Cut kites, short story.....

in #cut-kite6 years ago


'Balayakhela' - that means childhood favorite game. I want to call the games that have had a lot of love before being created to play chess, Ludu, Tass, Keram, football, cricket, badminton, etc. before the interest in the game. Notable among the children's games were kites, dungs, marble, latitudes, seven attempts, bombfights etc. Hadudu, Dariabanda also played sometimes. There were many types of games, whether it was a lot, or marble. Not all are remembered today. Even though the feeling of feeling is still awakening old days.

My player's life is the fate of failure. Seldom won Yet the liquor is addiction. Losing could not prevent the addiction. Today I will tell the story of the addiction with kite. Many of the Red Kites have lost in space due to the kite flying. Due to the inefficiency of Manza giving the yarn, I could never win a trophy. Yet the interest in kite did not diminish. I was not interested in the plot. My only addiction to reach the highest point in the sky. Although I was not interested in the plot, there was no way to stop the aggression. Often the kite saw a dusty kite coming from the sky with the fly. The sky terrorism started. As soon as the fight started on the legs, the Gotta would come forward to eat to eat my innocent floating bite. There is no escape. Before bringing it down, the terrorist kite would come down on my chest. At the moment gaggle was cut off by strangers in the unknown. There were several colonies surrounding the kites from all colonies. It was also difficult to tell who gave it to the top. The red-blue-green kites that have lost and the dad's father's dad got scared of this invisible assassin.

Another drunken ride in the kite is the twist behind the thread. It was a screaming tale, and now it is a surprise to think of this cut-off kite. Some people had their own garden in the colonies. Often I heard that a kite came to the ammun in the garden of Amukad, and the punk kites were seen on the coconut palm of Tamuk. What was that jealous? If we had a garden, we would have been sorry! It was a fate to find the cut kite with long yarns. In the face of the elderly, that means, in the face of big-grandchildren Nine-Tens, they often heard these stories. We never got a big chance that we could not run away with five-fifth-time Polapan. Besides, there is no kite that can not be seen unknowingly. Once the exceptions are made. At noon, I was going to the backyard and I opened my silence door. I suddenly looked at the sky in front. A red kite floating in the stilt. Alone Who is picking beautiful kites Where I saw the last head to find the beginning of the thread, That's a thornbush. My chest got bogged down. Cut head with a bushes It's a cut-off kite. It has come here to float from somewhere. Nobody noticed anyone at noon. Such an opportunity has never come in my life. I'm so confused Running without delay, grabbed the thread. Very long It will take time to drag. Nevertheless, we are pushing and weighing the threads.

I did not get enough. Hunker came from the roof of the third building. "OoOi ... and ... Eh ... ohooi ... ... do not touch it, we're seeing before, discount now ...." She said, "Let's take care of it, niece meer khobi" standing on the edge of the ceiling, two colonies of two mighty elder brothers. An unwritten rule was to cut the kite. The owner of the eyes whose eyes fall before. But the rules were often violated when the kites were earlier seen in the eyes of young people like me. Power was greater than rule. I am completely disappointed that this is happening now. I'm sure that they have not seen this kite before, I've seen it before. But now it will take away the power. But it will take time to get off the roof, Chandu's will have to come around. The roof stairs are within the building and the path is in front. It's back direction I keep on hand so boldly. They can be as much as they can before they come. Suddenly, the two pipes below the roof of the cornice have come down, and the two of the monkeys are falling down on their hands. Incredible! I'll catch it now. That is why they grow ash ash. The other part of the karai trash and hand cash with the scales of the hand, I ran. It's time to go through. The irritation of this failure has driven me a long time. There is a lonely manuscript in the eye with a long sleeved scarf on the sky.