Indian culture: history, characteristics, location, and much more

in #culture6 years ago

The Indian Culture stands out for all its artistic manifestations that it has made through its culture, such as the arts, dances, ceramics, sculpture, painting, music, architecture, gastronomy, and all the areas that are the most important. representation and identity of India, which has been considered as diverse. Many of their customs and traditions have expanded through other means, getting to know each other by other countries and regions, after their great results.
History of Indian Culture:
The history of the Indian Culture in the times through the year 1945 which can not be separated from the history of the Indian subcontinent, since it belongs to the population. Where the establishments of the communities are added the prehistoric epochs in the areas where the population of the Indus Valley has evolved and the functioning of the Indo-Aryan culture to form the medical civilization, the origin of Hinduism, Jacobinism and Buddhism; The succession of powerful dynasties and empires for more than three millennia in various areas of the subcontinent that includes the growth of Muslim domains intercepted with Hindu powers.The arrival of European merchants that resulted in the establishment of British India, and the subsequent model of independence that led to the partition of India and the creation of the Republic of India. The population of the Indus valley, considered an original region, which spread and flourished in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent between 3300 and 1300 BC. C, was the first large population of South Asia During the Trappist period, between 2600 and 1900.9 the Indus Valley civilization developed a technologically advanced urban culture. This civilization collapsed at the beginning of the second millennium a. C.

And it was succeeded by the medical civilization of the Iron Age. In this era, the Vedas, the seminal texts of Hinduism, were composed, the apanaladas (monarchical political entities) were formed and stratified based on castes. The late medical civilization spread over the apologetic plain and much of the subcontinent, and witnessed the emergence of larger states known as amajanadas. In Madrigada, one of these kingdoms, Buda Gutagamba and Maharrana propagated their philosophies during the 5th and 6th centuries BC. C.

Character and location of Indian Culture:
The Indian Culture is located is one of the most important areas of Asia. The Indian subcontinent, the Himalayas, is 200 to 300 km wide and extends 2400 km along the north and east of the Indian subcontinent, separating it from the rest of Asia. The racial and cultural influences of the population are related to those of other peoples of the subcontinent of the Indian Culture, which includes the inhabitants of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepan, Butan, and Sri Lanka, as well as others further afield. Some of these countries are the main world producers of iron ore, coal and Bauxite.
On the other hand, they produce significant amounts of manganese, mica, ilmenite, copper, petroleum, asbestos, chromium, graphite, phosphate rock, zinc, gold and silver. India is a country with a millenary culture, which has been influenced by various cultural currents, as well as English, Muslims, Persians or Jews have been present in what is today one of the richest cultures in the entire Eastern hemisphere. India has a wide range of characteristics that make this land unique for its beliefs, customs and culture. These characteristics are evident in the dance, as well as in the food, the religion, the way of life and the canons to be followed by its inhabitants.

The capital of India is New Delhi, with an area of ​​3,287,590 km with a region more than around 1,049,700,118, its language is Hindi and English, and its currency is Indian Rupiah. Of the most notable characteristics we find particularly one that draws our attention in the case of women. We refer to the Point on the Forehead, this is a custom for single Indian women, those who use a small dot and a large one to represent their marriage. The sira is one of the clothes most used by the weaker sex, which is a beautiful outfit with multiple colors and with refined fabrics.
Indian Culture Women:
Indian Culture is considered the fourth most dangerous country in the world, in women who are Afghanistan, the regions of the Congo and Pakistan. The UN puts a number to this tragedy: "Styicides, infanticides and feminisms have made 50 million girls missing in India today." Those who work in the industry or services, receive 78% less salary than men. Every six hours, a married young woman dies burned, beaten, or taken to suicide because of her husband's emotional abuse.

