
While some of the groups participating in the March are anti-EU, it's not the main theme of the March of Independence. Damn, we had even some Monarchists marching with the banner "May God restore catholic monarchy in Poland". Burning of the EU flag should rather be seen as a sign of protest against EU policies. More and more people notice the problems within EU that needs reforming, but not necessarily "PolExit".

We are preparing also for 100 years commemorative display of forces. It's on 1'st of December and it's going to be the celebration of 100 years since the Unification of the country (as a result of WWI). Most likely we will see demonstrations towards embracing the EU (as the politicians in power are trying to distance Romania from the EU). That's why I've asked you... more or less, we were presented a March of Nationalism in Poland, by the media outlets here.