Daily Dose - Procuring The Skies For A Chaotic Winter Storm On Approach
Something a lot of observers like myself notice about these chemtrails, and the patterns of which they operate..
Whoever these scum bags are, always make sure to spray out ahead of any major weather system that is forecast to rain down on the ground with any form of precipitation. They paint the skies in the days prior leading up to the storm.. to enhance, toxify, add nucleation sites and ionic elements to the atmosphere.... which can then be further manipulation by all the damned 5G cell towers pumping out all their RF microwaves.
Going out on a limb here.. but to suggest these folks can push air masses together and create weather systems like this., well its warfare! Wake up people!
Anyone out there denying these truths should simply spend 5 minutes and watch the ex CIA director, and current traitor to the USA and the people of the world really, hold a conference on “chemtrails” and geoengineering to a group of wealthy ArisocRats.
Aluminum, Barium, Strontium... the list goes on..
Is this what you want to breathe in?
Without going into too much detail, aluminum is a neurotoxin.. recently I read or heard that Aspartame, the fake sugar/ chemical, has been found to enhance the bodies uptake of aluminum. Which is bad. So choose your foods wisely too.
Not just trying to poison us with the air.. but it’s also in the food. And they work in tandem apparently... like someone really thought that out.
Much like how Hollywood used their movies to present the evils future plans... in particular thought at the moment, Geostorm. Although I did not view the Hollywood film, I can get a good understanding from previews and will say that shit is predictive programming.
Putting two and two together is easy. They put microwave magnetron beams and lasers on satellites and orbit the earth ready to incinerate any location in minutes.... MUCH LIKE THE RECENT FIRES IN CALIFORNIA, paradise California, rest their souls.
Wake the fuck up people, this is war against good and evil. I mean come on, we still have no conclusion on how the hell the twin towers completely vanished that fateful days some 18 years ago. Sick of all this shit and everyone just ignores it.. which allows it to continue.
And I got to bring a Son into this forsaken world. I pray every day to Heavenly Father things change, and change soon. Stay safe everyone.
Besides the chemtrails, the sky was pretty awesome that Thursday morning on our way to the ultrasound doc. What you see here are Kelvin Helmholtz waves and they are simply a result of two separate layers in the atmosphere moving in different directions and the shear force caused by friction generates these clouds.
Pretty neat.
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