Want to win 1000 SP of delegated power ? Tell me why!
I'm looking for more good causes and curators to support by delegating a portion of my power.
I consider this as another investment in the long term future of the platform - by empowering good people and causes that I want to succeed here.
If you receive delegated power you will be able to reward users you support with higher paying votes , and you will also earn more in curation rewards.
- I'm looking for the most active curators that won't simply use the power to self-vote.
- I would prefer to support activists and truth-seekers , but I'll consider anyone
- If I choose you, you get the power for at least 1 week (with no obligation or restrictions)
- Each week I will review the votes of my delegatees and I will remove power if I feel it would be better used elsewhere.
- As long as I feel that you're a positive force on the platform, you keep the SP.
We're 'only' talking about 1000 SP , don't get ideas of becoming an instant whale overnight - but its enough to make a noticeable difference to a minnow and the people they support.
If this goes well, I'll keep delegating out 1000 SP batches every week indefinately.
These are my current delegations as seen with @jesta's awesome vessel :

@AusBitBot is my personal curation bot : supporting a shortlist of authors + rule based voting
@centerlink supports upstanding members of #teamaustralia (shortlist+rule based)
@choogirl handles recruitment for #teamaustralia and has been an active manual curator
@fortified has been an active curator as well as writing quality analysis about wikileaks, pizzagate and more
@krystle is my partner and an active manual curator herself, as well as vote following @minnowsupport and @centerlink
@minnowsupport is a votebot you can call via the P.A.L discord chat
@mumofmany is my sister in law and a new user manually supporting #teamaustralia content (and more)
@provenezuela is an initiative to support spanish content from Venezuelan steemians
@teamaustralia is manually curating good Aussie content from members
@v4vapid is one of my favourite content creators and an active curator of controversial content.
Know someone that should be on this list ?
Make your case below !
Entries close in 1 week.

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steemviz / steemvids / more tools / post index
Please vote for me as a witness here
Hello, first off thank you for following me I followed you back. Here's why I think that I should be given some extra power on steemit.
I am an activist first at heart I have been for several years since 2009 I always put others above myself and do whatever I can to help whoever I can. I have ran fundraisers, donated to hundreds of people, and helped setup clothing/supply drops. I truly have a passion and zeal for helping others.
I am an independent journalist who works very hard researching and writing to produce informative articles, and I always go above and beyond to educate my readers. I have integrity and a passion for truth and knowledge.
I believe this platform is the future and together we can make a difference this is finally our way out of the "system."
I have a rather large Twitter following and feel that I could bring some of those people over here if I was able to help them grow and make a profit for their own work.
I plan on sticking around and getting to know the community.
I am a member of minnowsupportproject,PAL and support the project because it helps new users. Giving them a support network but more importantly, it establishes a community where people can get together and make long lasting friendships and form networks.
I have a high availability I work as an independent journalist for www.activistpost.com, so I am almost always on my computer. So if a new minnow had questions, I would try to help them as well as give them some exposure for their post.
Peace and love. ~AK
I don't want the delegated power, but I'm resteeming this to 9500+ followers to get the word out. It's great what you are doing, @ausbitbank. :)
I'm not really comfortable with having power I haven't earned on a platform I'm still becoming familiar with. But I ask if I can reserve this chance for the future. I am linked with many prominent peace, political and social change activists in Australia and around the world. I also know some people in politics and media around the world. Now I mainly work with refugee and asylum seeker activists. The big ones. I have many friends and some family who have had to make perilous trips to refugee camps in other countries. I work with the abandoned Afghan and Iraqi interpreters. I am the only real, and dedicated advocate for them in Australia. My husband is one. I have a vision for the future. I can see people in war torn, poverty stricken countries and situations being given an equal chance to earn financial security, on steemit, , which can literally save lives. I am just getting the feel of steemit and haven't wanted to share too much yet, for three reasons. First is the difficult situation my husband and I are in, makes it very hard to emotionally deal with ignorance and hateful comments. I have been doing it a long time, even had death threats from white supremacist groups, but I have to be careful on here to not release the menopausal c**t that sometimes loses her patience on social media.
Second is the security of the people I work with. I don't want to identify anyone in danger on a global platform, this includes my husband, and I learned how easily one slip can put you in danger. We relaxed about his security issues when we were in Delhi, in a poor suburb, (money is always tight in our situation) and next thing, the taliban knew where we were. I was in our flat, and I had a "visit" from someone trying to break the door down when my husband was out. His Father told him the taliban knew where he was. That was from mentioning where we were, generally, on facebook. Not 100% sure it was them, or someone working with them, at the door, but it was a wake up call. When someone has $40 000 price tag on their head you have to be constantly aware of everything you do on the internet.
Thirdly, I don't want to advertise this platform to some people that may follow me on facebook. We have already had to report someone that was an obvious terrorist that was following the page I run on facebook and it's hard to know exactly who is and isn't sometimes. My husband is good at identifying the security threats, or "the bad guys" but you can't always be sure. I know how to run a secure page and personal account of facebook, the feds are cool with it and I am in contact with national security agencies, but I'm still trying to see how the lack of regulations works on steemit in providing personal security.
