The SFT Curates 12/2/17

Contests are a great place to find good fiction. It seems a little friendly competition brings out the best in many writers. We parsed through the entries for the recent Hardfork Series contest and GMuxx's Art Prompt Contest, and we found some real gems. We bring three of them to you today, and will have more in a follow-up post, along with some other great discoveries we've made.
We chose these selections because they are tightly written, well-edited, and show creative innovation. The authors were willing to work hard to get the technical aspects right, as well as the storytelling mechanics.
These curated stories will appear today in the SFT Library.
CURATION: 12/3/17
Our selections today are listed alphabetically by username: “iSee: Pact With a Digital Devil,” by @GMuxx, "Impact" by @rhondak, and “Cabin Boy,” by @thinknzombie.

The SFT is always accepting donations to support talented fiction authors on Steemit. Please send SBD or Steem gifts to @sft. You can also support the SFT by following our curation trail or purchasing a Steemshelf. All Steemshelf monies go to @sft. Our curators take no percentage. They are volunteers, and often donate SBD themselves for author rewards.
This curation trail was conceptualized by @andrewgenaille, @rhondak, @mk40, and @swelker101. Logo created by @pegasusphysics. If you would be interested in lending your support through delegation, please contact @mk40 or @swelker101.

Thank you @sft! It is an honor to be listed in the SFT library. I really appreciate it.
an interesting motive I like it @jamilkhan
Congratulations to three more excellent authors. Keep up the good work!
Thank you for picking my story. I am truly honoured to have it featured on @sft
Excellent choices this time around, once again. Great work from everyone!