The "Bonaire" experience (Intro Edition)

in #culture8 years ago

If been at the island "Bonaire" for 3 month as a little sabbatical , not that i really needed it but it was a change for me too just go and dont think too much.


I loved it so much, that the first thing i thought about, i could write about here and show everybody the inns and outs of the island. I did alot of free work for the poor there and also WNF and the government.

Well lets start with a few little facts about Bonaire..

  1. its just 294 km² and has about 16.500 people on it.
  2. it was a colony of holland and from 2010 it became a province of holland.
    (i could explain this in a other blog if wanted)
  3. only about 7-10% of the island used, rest is wild nature.
  4. happy people with almost no money.


So my big question for the readers, should i start writing about all the experiences, the culture and people i meet there. Take you on the trip i had and still think about many times.

Just let me know what you think??


Good luck too you all!!
Slossie Gogem