Unevenness is even in the fabric of the universe.

in #cybernat5 years ago (edited)

If the universe was spread uniformly evenly with whatever it is made of and makes it, it wouldn't be hard to imagine where we all would be if we would be at at all. In other words everything and any thing at all had what we call a material and objective reality it owes its existence and continuance to the mere fact of uneven distribution of the stuff of the universe all across the board.
As the unevenness in the universe is characterized by uneven distribution of the stuff of the universe the universe itself is in turn an entity that may be a product and continuum of an unevenness. The unevenness that gave us the galaxies, planets, stars and planets is that that gave us the continents countries and regions uneven unique and different. Uneven distribution did not only spread the stuff that made anything and everything but made them as well unique and different; the same uniqueness and difference that transcends all existence of material reality bar none. That is so as suggested by quantum mechanics that the existence of two or more similar quantum states are not allowed by any material realty at the same time though there seems an exception to quantum enabled entities which even then are separated by space which renders the exception as none exception. As that is a subject of more and intense study and not the object of this writing suffice it to say that much and pass on to the objective I am about try a handle on. The subject of uneven distribution and what it means to our daily lives and how it had effected us and how it will continue to shape and mold us to be better and fit for the lives and life forms to follow. We are as all life is a product sculpted, forged and formed, shaped, re shaped, ground and refined ,tuned and returned in response and by the force of uneven distribution of the stuff of the universe that is instrumental to the reality of diverse environment. In life more so than any reality in the universe is these diversity more pronounced both for a reason and a vital one too. Diverse life that is which came about as direct result of the unevenness that defines the known universe more than any of the other attributes exhibits a unique reverse cycle that seems and perhaps truthfully accentuate and necessitate more of diversity and unevenness. Diversity is the progenitor specialization in its crude form and more refined and complex forms that necessitates and perpetrates cooperation and interdependence to hold the system standing in place and continue. Pulling out of of the specialized member entities is like pulling out one of the pillars of the system or structure that renders the stability of the system suspect. When we get to the race of humanity, nation and tribe if nothing else the diversity in speciality gets even more pronounced than anytime and anywhere else. We differ matters of importance and special privileges to specialists and to authorities on particulars and not succumb to amateurism more so now than anytime in our past known history. The depth and width of knowledge and the means of knowing are such that things considered trivia in the past are matters that could take one a life time to specialize. As specialties widen and specialists multiply, for quality and refinement we differ to specialists and interdependence is acknowledged and celebrated. Differing to specialists as some control flicks might have it does not take the power of decision from the any principal, but enables make one on the best information, know how and knowledge there is.
When cancer strikes, we defer to the oncologist not even the doctor, when we need to build a highway we differ to that civil engineer, on matters of the economy we differ to the economist and on matters of space flight we obviously differ it to the astronauts and etc. These have by in large been how our predecessors and contemporaries made most of the significant and not so significant decisions they did until modern means of knowledge proliferation made some of us as half baked specialists of all and and masters of none not afraid and ashamed to exhibit our raw edge even in matters that are detrimental to our own status and wellbeing that ought be differed to specialists who made it their business to specialize in and . What specialists have is often a hard irrefutable fact established through search, research, experiments and statistical data that could possibly best approximate the scenario for whom the advice and opinion of the specialist is sought. In nature and particularly in life when specialized entities disappear or are some how rendered in effective by acts of life itself or nature ,often mistakes that are expensive ,detrimental and not so expensive happen. Specialized entities work in consort to assure mistakes from happening and if they happen they have built in mechanisms by which they are filtered and discarded to protect the wellbeing of the system as a whole . If at other times better specialities arise suited to advance the the well being of the community they are differed to for their specialized contribution as needed. In the same tradition of life our own human subspecies had adopted these tradition more than any other had had been well served by it. Perhaps Among one of the greatest attributes of these deferment to specialists is one that had helped human socio economic development from rudimentary forms to its most complex and modern forms. It is not with out failures in experimentations ,mistakes in implementations and practices less than perfect that it reached its modern and contemporary state. Failures to differ to specialist had in human history been instrumental in the emergence of fascism, communism, despotism, dictatorships and many other. Socio economic formations that had by in large setback to the forward trajectory of human development and perhaps it is still one of the greatest drags on human developmental path in parts of the world . Ironically this indifference to professionals and specialists is on the rise even in those countries most celebrated and sited for their exemplary democratic practices.
