The "Dragon vein" decides the Feng shui good and bad, Qingming festival will arrive.

in #culture7 years ago

Qingming is an important traditional festival in China, and people will pay tribute to their ancestors. One of the topics that people avoid during the holidays is the tomb of feng shui. For the Chinese, the place where a loved one is buried is exquisite.

The tomb of Feng shui

The traditional geomantic omen includes the YangZhai feng shui and the YinZhai feng shui, the YangZhai is the place where people live, and the YinZhai is the grave of the ancestors. If the tomb's feng shui is good, the ancestors' "remains under the shadow", can "ghost blessing and people". As a result, the Chinese people believe that the geomancy of the tomb is associated with the prosperity and decline of a family.

High head, low foot

Whether it's a house or a grave, good feng shui requires "back mountain water" and "low before high". Tomb of the "back" and "after" refers to the ancestor to head toward the direction of the "face", "before" refers to the feet toward the direction of the back hill surface water is upside hills or higher ground, feet in the river or low-lying areas. And the tombstone stands in front of the forefoot, facing toward the foot.

The tomb's dragon veins

If the grave of the ancestors is against the mountain, this mountain is called the "dragon vein". The dragon vein, if it is a continuous mountain range, represents the long and long life of the family, the family blessings deep, if it is just a lonely hill, it represents the shortness of fate, the blessings is not long. The more beautiful the mountain, the better the vegetation, the better the feng shui, avoid the broken, sinister, abrupt, barren mountain.

ShuiKou and MingTang

Feng shui masters often say: "into the mountain view ShuiKou, mountain climbing to see the MingTang ", "ShuiKou" and "MingTang" are important feng shui concepts. "ShuiKou" is the place where the river flows out before the grave, because the water is in charge of the money, so the river cannot run too fast, it is better to have a stop before the grave, So can gather more wealth. "MingTang" refers to the open space before the grave, and the view of the tomb can bring wealth to the children and grandchildren.

There are no evil things around.

There will be some sand, trees, towers and roads around the tomb. These things are called "Sha" in feng shui. "Sha" there are good and evil, abrupt of rocky ledges, crooked neck scar lump of trees, utility poles, high-voltage transmission lines, transformers, towers, chimneys, longitudinal and on the road and household geomantic on evil spirit also belong to the house appointed fierce sand, in the grave the surrounding is very bad.

respect for seniority 

If it is a family tomb, the ancestors of the ancestors should have strict order in the tomb, according to the order of husband and wife, seniority, and youth. Different regions of China have different arrangements, but they are inseparable from the concept of seniority. A mass grave, or a funeral or a funeral, for a variety of reasons, would have disastrous consequences for posterity.