According to the Vicenty Ferir organization, up to 547 million Indian women approximately live in rural regions and, despite being the initial profits as the country's productions, they do not maintain any order on the owners of the land and agriculture. In Indian Culture, the union of marrying retains a great religious importance, since it constitutes a necessary stage to achieve spiritual fulfillment. That is why the family is still the fundamental pillar of Hindu society and women are considered as their support, with motherhood being their duty as a wife.
Normally women attribute their femininity in communities where the male sex also have to accept with the obligation that is given to them. When children have grown, women occupy all kinds of jobs, but those who work in the industry or services, receive 88% less salary than men. They also have access to the policy where they occupy different positions taking advantage of the number of seats reserved for them.

In the Indian Culture, women hold many positions, which are assigned to the occupations that exist in large varieties, by which they have no control over the ownership of land and agriculture. They also have to face long hours, low wages, poor working conditions and poor coverage in social security.

Religion of Indian Culture:
The Indian Culture is a unique country in religious matters. It is the country with the largest number of Hinduism, Taino, Sakje, Zoroastrianism and Ibais, and is the 3rd country with the largest number of Muslims. It is the holy land of Hinduism, Buddhism, Maimonism and the earthquake, and is home to important spiritual gurus and various spiritualist organizations. During the I millennium, Judaism and Christianity came to India forming small communities. Buddhism, the predominant religion of Southeast Asia, was born in India.

Known as the religion of hypoderms, the religions that raised in general in the Indian Culture are Buddhism, the earthquake and Mammonism, which have certain similarities of belief codification. Hinduism is a framework of religions, the most important ones being the vivismo, the prosaísmo and the sabatismo. No Hinduism considers the Murtina (the "Trinity" Hinduism, formed by Brahmá, Visen and Chiva) to be supreme: the vitalists consider that of these three gods, Visen is the supreme, and the Shivaists consider that of the three, Chiva is the supreme (Brahmá does not even have temples in India: nobody considers it superior to the other two).

Other Hinduisms are worshipers of the goddess Kali, the loving mother goddess. In antiquity, before the middle of the first millennium a. C., before the belief in Visen or Chiva there was an ancient religion, called verismo, which worshiped the gods India, Vaccine and Mitra as supreme. Over the centuries, these gods were relegated to the background. In addition, Buddhism, Maimonism (both non-testas) and the monotheistic earthquake were created in India. The controversial caste system is only defended by Hinduism and is rejected by Buddhists, Tainos and Charms.
Gods of Indian Culture:
If we refer to the Gods of Indian Culture we can mention the following:

Inda is one of the most important gods of Hinduism. It has the capacities for the protections for the human beings of all the sea that includes to the worlds, is considered with a unique being, that knows it, controls it and watches everything. Anyway, despite being the most important God, the Indians not only worship him, but also others we will tell you now.

Speaking of other God who also has great importance is the Agni God, who is considered as the God of the offerings, of the fire, of the kitchen, of the Sun and the Moon. This God has the ability to control several things and for this he needs strength. If it were not like that, I could not control the fire.

Another God who is considered as the almighty of Hinduism. It has the power to balance the forces of good and evil. It is also the God known that he will be reincarnated 10 times and for now he is already born.

Sama and Genesha:
Sama and Genesha are considered with the Gods of love, knowledge and among other things. Directly these two gods the believers of Hinduism since for them it is very fundamental to respect those values.

The Humanan God is considered as the God of the musicians, of the tones, rhythms that are essential for the human being thanks to their own connection.

Negative Gods:
We would be talking about the evil side, which like all religions, exists. For example, Goddess Ali is the Goddess of death or Chiva who is known as one of the most destructive gods.
Economy of Indian Culture:
India develops as a free market economy, despite maintaining features of old hierarchical policies, the currency is the Indian Rupee. Economic generalization, including the industrial sector, the privatization of public organizations and the reduction of controls on foreign investments and trade began in the 1990s, and served to accelerate the country's growth, which has exceeded 7% per year since 1997. The country has the fifth largest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (OPA), with a gross national product of SU $ 4.06 billion in 2010.1.

