonight's Contest is an easy one. Just upvote, follow, resteem, and comment with your CryptoKitties Wallet Address. I will select 2 random comments to receive Free CryptoKitties! Good Luck!
0xc6bffdbdaf5352760207a434b9503d65ebfb7ad8 ^_^

By the way, savannah and norwegianforest are bodytypes.
That means it's a combination of head+tail shape.
This chart, although not including these new ones, might help to understand:
KryptoWars.. that's a new one. Interesting!
I agree with you @travelblock 👍
First! :P
Moar like this!
Crazy to hear those ponzi/pyramids got hacked. It is really a gamble with them...
Lol, were you able to get your ETH out of the ponzis in time? I wasn't haha
Thanks for running these amazing contests! Cryptokitties are really cute!
good luck everyone!
Hey @brittuf, I'm glad you got out and also a big thank you for sharing that opinion, I was having a conversation about crypto Ponzi schemes just yesterday and my friend and I both agreed that the time of these are done, right after Bitconnect passed away, the rest are dropping like domminos, and I'm happy people are a little more informed and not as naive on investing in these platforms.
Oh yeah, here's the address :)
It's not over yet though lol. They are patching the hole and this time testing the new pozi on the testnet as we speak. Here we go again! Its the roller coaster on the roller coaster that is crypto
Thank you @brittuf for the kitty!