Curie Author Showcase (June 9th, 2018)

in #curation6 years ago

  • In the spirit of Curie's mission to promote undiscovered but exceptional content, we wish to use this twice weekly section to provide an author showcase for some of the outstanding authors who received Curie upvotes in past week. Curie curators and reviewers nominate authors for inclusion in this showcase and author approval is sought and attained.

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Featured Author: @still-observer
My Road Trip and Camping Canada Pt1 - Dtube Exclusive

Images property of @still-observer

As each week goes by and I look through somewhere near 125 Curie voted posts to find the 10 or 12 shared here in the Author Showcase I continually come across some amazing drone videos. This leads me to say to myself that I really want to get a drone, learn how to use it, and then head off to film some exotic adventure, like in the Wal-Mart parking lot. What? We don't really get off to many exotic locations and I wouldn't want to waste my brand new drone!

Seriously though, this drone video from @still-observer could convince anyone to go out and get a drone - or at least travel to Canada and take in some of the amazing sites firsthand. I love how in one location you can capture footage of snow covered mountain tops, then lush green forests, and finally my favorite part, go over a waterfall.

If you prefer more urban environments be sure to check out @still-observer 's new post with footage taken in downtown Vancouver. Explore With Me - Downtown Vancouver Canada - Dtube Exclusive

Featured Author: @jonatftforest
Steemit screech owl swooping

Images property of @jonatftforest

A friend alerted me to this next author's arrival here on the Steem Blockchain back in January. When I saw his incredible work I knew instantly that he deserved a Curie upvote. He was concentrating on sharing some of his older work though, which of course meant they had been on the internet previously and not a fit for a Curie submission. I covertly had my friend ask him to post a brand new piece here for all of us. Soon after he shared an amazing dragon carving brand new to Steem. Of course another curator spotted it before me and submitted it. But the dragon and @jonatftforest got the attention they deserved.

The techniques he uses in this post to get that perfect look on the owl are incredible. Once you hear the brief version of his story you will love him and his work even more.

...the chainsaw, or chainsaw carving rather saved me from a dark time and that I was homeless when I started. Built what I have today with nothing but hard work and a chainsaw. I knew my fate was sealed the moment I picked that machine up for the first time. 10 years now and going regrets...thanks again - @jonatftforest

Be sure to scroll through the rest of @jonatftforest 's blog site to see his other works which includes normal things you'd expect to see like bears, humans, and an assortment of birds, but also the more surprising works like a motorcycle, and a Headless Horseman.

Featured Author: @hypto-crypto
Offshore: Surfing Newcastle in Autumn

Images property of @hypto-crypto

I grew up on the Jersey Shore and now live in the middle of America in Oklahoma without an ocean in sight for more than 1,300 miles in any direction. One of the things I miss the most is being able to sit on the beach whenever you wanted and just watch and listen to the waves come crashing in. It could be so tranquil.

@hypto-crypto took that a step further and was inspired by the relaxing, soothing song playing over the video from Kim Churchill, to go out and find the footage to match the song. The end result is some amazing surfing footage interlaced with relaxing waves coming in and the perfect song for it all.

Featured Author: @veryspider

Images property of @veryspider

Our next featured artist is @veryspider. She is an extremely talented artist in many mediums, as well as a great curator of art here on the Steem Blockchain. For this post she tried a brand new medium - watercolors. The end result is great, and I find it amazing how some artists can try some brand new technique and nail it the first time simply by using the talent within them.

When I mentioned that it was hard to believe this was her first time using watercolors @veryspider responded with the following. be honest i was also surprised that I took to watercolours better than I did to coloured pencils and pastels.... I thought i'd do better with coloured pencils (at least) because I work with regular pencils a lot and coloured pencils are still pencils???? but no :O???

I like the looks of watercolours, but the thing that I am finding difficult to work with is the 'waiting for things to dry' bit, it's really distracting :3

I will definitely try to make more, though! at least to fill up the pad! I'll just have to... properly plan to allocate time to do them... I think if i can set it aside and then draw other things in the meanwhile, I'll be able to keep going back to the watercolours... time management is a skill !

Featured Author: @grimjim
The Problem of Being Evil (Radio Play Version)

Images property of @grimjim

We wrap up today's Author Showcase with a great little story created by @grimjim. He does some great voices to go along with this unusual story and video. I must warn you, this video is totally NOT politically correct, but that is exactly the point. It is a wonderful parody of just that.

The cast of characters includes the evil Count Douche Nozzle, his loyal and oft abused assistant minion Vomit, and the Agent to the Universe. The evil Count's patience is put to the test by the Agent of the Universe in a number of hilarious ways.

I'm a long-time writer, videographer and game designer - people can find links to more of what I do on my YouTube channel or at Post Mortem Studios -- @grimjim

This Curie Author Showcase was written by Curie Curator @randomwanderings (Gene) at times with input from other Curie curators and reviewers. All images and quoted texts are the copyright of their respective authors.



dohohohoho thank you so much, ranwan ..... i am flattered * __ *

....... and now a little bit embarrassed as well XD

goes away to hide in a hole

lol Nothing to be embarrassed about - you do great work! You're very welcome, it is well deserved.

Congrats mate!! :D

Great showcase of talented artists! Thank you for all your hard works, curie curators, especially randomwanderings for creating this post :).

Congrats @curie for your initiative

Loved expecially the Owls of @jonatftforest

I like the Oath of Owls

Hope you have a Blessed Day

Meanwhile feel free and like/enjoy my music

Wow I am honored and excited! Your support is greatly appreciated @curie
I will continue trying my best at creating quality content here and nothing less. Thanks again for the feature, I can't wait to see what the future holds for this awesome platform. I am here to stay

its beautiful art .. have a nice travel

really @curie if make good skill is good with paint from pencil, if paint color is bright and good, what else if make something like skill paint painting.

The content they found to cure is fantastic! I like the help they give to other artists on their way to grow in Steem

As always thanks Curie (And team)! you do such a service to the quality content creators here on Steemit.

Thank you for curie, with this event can increase appreciation for work on Steemit, especially for content drone on Steemit, my hope with this event can increase quality post too :)

And I think drone content is a new thing that deserves better appreciation in Steemit, so it keeps growing and giving spirit for drone lovers to keep creativity and work :)

Organizer The Flying Photographer Contest [Photo & Video Drone] & Steemit Drone Lovers - Community

Join on discord channel Steemit Drone Lovers - Community