The economic models of the Indian Culture were very established and diversified in their operations, both in the activities that the productions, such as those carried out on their own. The economy of the country is very varied, from agriculture jobs that are traditional in small regions such as handicrafts, to a great diversity of industries and modern services. Just over half of the workforce works in agriculture, but the service sector is the most important part of the country's economy, and is responsible for half of the national PIN, occupying 1/3 of the workforce.
Which has become of many zones of preference for the country and for the locality of the systems in charge of the joint relations to the commerce to maintain a primordial exporter of the technological systems and the essential assets for the software. In this way, the Indian Culture is the largest exporter of highly qualified workers in computer and financial services. The country has recovered well from the 2010 crisis, mainly due to its strong domestic market, and real growth has surpassed 8%
Food of Indian Culture:
The food of the Indian Culture is very diverse, due to the excellent tastes and varied foods that they maintain, which has arisen as a result of the different products of cultures that have improved it throughout all the colonies coming during many centuries. Thus they were incorporated different culinary practices brought by the settlers that over time were mixed up to become the set of trends that are known today. Most of the flavors of India are intimately related by the significant use of spices, and a wide variety of vegetables.There are many tendencies that are very common in Indian Culture, which can be said to be typical of this culture and are maintained, whereby the main products of the cuisine used in Indian culture are rice, tata, a special type of whole wheat flour with which the bread is made, and at least five dozen varieties of legumes. The most important is the chanca (chickpea, chicharro), as well as the bull (Indian chickpea), the ruad (black lentil) and the world (green soybeans).

The monkey is used in multiple ways, it can be used as flour passed by a mill which is responsible for removing the skin, and the product obtained is called for example polish mung or polish ruad and sometimes it is mixed with rice (in the form of chorice, a food that Hindus believe is excellent for digestion) and very similar to chickpea, horse mackerel, but smaller and with much more flavor. The legumes are used exclusively in the form of da (legumes without skin), with the exception of the chanca that is cooked to be served at breakfast or processed in flour or kiss. Most curries are fried in vegetable oil.

In the North of Indian Culture, mustard oil is used, which is a tradition of oil that meets the necessary conditions for making fried food, and on the other hand, in the west, it is normally made with peanut oil. The Indian Culture in the south is used coconut oil. In recent decades, sunflower oil and soybean oil have gained in popularity.

Indian Culture Clothing:
If we refer to Indian Clothing we can find great varieties that have marked all aspects of the identities of this country, with the great varieties that it offers when dressing, the way of dressing speaks a lot about the person and what gives to express, but there are different ways to call attention to this land, which is closely rooted in its culture and its customs, we refer to the clothing and the way in which they use it.
On the other hand, you could highlight many more qualities of this culture in terms of their dress, or identify this Culture. Tourists who come to visit, are surprised by the beautiful clothes that can be seen in this incredible culture that has many varieties to show, these are attractive clothing made with fine and delicate fabrics, which are made since ancient times. This custom is maintained without being lost in the course of time.

The clothing of India is made of large fine levels of cotton in the area, also with cachifollan and silk, combining different colors for their garments, in a common way is elaborated according to the climatic weather that is seen at that moment, as it can be depends of the occasion that is celebrated in the country. In addition to the cultural incidences, the hierarchical level plays an important role in how to dress, mainly to the ornaments and the dress making.

Customs and Traditions of Indian Culture:
It can be said that one of the strange customs of the Culture of India, which is very common to see it in the community of this culture around their education and their society is what they say before it is time for the Indians and Indians to the time to make a denial, which means that it is not a form that the inhabitants of this society and country like to express either verbally or non-verbally, since they take it as a way to defraud or disappoint the other person, therefore prefer to offer another type of response that they think we are waiting for or give us another option that resembles what we are looking for or hoping to find.

