CryptoKitty Family Jewel Data By Generation
Below is a follow-up post to Total Diamon Family Jewel Distribution
The following Charts represent the Diamond Jewel Distribution for a particular generation
I have a ton of other data points to discover. If you have any suggestions please comment below! Also please follow me, upvote and resteem in order to support my work.
Here are some of my planned reports!
Additional Tier Jewels (Gilded, Ama, Lapis)
Broken down by Generation
Generation Breakdown with Multiple Jewels
Rarity Score based upon Rarity of Jewel
What really helps is ETH so I can test new theorys about how to make our kitties better!
Ethereum Address: 0xCECDDbE88359f6EcEBE90b42643B002543F27fE9
Generation 0
Cattribute | Count |
mauveover | 1 |
spangled | 1 |
egyptiankohl | 1 |
bobtail | 1 |
tiger | 1 |
coralsunrise | 1 |
birman | 1 |
purplehaze | 1 |
morningglory | 1 |
sapphire | 1 |
chronic | 1 |
slyboots | 1 |
azaleablush | 1 |
bananacream | 1 |
saycheese | 1 |
grim | 1 |
wonky | 1 |
thundergrey | 1 |
selkirk | 1 |
icy | 1 |
amur | 1 |
sandalwood | 1 |
ragdoll | 1 |
cottoncandy | 1 |
googly | 1 |
gold | 1 |
cymric | 1 |
wuvme | 1 |
Generation 1
Cattribute | Count |
ragdoll | 13 |
sandalwood | 11 |
selkirk | 10 |
gold | 9 |
thundergrey | 8 |
sapphire | 8 |
tiger | 7 |
bananacream | 7 |
cymric | 6 |
wonky | 6 |
slyboots | 5 |
cottoncandy | 5 |
googly | 5 |
birman | 4 |
purplehaze | 4 |
coralsunrise | 4 |
egyptiankohl | 4 |
wuvme | 3 |
mauveover | 3 |
bobtail | 3 |
morningglory | 3 |
icy | 2 |
emeraldgreen | 1 |
wasntme | 1 |
nachocheez | 1 |
lilac | 1 |
stunned | 1 |
grimace | 1 |
elk | 1 |
alien | 1 |
persian | 1 |
belleblue | 1 |
gerbil | 1 |
whixtensions | 1 |
tigerpunk | 1 |
otaku | 1 |
amur | 1 |
limegreen | 1 |
cloudwhite | 1 |
barkbrown | 1 |
laperm | 1 |
skyblue | 1 |
raisedbrow | 1 |
chronic | 1 |
spangled | 1 |
azaleablush | 1 |
saycheese | 1 |
grim | 1 |
norwegianforest | 1 |
Generation 2
Cattribute | Count |
ragdoll | 84 |
sandalwood | 49 |
gold | 47 |
bananacream | 23 |
thundergrey | 20 |
slyboots | 17 |
wonky | 16 |
cymric | 14 |
sapphire | 14 |
birman | 14 |
selkirk | 14 |
tiger | 13 |
cottoncandy | 11 |
coralsunrise | 10 |
belleblue | 9 |
purplehaze | 9 |
wuvme | 9 |
nachocheez | 7 |
morningglory | 6 |
gerbil | 6 |
lilac | 5 |
googly | 5 |
bobtail | 4 |
wasntme | 4 |
mauveover | 4 |
laperm | 4 |
barkbrown | 4 |
egyptiankohl | 4 |
icy | 3 |
otaku | 3 |
limegreen | 3 |
raisedbrow | 2 |
skyblue | 2 |
emeraldgreen | 2 |
whixtensions | 2 |
violet | 1 |
scarlet | 1 |
daffodil | 1 |
tongue | 1 |
serpent | 1 |
koala | 1 |
