ADSactly Culture: Deciphering The Stars

in #culture5 years ago


Deciphering the stars

Hello, @adsactly readers

In past installments, he referred them to how superstitious and gullible Venezuelans can be. Rather than seeking or giving rational meaning to some things around us, Venezuelans prefer to preserve popular and magical beliefs that not only serve to explain the world, but also to attract good luck and drive away bad luck. Likewise, he believes that there are predetermined codes that help us decipher the world and our lives. Hence, for example, astrology is very popular in our country, so much so that most national television channels have a daily program dedicated to this subject. Let's talk about this.


Although it is very questioned and we are currently tending to identify it as one more divinatory technique, astrology is a science. A science that believes in the analogy between heaven and earth, in the correspondence between one and the other. Therefore, the sky is a book where signs and signals abound that reflect the earthly world, not only natural phenomena or the universe (macrocosm), but also the psychology of each individual (microcosm). According to this science, man is a small world subject to the influence of celestial phenomena. Seen from this point, it is enough to read a few signs to know people and their destiny.


Astrology is based on the horoscope. This term applies to the study and prediction of the life of an individual, sustained by the position of the stars at the time of birth. According to some signals, people can make charts or astral maps, which serve to guide and confront the destiny already marked. According to this concept, everything is already written in the sky, the stars decide beforehand what is going to happen to us. As a friend would say: We have nowhere to grab.


It seems that one of the men who spent a lot of time seeing for the sky and deciphering the signs was the Frenchman Michel de Nôtre-Dame, better known as Nostradamus, who was a doctor and astrologer. According to this gentleman, he predicted the destruction of the Twin Towers, the death of Kennedy, the atomic bombs, the arrival of Pope Francis at the Vatican and even the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and Trump. It must be said that in Venezuela there has proliferated, in recent years, a considerable number of seers who have tried to decipher the future of the country and see the signs of an early exit to the crisis that has devastated us in these 20 years.


A week ago, while I was standing in one of the many queues that I have to do on this day in this country, Venezuela, a lady, very well dressed and educated, stood in front of me. Both of us had few products in our hands, but apparently a lot of anger in our chest. A simple word from the cashier I was answering, made the lady start talking about how expensive it is to live in this country. From inflation, the price of the dollar, the lack of cash, to the minimum wage and the amount of maromas we Venezuelans have to make in order to eat daily. Without realizing it, a lady behind me took the floor to say that everything we were living was written in the Bible. God had predicted not only Chavez' arrival, but our destruction as a nation. To say those words to that lady and to refute the other was almost the same thing. The lady, in an angry manner, told him that this is why this country was like this, because there were gullible people like her. She asked him to quote the biblical passages in which it appeared that Chavez would come to end our economy and that Venezuelans would suffer hunger and death. The lady argued that this was a premise that Chavistas used to wash their hands like Poncio Pilato and say that this was not their fault, but a divine punishment, a lesson for our mistakes. I was about to agree with the lady, when she said with vehemence and strength: It's a good thing they don't happen this month: Luckily, Chavismo does not pass this month, it has little time to live. I know, I've dreamed it and I'm not mistaken.


As I walked, crestfallen , to take the transport that would take me home, I thought of the ease with which we Venezuelans believe. To believe the horoscope that tells you that you are going to win the lottery or that you are going to find the love of your life just around the corner is perhaps innocent; but to believe that the plague that has invaded Venezuela for 20 years can be eliminated overnight is irresponsible. Still sad, I raised my head and looked at the sky to see some sign: Pity! I only saw a gray sky announcing tempest.

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Written by: @nancybriti

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This is such a serious matter in our culture. I'm glad you brought it up. My mother in law confined herself to her room. She never misses any of the tv shows you mentioned, still, she suffers from depression. I always ask her what good have all those crappy seers brought to her. Why is it that she does not get any better.
Maduro's demise has been predicted for over 6 years now. An earthquake would mark his fall. We have had several ones in that period. Nothing. Whoever puts his hopes in some bogus star reading has serious issues already and turns himself into an object in someone else's game.
It is because of supersticions and make-believe that our people, despite all its virtues, has fallen this low.

I have many close friends who usually send "chains" where Maduro's fall is predicted every month. Living in that anxiety is no life! To be honest, a part of me has already lost hope that this government will soon fall. It will take many suns and many moons to exterminate this plague. Greetings, @hlezama.

I share your feelings. We have gotten to such levels of skepticism that now i fear his permanence as much as a possible replacement government (who will be in charge, how transparent will it be?).
Everything that was asked from us, as citizens, we did, and yet they're still there. The world's double standars and interests are our worst enemies.

As you say at the beginning, @nancybriti, astrology is a serious and rigorous ancient knowledge. Not to be confused with those merely commercial applications and their easy and ignorant versions. Unfortunately, for many years now, this manipulative practice has been enthroned, which, mixed with fallacious and demagogic politics, creates that kind of positions proper to ignorance. I believe that no real and true change in human behavior (in their governments, societies, etc.) will be the product of a "magical" fact, wherever it comes from. The human being, with his free will, creates his living conditions, and consequently, he himself must transform them with his action.
Thank you for your reflections and your illustrative post.

Yes. It's a shame to see how many people play along with these impostors. I think deep down, people try to hold on to something, to believe even if it's all a lie. Thank you for your comment, @josemalavem.

Amazing 💕🙏

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