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RE: New Allies Against @berniesanders Delivered On The Silverplate By No Other Than... @berniesanders

@doodlebear you would have been better getting @heiji n under control. That guy is just raping everyone on mass with his 10 posts a day and $100s from one character upvoting. Personally this is an issue with STEEMIT; not bernie. So many things are screwed up and it's not OTHER steemian whale's fault.

I still remember @berniesanders apologize publicly when he is wrong about something. That shows character and I remembered it. He also earned a lot on steemit using his own ingenuity and he actually upvotes is followers (unlike heijin)

I'm not on team "bernie" or team "heijin". We all don't like what goes on here; IRONICALLY ENOUGH INCLUDING BERNIE. He posts about a lot of the bad shit that goes on here.

You are not going to make steemit platform BETTER by creating another war. - And it's a war I don't think you can win. Just leave it be, or make recommendations for the next hard fork.

Personally if you had so many people helping you I would have thought you would be delegated tons of steem to fight it.


I exposed @berniesanders for what he really is in my posts.

Just take a look at any of my posts (which I HAD to spam constantly to drain his VP and also to get the exposure I needed) and you can see just how far the abuse goes by @berniesanders.

He even got lazy at one point in making alternate accounts to abuse with and made "nextgen-InsertNumberHere-" accounts!

Please, do your due dilligence and check out, not only my posts, but his steemd track record on upvotes/downvotes. He's got many many more accounts than just the ones I've found, I'm sure, but those were only the ones that I could PROVE were his beyond a shadow of a doubt (based on voting/downvoting patterns, delegations, transactions, etc!)!

The real abuser here is the one who cries "ABUSE!!" the most, it is, none other than the inbred, cousin-fucker, that is, @berniesanders! :))

Here's a link to one of my latest posts, showing @berniesanders' alternate account list! I believe it's STILL growing.. which is sad.. He truly is a sociopathic dipshit! Let's take this fucking piece of shit out, together! :)

Thanks for your input. I looked into the allegations against @haejin and wrote this post about it. The bottom line: Not haejin is raping the reward pool. It is @berniesanders who is doing it (along with a few others).

But, I'd like to point out that I am not doing this for haejin (or any other whale). I do this for me and all users like me who get harassed by bernie constantly without any reason. Bernie might have a good side, but his bad side is equally big and it is devastating. He effectively enacts censorship on this platform against users who can't fight back. This should be an absolute no-go on Steemit, as I think.

@berniesanders is regularly abusing his power as whale and he must learn the lesson that you can't just go on like that. I am convinced that either we manage to stop him, or he will eventually destroy the Steem blockchain.

Ignore the whiny bitch. Look at his wallet, he doesn't have enough SP to buy dinner let alone have any effect flagging you. He also has done nothing but make empty threats he cannot back up. Not a single flag given. Why? Because he's a pussy. Flag the pussy.

How is it that all these @berniesanders dick riders dont see that he owns multiple accounts and rapes the reward pool himself while complaining about others doing it? And OMG isnt he just sooooo cool when he talks all hard? Like he's a tough guy and might actually do something to you in the real world? lol He's a sad lonely nobody with too much money in steem and this is all he has. I would feel sorry for him if he wasn't such piece of shit. Also, notice in his message he is responding with he says "Look at his wallet, he doesn't have enough SP to buy dinner let alone have any effect flagging you" LOL as if that is the real measure of someones wealth and that a persons wealth determines whether or not they are worth listening to. You can see what kind of mind he is working with.

Smart people don't have much steem or steempower because you make it worthless bernie, and it's only a matter of time before you ruin the platform. I keep my little bit just in case you disappear. Fingers crossed.

Ain't gonna happen. Crawl back in your cave dipshit.

I wouldn't need to do anything in the real world, because you and doodledouche wouldn't come near me even if you could figure out who I was. Why? Because like him, you're a fucking pussy.

P.S. - Most of my money isn't in Steem. If you were smart enough to look at the blockchain you could probably figure that out.

Lol the keyboard crusading tough guy thinks he knows something about me. How cute. I bet you feel so cool behind that computer screen.