sass | 1 |
saycheese | 1 |
norwegianforest | 1 |
grim | 1 |
elk | 1 |
azaleablush | 1 |
spangled | 1 |
chronic | 1 |
cloudwhite | 1 |
amur | 1 |
tigerpunk | 1 |
persian | 1 |
alien | 1 |
grimace | 1 |
stunned | 1 |
twilightsparkle | 1 |
Generation 3
Cattribute | Count |
ragdoll | 268 |
gold | 180 |
sandalwood | 146 |
bananacream | 53 |
thundergrey | 32 |
belleblue | 30 |
cymric | 26 |
nachocheez | 24 |
slyboots | 24 |
sapphire | 20 |
cottoncandy | 20 |
wonky | 20 |
birman | 20 |
selkirk | 18 |
coralsunrise | 15 |
wasntme | 14 |
wuvme | 13 |
tiger | 13 |
purplehaze | 11 |
laperm | 9 |
gerbil | 8 |
mauveover | 8 |
lilac | 7 |
morningglory | 6 |
sass | 6 |
koala | 6 |
limegreen | 6 |
emeraldgreen | 5 |
googly | 5 |
barkbrown | 5 |
otaku | 5 |
tongue | 4 |
egyptiankohl | 4 |
bobtail | 4 |
raisedbrow | 4 |
grimace | 3 |
tigerpunk | 3 |
icy | 3 |
alien | 2 |
whixtensions | 2 |
skyblue | 2 |
daffodil | 2 |
dali | 1 |
ganado | 1 |
apricot | 1 |
trioculus | 1 |
verdigris | 1 |
babypuke | 1 |
pumpkin | 1 |
seafoam | 1 |
flamingo | 1 |
hintomint | 1 |
oldlace | 1 |
forgetmenot | 1 |
onyx | 1 |
violet | 1 |
twilightsparkle | 1 |
stunned | 1 |
persian | 1 |
amur | 1 |
cloudwhite | 1 |
chronic | 1 |
spangled | 1 |
azaleablush | 1 |
elk | 1 |
grim | 1 |
norwegianforest | 1 |
saycheese | 1 |
serpent | 1 |
scarlet | 1 |
savannah | 1 |
Generation 4
Cattribute | Count |
ragdoll | 620 |
gold | 581 |
sandalwood | 310 |
bananacream | 90 |
cymric | 55 |
cottoncandy | 44 |
belleblue | 42 |
slyboots | 41 |
thundergrey | 40 |
wonky | 34 |
nachocheez | 33 |
wasntme | 28 |
sapphire | 26 |
selkirk | 26 |
birman | 24 |
koala | 20 |
mauveover | 19 |
coralsunrise | 17 |
laperm | 16 |
purplehaze | 15 |
sass | 14 |
tiger | 13 |
wuvme | 13 |
lilac | 13 |
gerbil | 11 |
tongue | 10 |
limegreen | 10 |
emeraldgreen | 10 |
raisedbrow | 10 |
otaku | 10 |
daffodil | 7 |
verdigris | 7 |
barkbrown | 7 |
tigerpunk | 6 |
alien | 6 |
morningglory | 6 |
googly | 5 |
ganado | 5 |
seafoam | 5 |
egyptiankohl | 4 |
bobtail | 4 |
grimace | 4 |
flamingo | 4 |
apricot | 4 |
savannah | 3 |
hintomint | 3 |
pumpkin | 3 |
whixtensions | 3 |
dali | 3 |
icy | 3 |
skyblue | 2 |
trioculus | 2 |
babypuke | 1 |
norwegianforest | 1 |
cheeky | 1 |
turtleback | 1 |
camo | 1 |
neckbeard | 1 |
hotrod | 1 |
wolfgrey | 1 |
calicool | 1 |
scarlet | 1 |
serpent | 1 |
saycheese | 1 |
azaleablush | 1 |
grim | 1 |
elk | 1 |
spangled | 1 |
chronic | 1 |
cloudwhite | 1 |
amur | 1 |
persian | 1 |
stunned | 1 |
twilightsparkle | 1 |
violet | 1 |
onyx | 1 |
forgetmenot | 1 |
oldlace | 1 |
starstruck | 1 |