
@steemchiller is the first that comes to mind.

He is very underappreciated for the enormous service he provides for the community. STEEMWORLD is the most important app of them all in my opinion. Without it, I would power down and leave. I use it every day.

He is struggling to get paid the costs of the necessary server every month.
He can't even afford to run a witness server, because this would lose him 40 bucks every month in the beginning...

If this is true that’s a shame. I use Steemworld daily as well and throw him love with mostly all his posts. Which isn’t super often.

Get with it folks!!!!

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Yes it is true. I think he should do a proposal to let the reward pool pay for his expenses, at least for a year.
I upvote every post of him and sometimes even donate a few steem, but not enough people do it.

I think he WE should do a proposal to let the reward pool pay for his expenses, at least for a year.

Agreed! I had to modify the quote with a 'WE' instead of 'he' ...we certainly should do way more as a collective. :)

Everybody please check @buildawhale, that account posts every day , not copy-paste or anything like that and gets zero comments or love from steem community . totally undiscovered ! Check it out please @themarkymark

@minismallholding is everything you're looking for. Detailed, quality posts about homesteading on a small, residential block; homeschooling her two girls, and community building on the chain.
She works tirelessly to encourage and support genuine newcomers, and has shown nothing but wisdom and kindness in the 2 years I've known her online and then in person at the Adelaide meetups.

This only just pinged up in my partiko notifications (they must be starting to work again).

Posted using Partiko Android

She's a writer. Romance-based novels. And she also does photography of places she travel as well as some cooking-related posts.

A handyman. Posting variety of DIY content from homesteading, practical household maintenance, and sometimes STEM stuff.

Thanks for the mention!! It is much appreciated! Cheers

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Posts about country/western history
Random interesting stuff
Redneck jokes

I have been following him for about a year. He helped me get into steemit and showed me how to find my way around.
I think he hs been here almost two years.

Most interactive person on steemit.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Love me some @janton as well.

Posted using Partiko iOS

lol! Thank you sir blewitt, feelings mutual!

he is always in the top of the esteem leaderboard. Super active guy.

Howdy sir badger! oh you are too kind! I do get around but I don't think the quality of my posts are very high, usually I'm just playing around. lol. But thank you so much for the support and the kind words!

He's a Polish photographer who posts high quality landscapes and seascapes. I've been following him for a few months. He doesn't engage much but his work is worth much, much more than what he has been getting except for a few of his last posts that were discovered by @curie. I'd keep an eye on him. has put out a lot of posts that have earned ridiculously low rewards for their quality. He is not at least currently powering or transferring anything out.

He appears to be a professional photographer whose web page is this:

There are a lot but one of 'em is gotta be @apolymask. I haven't seen a more honest, down-to-earth, and incredibly good conversationalist on Steem. He is also the host of a contest series called the @IFC in which he gives opportunity to authors to display their talents.

His posts are usually an expression of his opinions and ideas along with some incredible photography.

I'm 100% sure that he's not here just for the money. He genuinely loves interacting and sharing ideas with other people.

Just take a look at his comments. He actually takes his time to carefully read and share his views on people's articles. I've had some of the most thoughtful discussions with him and even though he might not agree with something, he still respects other people's opinions.

The guy is legit. If I had to vote, it'd be him.

Aw. Shucks. Thanks for the nice words my friend. That made me a bit emotional. I just wish I could do an even better job as I mentioned in one of my last messages to you that I can't even keep up with it all sometimes. I know there's a number of messages from you specifically that I've been unable to get back to, but I really do my best and it has nothing to do with money because I do the same thing on the other social media platforms I'm on where I make no money. I just think it's the right thing to do and I would like to be treated like that so I do my best to treat others with respect as well.

I think I should leave a comment and give you a shout out on this post as well since you're similar and you put out a lot of high quality content and engage with your audience in a great way. You deserve more attention as well! Thanks again for the kind words and for brightening my day.

When @enforcer48 sets his mind to it, he can churn out some pretty cool stuff. I vote for him.

Account: @plantstoplanks

Genre: gardening and cooking
Account Age: 2 years
Powering up: yes
Effort: yes
Engaging: yes

True to her name she first grows and gathers the food. Afterword she prepares and plates it to make it look nice. You get more than just a couple of photos you get a story. Quite a cool concept between the name and the content.

Just now seeing this, but you've got me humbled once again @enjar! Truly appreciate the shout out. I will definitely continue doing my best to pay the good karma forward!

@natubat get's very little attention but I have been supporting her for the best part of a year. She's been gone for a while but has just come back.

I know for a fact she's invested when the price was higher but doesn't get the recognition she deserves for her work.

She's a crazy hiker, climbs mountains in the Scottish highlands and presents us with great detail and maps. She's also a big commenter, something which as you know, is going to recede now.

I second that!!!!!

You've never steered me wrong before sir-chops. Sounds like something i would enjoy... thanks for the tip.

She's got some hike material ready.., what's more she goes up these monster's alone and pitches tents.. madness! but I love it. I don't have the balls to do such things, though I try and climb the lesser ones when the weather doesn't suck here.

I'd like to mention a couple of names from the natural medicine tribe..... they're pretty consistent with content that is high quality IMHO:

@riverflows, @alchemage, @nateonsteemit, @porters, @binkyprod, @walkerland, @artemislives, @crescendoofpeace, @owasco, @mountainjewel, @trucklife-family .... there are so many more, I'd have to go find their accounts to ensure I get their Steem account names right....

Aaaaw - thank you!! x