Some of the current events in the current world!

in #current-events6 years ago
  1. Venezuela: In the financial crisis, due to the high prices, nearly 1.2 million people have migrated as refugees in different countries. The country's President wants to come to the Facebook Live, meaning the work is nothing! If so, almost all people want to leave the country. President Nicholas Maduro left the power to be a little easier, but the truth is far from the pointless merciless power, now Facebook goes live! Niljas If this person is very angry, the countrymen could get peace, new people could come and take the country again, this is not a little bit of a feeling!

  2. Taliban: The Taliban in Afghanistan are being noticed again. They are talking about occupying some of Afghanistan's cities. Sometimes the war is going on. This is a strange situation in the world.

  3. The floods of Kerala: The Indian government did not give much importance to the first time, but later it took a turn! There is a great deal of help from the various states and the central government.

  4. Saudi Yemen War: Saudi is fighting with Yemen, we can not find any explanation about it. World media is not promoting news on this issue as well. All the people of the world, especially Muslims, are surprised! There is no doubt that the destruction of small children in poor Yemen, including murder of school children! On the other hand, if the country has been occupied by another meaning of war, it can not be seen in the Saudis!

  5. Every day against the President of Mary Donald Trump, people are going on the streets, the protests are going on. Many civilized people do not like the interpretation of his policy, yet he is firm! There is no way to bring him without the election! But he is really a cheater chess! Many countries in the world and a great set of AMAZING taking advantage of the ease, America is now in the business of selling weapons of war. Shaving the two hands. On the other hand, Merida will not take any side against the Soudi Canada dispute, knowing how to be drunk, it is right!

  6. Uganda: After the arrest of an opposition leader in Uganda a few days ago, there is a strong movement all over the country, but what is the president taking in those days? He thinks like himself, is going to kill, kill and shoot the state. But the situation is getting worse, day after day, suffering from the suffering of ordinary people! President Yuri Musievi has been in power since 1986, does not want to leave! The greed of power, great greed, once you sit and do not want to leave! Just want to improve!
