6 Methods To Find Endless Social Media Content Ideas

in #ctp5 years ago


So you need some social media content ideas. Yet, you’ve heard it a hundred times before…

To grow your business you need to be using social media. Most people are hanging out there, correct?

Heck, I am even hanging out there.

However, has your mind ever gone blank when you go to post on social media? What do I talk about? Will anyone care?

All those questions are perfectly normal when you’re stuck and drawing a blank.

Why don’t we make sure that never happens again? I’ll give you enough ways to find content ideas that you’ll never run out of ideas again!

Awesome, let’s do this…

6 Methods To Find Endless Social Media Content Ideas That People Want!

The key thing to remember is finding content people actually WANT.

To do this you must know what they want? Because if you didn’t know yet, it’s all about them.

Method 1: Keyword Tools

Taking what I said above into count, there is no better way to get ideas than to simply see what people are typing into the search engines.

I mean, that just takes all the guesswork out completely.

There’s even keyword tools online you can use, but I’ll just tell you about the two I like the best.

Keywords Everywhere


For the wesbite go here: https://keywordseverywhere.com

This keyword tool sits on either your Chrome or Firefox browser!

Here’s how it works: Whenever you search a term on Google, you’ll noticed that Google will give you “related keywords”, both in the search box dropdown and at the bottom of the page as you see in the images below.



Google alone is a good way to find keywords (hint!) However, with “Keywords Everywhere” you can see the data for each keyword that Google suggests.

Meaning you can see the searches per month as well as the cost per click for each keyword.

Here’s where it gets really good if you want to collect a ton of great keywords. You can also hit a little star next to the keyword, and it will save that keyword in a list for you. This will let you constantly collect new keywords for your audience… and therefore a mountain of social media content ideas.

This tool was free for a time, but it’s now transitioned into a paid tool. The good thing is that it is inexpensive to use!

Answer the Public


This is another one that you’re going to want to take advantage of! And the good thing is that it’s free to a certain extent. Meaning that you get a number of searches per day! But the info you get for each term you search is big, so you won’t need many more.

When you go to https://answerthepublic.com/ you’ll be greeted by a bloke who just wants you to hurry up and type in a term. No seriously… you will. Lol.

But when you type in a keyword something magic happens. Answer The Public will give you loads of questions based around the keyword term inside a wheel, covering all the who, what, how, why, when, and where in a visual image like below.


For instance, the term “internet marketing” will give you an entire wheel of questions like:

  • Why Internet Marketing Is Important?
  • How Internet Marketing Works?
  • And lot’s more…

You’ll get entire sentences that people search for and ask.

But it goes even further because when you scroll down, you’ll also get a list of prepositions. This means you’ll get entire sentences that include words like: is, with, and for.

Here are some examples…

  • For: “Internet Marketing for beginners”
  • Is: “Online Marketing is Important”
  • With: “Online Marketing with Google”
  • And tons more!

Here’s the deal. I could go over everything that this cool tool does, or you can just go to https://answerthepublic.com and try it yourself.

I will say this though. Remember Keywords Everywhere?

That integrates with Answer The Public, so you’ll get all the same search data that you get when searching Google from Keywords Everywhere inside Answer The Public too.

Method 2: Your Own Content

Chances are that if you’ve been doing content marketing for a while, you will probably already have some content. Either on your blog, YouTube, Facebook, or emails.

Content is king. But what most people don’t realize is that you can take a piece of content and re-purpose it as social media content as well.

And I don’t mean by creating a post to send people to your content (although that technically is a social media post idea!)

But let’s say you wrote a good blog post about how people can find never-ending social media content ideas with 6 different ways of finding ideas. 😜

Well you could then go and take each of those ways, and turn each one into a new social media post. So now you’ve just given yourself 6 different new posts.

Method 3: Other People’s Content!

Don’t have any content yet? No problem. Just use other people’s content that others have already created.

A good guy by the name of Ray Higdon (you may of heard of him), teaches a concept called “Invest, Learn, Teach” that actually works.

Here’s how it works

You’ve likely invested money in training, right? Well, you can take what you learn and teach it to others. Take small little points, and teach it through a social media post in your own words.

Here’s the interesting part…

If you simply give credit to the original creator of what you’re sharing, it will make your audience like and trust you even more. Because you’re not stealing, you’re simply sharing something of value that you’ve learned! And your actually giving credit back to the source of where you got it!

Another thing, if you share something that you learned from an industry leader… tag them in your post and you potentially could get exposure back. It’s a win/win for both you and the industry leader. Does that make sense?

Method 5: Social Media Groups

Don’t have people asking YOU questions yet? That’s cool, because all day long people are asking questions inside social media groups.

Sometimes a post itself is in the form of a question. Other times you can search through the comment sections of posts, and see questions that others have asked about. That’s a 2 for 1 right there.

Because if someone else is getting engagement on a post, you can bet that’s a pretty hot topic your audience wants to know about too.

Method 6: YouTube

This is one of my favorite methods for ideas because it’s just jammed packed with topic ideas.

Let’s think about it. What happens on YouTube?

  • People post videos
  • People use tags in their videos
  • People comment on videos
  • YouTube suggests related videos to watch

There really is an unlimited potential for social media ideas that you can tap into any time.

Ending Thoughts…

Just using a few of these methods will be enough to give you ideas for months, or even years to come. Now go out, find tons of social media content ideas… and start posting.

What’s your favorite method to get ideas for your social media posts?

You rock,


Carl Davies

P.S. If you do not have a step-by-step blueprint for selling affiliate products, or your own products… check this out: https://186279.npnpages.com/im-basics/


Carl, thank you for the tools.
The plugin will get installed tonight.
& answer the public is really slick
It is entertaining as well as resourceful.