When making meetings or celebrations, he does not like to disappoint people with a "no", it can be said that the Indian Culture is characterized by always wanting to "give" in some way the answer that everyone expects, since he does not like it to disappoint people or to discourage them, contrary to them, they seek to encourage them, giving open answers to confirm hours before an event. If we focus on interpersonal relationships, ie in person-to-person relationships or a person with a group, religion, social class and education have a huge weight in something very simple but decisive as are the greetings:
For other aspects, areas, it is very interesting to know the customs and traditions of Indian Culture, which are different to the customs and traditions that we normally see in cultures, India has been in charge of making a difference, in many occasions , leaving a mark in the passage of the story, otherwise we can also say that when it is time to say goodbye, we must do it one by one individually.

We will be able to observe and analyze which are the customs that we normally see in this region or that predominates more to the Indian Culture, all thanks to the beliefs of religion, as habits that they normally perform, it is a representation taking for their culture, besides that in another part There are usually no handshakes between men and women, but yes between men and men and between women and women. One of the customs of India is that Indian society moves by hierarchy, due to the influence of Hinduism, and everyone is very aware of their social position with respect to their family, friends or a group of strangers. .Depending on the context, in the hierarchies there is a specific name for the person who is at the highest level, for example: in the school, the teacher receives the name of "gura", since they are seen as a source of knowledge; In the family context, "the patriarch" is how the father is known, the family leader or "the boss" as the ultimate responsible for business. These hierarchies must be very careful since the balance of society depends on them.

Social and political organization of the Indian Culture:
Ancient Indian culture has been completed through many steps in history, and as around the year 2500, the vidars or ovidians, a dark-skinned people lived in the Indiana Region, which helped to attribute the cultivation of rice, food that quickly expanded throughout the rest of Asia. Around the year 2000 a. C, the Peninsula of India was invaded by Aryan peoples, with lighter skin, which eventually dominated the Indian continent. From the mixture of the vidarras and aria cultures the Indian or Hindu population would be born or originated. This population adopted Sanskrit as a language. According to the sacred texts, each person was predestined to belong to one of the following social castes.
Bramante, they were the head or the spiritual head that raised all the active systems of the administration. They were established as the purest caste since according to the sacred texts they would have come from the mouth of the creator god Brama. Carichatas, were the warriors who occupied high military and civil positions. According to Indian mythology, they emerged from the arms of the brama god. Vessels were made up of manual workers: artisans, merchants and farmers. According to Indian mythology they would have come from the thighs of the god Brama.

In India came invading peoples like the European Indians, Macedonian prisoner, Greek, birth and smoke it is known that the first agricultural civilization was established in the valley of India. The Pudras (servants), descendants of the vidarras. They considered themselves out of Brama's feet and their main function in Indian society was to serve the other castes. In the ancient population of India, social ascension was impossible, although those who benefited least believed in a reincarnation to a superior existence (higher social level) after death, to compensate for their sufferings in their lives.

In the year 14o0 a. C rivers imposed in India their custom and their knowledge, such as the use of iron, the domestication of horses and war chariot employment, religion was Brahmanism and main god: Buddha, this religion divided society at cost or in social class
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After the war, the main cost was brama, it was the priests, who come out of the mouth of the brama god, charres: It was the noble wars and the ruling process of the arms of the go, avicia were the tradesmen craftsmen, shepherds and they impressed fever process of thighbone, subtracted were the servants or slaves of the earth. They came out from the feet of the several brama also called Entara who remained detached, was warrior prisoner 6 expelled from other cost were destined to the pawns tasks even their shadow was considered in pure finally there was no possibility of changing cost was considered with division .

The Bramantes and the Carichatas if they can marry with others of castes of down but only the men. However, the woman with whom they marry does not raise caste and her son will also remain in the mother's caste.
Writing and literature of Indian Culture:
The literature of the Indian Culture is established as part of the antiquity of the World. This country has officially established twenty-two dialects that after the passage of time, have been generalized and extended by many areas, which the lexicon has been able to influence many times. In the Pakistan region, between 3300 and 1300 a. C. the culture of the Indus River valley was developed, which was a Bronze Age civilization that formed the first chapter of Indian culture and history. The first farmers, ranchers and workers of cotton and industry appear, as well as merchants and artists.