I will link you to the page I run and you can see my main priority, and the reason I run the page, in the about sections. I'v been a bit neglectful the past few weeks, illness then focusing on steemit.
Once I am comfortable opening up this platform to the most needy, I would love the chance to give them a fighting start. And I am grateful for this opportunity to "come out of the closet" as an activist.
I'm happy to support these causes when you're ready :) Feel free to reach out on steemit.chat or discord anytime
Really? I just got a bit teary. The offer of support means a lot to me. It doesn't come very often. Thank you so much.
As soon as I master using the chat thingies I will say hi.
If you are looking for a good cause then you should think about delegating me some power or using your power to upvote important messages I share. This would be the most important:
If you visit my profile you will also see that I am active and I am trying to do good for the community myself. Of course on a much smaller level than you do - But at least I am trying.
If you read my story (https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@theaustrianguy/the-story-of-how-a-young-aspiring-doctor-from-beautiful-austria-wants-to-help-the-world-grow) you will also see that money is not my motivation.
If you consider me I would be really grateful. If you don't think I am worthy please at least consider sharing/supporting my message about BLS ;)
This post received a 2.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @theaustrianguy! For more information, click here!
Here is why I think I should be on the list
Thanks for your coniderations.
After this post - I love you)) Saint steemian
You have my love back
Dear @ausbitbank , i am Using @callistus to promote steemit to Africa and to recruite more people to enable them contribute meaningfully to this community and to be financially free.
I intend to use the proceeds generated from @callistus to help people and one day do the same thing you are doing right now.
Thanks in Advance.
Same. You stole the words right out of my mouth. Except #5 I'm not active with any of the 2, I'm to focused on earning more sp so I can give back to our minnow community that deserves it
Thankyou. As you are supporting minnows, I shall be be following you.
Ywow the ks. I can always do with more followers .. followed back
Happy to follow back. Can you kindly explain Ywow the ks?
Haha oops I meant wow thanks
Give this man the power already
Actually wanted to ask for this delegated SP for myself, but I think @nedspeaks deserves it. I guess there are many people out there that would do great deeds with the delegated steempower, but he seems so very intelligent to me and surely follows some creators of valuable content. He should get it in my eyes, so he can support those people and gain more momentum in the longrun from his increased curation rewards.
I am still relatively new to steemit, actually just sat down to create my first couple of original articles, but have been checking out many cool creators already. When I have delved deeper into being active not only as a 1cent-curator but also gained at least a little bit of momentum, I will apply for some delegated steempower myself.
Very nicely said. Kind words and Thankyou
nedspeaks, I just want to know one thing. Are you related to tedtalks? lol
Lmao and the answer is maybe
good info
I can't know naught but my own thoughts. Occasionally gleam a tentative understanding of others based on their actions. to attempt to then cater my actions to a perceived greater good seems misguided to me. i personally like authenticity, i think many people would agree. At the moment it seems people fear expressing their true views here, and i'd like that to stop. Say what you think not what you think will get you the most up-votes. Depending our your view of the world this is either worthy of praise or scorn, because, well, some folks might get offended by some other folks' opinion. it bothers me that spaces on the internet more often than not become echo chambers of like minded people, instead of fostering a proper Socratic discourse by which i think we all reach a better understanding of each other, even if it remains an approximation of reality. As a social experiment it would be incredibly interesting to see what a system that rewards dissidence could produce, perhaps i could work towards making that happen.
Give it to me @ausbitbank , first check my profile and then you will test me for one week and see the results for yourself...
dont you see that you just killed your chances?:D
Consider my friend @sethsprengers. He just started using Steemit. He is an amazing artist but he also posted about his fight against overweight. And he even found the courage to put up a post in which he tells the world about him being a gay transgender. The Steemit community has truly empowered him!!
Thanks for the opportunity to apply for your SP delegation!
Your curation power would be in good hands with me because I'm very active and focused on creating a healthy ecosystem here - I try to vote for great, valuable content that helps make Steem an even better place. I typically use up all of my voting power each day spread across anywhere from 20 to 50 different posts and comments.
My focus is on left-of-center art and music, especially electronic music, as well as cutting edge technology, science, and philosophy.
I allocate 1-2 full power upvotes per 24 hours for myself (NEVER more than two). This feels fair to me.
With only 1.5k SP in my wallet at the moment, your 1k delegation would make a big difference in my ability to support other users. Thanks for your consideration. :-)
Great idea! I would be a good recipient as I have a massive amount of hours under my belt of navigating through all the garbage on the web to access the best and most unusual evidence for controversial topics that helps us find the actual truth of the situation. I do this every day to some extent and you can see a collection of the result of that in the Katalist pages at my own social network - ureka.org:
Hi @ausbitbank, what a wonderful idea :) I would like to recommend the honor go to @tonyr. Though he is relatively new to the platform, he is most definitely a truthseeker and activist. We've had numerous email exchanges, so I know where he stands with the issues. (He does not believe in vaccinations, he intends to unschool his son etc.) He's also a very kind man who leaves extremely thoughtful comments everywhere. And you would never need worry that he would abuse it.
EDIT: I so rarely upvote my own comments I could almost say never, but since this is for someone else I'm making an exception to give it a better chance of being seen :)