Introducing Blackboard Wednesdays - by Cryptosi

in #cryptosi4 years ago

Surely whiteboard wednesdays would of rolled off the tongue better? Well, Charles Hoskinson uses a Blackboard, and if its good enough for Charlie 'Chuck Norris' Hoskinson, it's good enough for me.

So, what is Blackboard Wednesdays?

Well put quite simply, it's me (Cryptosi) with a blackboard, a camera, a pen and my thoughts. Each week I will tackle a different subject that will be made up of all the work I have been doing the previous week on various projects during my journey through crypto. The main purpose of this series is not to flexxx all of my knowledge, or bring newbies into crypto, its just to encourage thought, and hopefully prompt people to discuss things and comment on where I'm going wrong, because despite what I'll tell you, I am sometimes wrong.

What topics will Blackboard Wednesdays cover?

At this point I honestly have no idea, I may even have guests on in some episodes, but everything will be crypto or at least disruptive tech related. The content will be aimed at an adult audience, I may use the occasional bad word, though I don't swear often, better to be safe rather than sorry. Some topics I really want to cover are - Governance, DAO's, Proof of stake vs Proof of work, Multichains, NFTs, Investing in crypto, hiring a good developer, upsetting people and maybe even an episode on legal compliance in my native UK.

So why make NFTs for this?

Why not, I'm a creative and unorthodox person, Since leaving PIVX I've realised that I should be a little more 'Kanye', and what I mean by that is that I need to accept that I don't fit in with the 'professional' crypto crowd, yet I know that my story, my successes and my failures are so numerous that they need to be noted and why not collected, I have been blogging since I joined the cryptospace back in 2012 and I think I've written some really interesting things and created some really interesting content, around governance mostly, but my unorthadox and creative way of thinking has really helped me to carve out a decent living. Gosh this is a self indulgent paragrapgh.

Where can we see Blackboard Wednesdays?

I'm going to upload them to Youtube, on the Smart Reach channel but also possibly to bittube or IPFS so that they cannot be taken down when the powers that be realise what a danger an alternative thinker like Cryptosi Poses. I also think it's super important to embrace decentralised tech, we need to create a crowd around this tech so that the big tech companies like Youtube do not have a platform which they can use to mould the world, Silence racist old men who lead the most powerful nations or promote an agenda of unity and equality that most of us dont want. There is some sarcasm mixed in there somewhere. Make of it what you will, I really don't care.

Thanks for reading all of this, and if you came here after purchasing an NFT, thankyou and congratulations for joining a small group of the forward thinking few, you are better than everyone you know, trust me. Lets have some fun along this journey, don't let Cryptosi get too much of an ego, and lets try to build more, and build better, even if we can't code!

Lots of Love,

Enjoy the show!

Cryptosi xoxo