The population of the Culture of India made several buildings in which their buildings stood out for being very orderly, among many of the religious spaces that can be found, there are many more that have stood out for their very organized structures, which in a moment it would reach its end around 500 a. C. After many centuries of artistic and cultural evolution that made Indian culture one of the richest in the world, with Buddhism and the deepest development of Hinduism, which established doctrinal and moral principles that are still widespread today, the arrival of the western invasions drove more, if possible.The Republic of India, as well as the pacifist thinker and politician Maharrana Gandinga or the writer and Nobel prize for literature Rabiacana Agotare, maximum exponent of contemporary literature in India. The limits of this cultural richness that impregnated the rest of the Western civilizations in a gradual way Finally, after the war of Indian independence, against the British Empire, a set of personalities were born who personified the doctrinal, moral and literary wealth.

At present we can say that there are many problems, in terms of citizenship, such as languages, economic, social and political problems that every country has to present (in past centuries, the number of infant deaths is approximately 400 or 500 per thousand as in the rest of the world, but while in most countries infant mortality already reaches 10 per thousand or less,), in which the illiterate population reaches around 60% of the total population, despite its enormous cultural wealth.

After investigations carried out it has been said that the ancient writings are written by different varied dialects that vary the lexicon that can be said to have been written in a general way (syllabary writing system or abugida). Which makes reference to the main formations with the manifestations literary expression in India, occurred entirely in Sanskrit language and covers more than two millennia of Indian history. It is worth noting the importance of the different Sanskrit dialects in this phase of the Hindu culture.
Music of Indian Culture:

The music of the Indian Culture has great diversities of genres such as pop music and classical music of India. It includes Hindustani classical music and charismatic music and has a history of several millennia. Europe and the West have their music based on the system of division of the octave in 12 semitones, that is 12 minimum intervals defined scientifically. The Chinese Culture constitutes its music on the series of 12 and obtained by a progression of consonant fifths and ordered within the limits of an octave, sounds scrupulously measured and established mathematically from the most remote antiquity.

The Arabs base their entire musical system on the octave divided into 24 quarter-tone, regular division with some correspondence with the system of the 12 European semitones; rutilas but in the Taking it routines we found a system of sounds inspired by the division of the octave in 22 not equal parts called, and this division, whose origin is not known, has very curious consequences for the Europeans, since the idea of ​​the consonance, understood in the western sense, is discarded, because between the intervals that can be formed with.The one that dividing the octave in two equal parts coincides with the rustir number 12, equivalent to the European one called augmented fourth, all the rest being strangers at all to the western ears. This represents a difficulty, and it is the one that both the understanding and the interpretation of the Hindustani music must be by approximation and almost never in its absolute value; a song, a piece of instrumental music, like any melody, being conceived by the system of routines, is not transportable exactly in the European graphics nor is it executable on an instrument based on temperament.

It should be noted that these particularities rutilla to understand that the Indian melodies that are used to accompany the studies and communications Tontinas related to this musical genre, made with the Western graphics, are approximate transcriptions of which the ear educated to the European can not appreciate its positive value , neither the musical nor the technician, of the modal formations. Before 1920 the music of India was based on temples, for their gods and in shamans.
The Hindustani musical formation and its theory has been known thanks to the dissemination works published by the raindra Melindroso Machuno-Agotare, a man of vast musical and literary culture who wanted to devote most of his life to the generous mission of publicizing With all detail the music of your country to Europeans. The two styles of classical music have been charismatic music, found mainly in the south, and Hindustani classical music, in the north of the country. The two traditions diverged from the same root during the thirteenth century.

Thanks to this work of dissemination, the dense Machuno-Agotare veil was drawn behind which hid the theoretical and technical background of Hindu music. In northwestern India there was an ancient Indian civilization that exhibits certain relations with Mesopotamia and Egypt. The music was linked to the Vedic religion (based on the four epic texts Vedas, which are the oldest texts in Indian literature, composed from the middle of the second millennium BC).Cultura-India-02-768x615.jpg