Need Some Awwwww to Brighten Your Day? How About Cute Baby Animals

in #cute8 years ago was one of my favorite sites when needing a little bit of AWWWW on certain days. Unfortunately I found that they're shutting down. This was the site that really got me to start searching out exotic baby animals, sloths in particular. So if you're having a bad day, here's a little cuteness to hopefully help out.

Click here if you would like to take a look at 10 years of Uber Cute at before it does actually disappear.

[Note: These are not my pictures. All of these are from a "labeled for reuse" Google image search.]

Baby Sloths

These little guys just tear at my heart strings being so tiny and adorable. They're even better when you see them just hanging from a finger. I don't know why, but they always look like they have a huge grin on their faces for the camera.

Emperor Tamarins

These little guys always reminded of the old style curly mustaches from the more fancy people in the Old Wild Wild West. Amazing how nature can create something as spectacular that they could probably rival some of the worlds mustache competition winners.Tamarin's are a part of the primate family and are found in South America.

Baby Hedgehogs

I love how hedgehogs are all prickly yet don't really hurt when handling them. It's even cuter when they stare at you while in a half ball! Hedgehogs are a have a distant relation to ancient shrews and were naturally found in parts of Europe, Asia and Africa.


I love the looks that Lemurs give and how they hop around. Yes, they really hop! A part of the primate family, they are only naturally found on the island of Madagascar where there are a ton or different species.

Common Brown Lemur

Mouse Lemur

Dwarf Lemur

And my favorite, The Ring Tailed Lemur

I hope these guys made your day a little bit brighter. They've always been helpful for me!

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Image Sources:
Baby Sloth 1
Baby Sloth 2
Baby Sloth 3
Tamarin 1
Tamarin 2
Hedgehog 1
Hedgehog 2
Hedgehog 3
Lemur 1
Lemur 2
Lemur 3
Lemur 4


Sloths are painfully cute. I spend a lot of time looking at cute animals online lol And some sad documentaries bout how they're all in some kind trouble. Like the slow loris, so cute and tiny ppl wnt them as pets. even tho they have....poisonous elbows (how can you detox poisonous elbows!?)

and a Tarsier having some grub

Awwww! I do agree though, many of these shouldn't really be kept as pets (or drive the market to capture them for that.) The poisonous elbows made me think of that spike on the duck billed platypus whose venom excites the pain receptors...people actually can die purely from pain from those guys if not treated. (Strange useless facts in my head, lol)

it's so playful! lol

I was just talking about tarsiers hadn't spotted this!

the sloth is so cute. so are the hedgehogs.
this is my cutie: Her name was Evie :)

Adorable! Is she a ferret?

She is! Sadly she's passed on but I've got 4 still. At one point I was taking care of 10 ferrets because people kept dropping them off to me once they realized how high-maintenance they are. Some came from abused homes. Some were mean because they weren't socialized. I just love their playful nature and teddy bear ears. LOL

You can't go wrong with cute animals! You should check out tarsirs too. They look like the closest thing to real mogwai!

Awww, they're so cute! Do they stay that way if i feed them after midnight? Lol

Lol. I hope so. I think they are what the actual mogwai were based on.

when I read your title, I was tempted to answer: "these can be eaten". Then I saw the pictures... ;)

Woots! Just one person's day brightened makes this post totally worth it! (I'll admit I needed this one for myself too, lol)

Thanks. It sure helped. Our weather is rainy and cold today.

So glad it helped! I know the rainy/cold days get to me too. Kind of ironic how most the animals I included we're all in rather warm regions...probably a subconscious thing going on there. Lol

Too much cuteness. This post could end up holding the Steemit record of replies. :p

HAHA! That'd be pretty awesome! Steemit needed a day of overwhelming cuteness I'm sure. :)

That face makes me think of spice weasels (from futurama!)