We have reached a stage in the practice of democracy it seems where the role of professionals has to be redefined as there seems a colossal clash of opinions between the citizen ,the politician, the careerist ,the professional and the academic. As every group is vital and indispensable to the well functioning of the society the relative weight of each groups opinion cries for some sort of a balance to smoothen the rough edges of contention. As opinion of every citizen is important and crucial ,every citizen is neither a doctor ,political scientist, economist or carrier civil-service person not to differ to the specialists in the field and put the opinions on the balance accordingly. These might seem like Pluto's discrediting the peasant vote for the peasants knowledge of government to be minimal or none existent for him to make a rational judgement in his voting on matters of government, that as it is the truth is that if nothing else even the most backward peasant knows at least what is working for him and not working for him if nothing else and over all that he pays tax for his vote to be null and void as per Pluto"s claim. In short he knows some and he is the boss too by as much as his tax contribution , but should he differ to specialist to issues of speciality is the issue . Though the peasant is referred to here because Pluto made the argument centuries ago, it does not preclude any of the other social groups from differing to specialists even specialists in specialities different from that of their own.that is what kept the house in order and that will keep the human house in order as we look forward to the coming challenging beautiful years. Challenging because challenges are the precursors of opportunity and and beautiful because we can certainly be optimists that all challenges as in the past will for sure will be met in the future producing ample opportunities and rewards of being met.
The idea of democracy or for that matter, quantum physics or Kantian economics never started a revelation to the masses as a mass awareness all at time, they just explode in the world and national stage form a single person's awareness and discovery by serendipity or hard laborious work and keen observation exactly as in the Big Bang origin of the Universe. A Big Bang in the mind of some one, destined to be great by the spread and acceptance of his ideas as a widely held belief or thought trend as it becomes an irrefutable fact proven by rigorous experiments, examinations and applications. As in all things that through time ,democracy too had bread and grown tentacles organs and appendages to the support its healthy and desirable continuance in time to the near future and posterity. In its tenure to date it had not only developed organs and appendages it had as well mutated in to detrimental mutants that were corrected and discarded and advantages mutants that survived and thrived to the forms that are considered today most virulent. As it is known that mutations happen because of environmental stresses among many reasons , the stress the best of democracies known to date are being stressed and the stress is out in the open to indicate that both detrimental and advantageous mutations are inevitable .
When system of slavery stressed slave ownership was in the way of the progress of the majority that the stress had to be eased by an act of emancipation, when feudalism was stressed like wise it was ease by revolutions of the kinds of the Paris commune and the peasant revolutions of china and Russia and by the adoption of the parliamentary system of the UK and others who followed suite . Stress can often be measured by disparities of the two poles of the socioeconomic spread, and the further apart they go the greater the stress level and the stark and distinct the future visions become and the vantage points they view them. When 8 individuals own as much as the lower one half of the worlds population it wont be hard to imagine the vantage points the world is looking at the future. It seems and it is that these 8 are like sky bound skyscrapers spread all over the world among shanty towns that the owner residents of the skyscrapers can look at the world from their heights and the shanty towner could lookup and see so much of the towering structure and cast its shadow over them thanks to the merits of globalization, No wonder one of the leading tensor is globalization. While the leading edge of the global population fully embraced it the lagging edge of the world population datasets it and rejects it ; there is a global distaste for globalization as there is great embrace and love. These are two titanic forces on a collusion course that policy makers can not afford to overlook and simply dismiss. If the tension is to be eased it seems that those skyscrapers should some how get some base and look like pyramids than spikes and be stable and let at least some of the shanty toners scale some extents of their heights and see the world at large that the skyscrapers skewed view of the world beyond their nose.
Career, profession, speciality, public service and pure knowledge. It is often easy to get carried in one in to the other in any discussion relating one or the other that discreet clarity in definition and. Practice could take us some distance in defining and understanding the vital rolls-each play in our daily life's. When one sets out in a mastery of a subject matter of special branch of the fields of knowledge one is -on the path of specialization and when is set out to make a speciality one acquired through training and schooling a means of earning a living then one is on a career path. On the contrary when one is inspired by a condition he sees need be changed by a political action and collects petitions and run on issued one deemed important and gains public approval and mandate to make the promised changes he is on a path to public service. It seems public service is what the name specifies "PUBLIC SERVICE". And is different from profession, career that there is no pre qualification but an interest and a specific set of issues that are of public interest to resolve and a consensus that those issues raised are indeed matters of public interest and priority that needed to be resolved in a given time frame. Mandates for accomplishment of a task fail or succeed are often limited by time and as such public service mandates are time limited and time sensitive by nature. When mandates are extended and over extended and public servants are stuck in a place for all times the task changes its character and becomes a career with out the pre qualifying specialization. Political science is supposedly the specialization in the field of politics, but democracy as described doesn't require of politicians the specialization in the science because it assumes or takes in to consideration the temporal nature of political representation. For life political or public assignments are problematic and perhaps one of the ills that tense the contemporary democratic systems.
