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RE: Steemit Update [ May 30th, 2022 ] : Community Curators for June

Team IAT (lifestyle) is ready to continue its work.
Thanks for trusting us for another curation period.


I am ready to work more selflessly in the new period.
It was a pleasure to undertake this task again.

Count me in for another month 👍 I look forward to continuing to watching the community grow 🚀

All set for another month of curation.

I confirm that I am ready to continue working. I naively believe that by rewarding authors for quality content, we encourage them to write better :-)

Олеже, вітаю Вас і Вашу команду!!! Молодці! Щиро рада за вас всіх 🎉👏❤️

Дякую! Намагатимусь виконувати роботу не гірше ніж досі, а може навіть краще :-)

Бажаю цікавих постів і ніяких порушень😉 з боку авторів

@o1eh вітаю!!!


Please leave your discord and telegram here, thanks!

Ups, sorry.

Discord: Chriddi#0350
Telegram: @chriddi1