Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 02/06/19> No need to panic… it was just bad timing.

in #dailydose6 years ago

As luck would...

As luck would have it I just got back in the “groove” of doing the Daily Dose, proclaimed I was back and just a quick as I could publish that Daily Dose I ended up missing the next day. Talk about bad timing; that was bad timing to say the least. I had good reason though to push this old Dell computer aside and grab my even older one; I actually can make some money with that one.

The customer...

The customer that I am doing the bulk of the design work has gotten pretty good about sending me the drawings he needs a couple weeks in advance so I have time to get them done and back to him. Normally he will wait until Friday afternoon and then send them all at once that way I have all weekend to get started on them. This past Friday though there weren’t any drawings in the inbox so I had some time on my hands and that was nice.

The builder that he works for though send him a couple first thing Monday morning and one of them they needed on Tuesday morning to turn in for permitting with the city so I ended up working well into the night and damn near morning in order to get it done.

It didn't help...

It didn’t help me either that I had gotten up early on Monday since I had a three hour drive ahead of me Monday morning and I knew we would have a real dense fog on Monday morning, I saw it starting to build up on Sunday evening when I went to pick up the youngest boy from a super bowl party he had attended. I was glad I left early because that fog made that three hour drive damn near a four hour one. But that cut into my sleep so I was pretty well whooped when I got home Monday night.

So this is going to be short and maybe sweet, the sweet part is today is T-Bone’s twenty first birthday. It is sweet for him since now he is of legal drinking age. It will just add to my grey hair now having to wonder if he can control his alcohol consumption when he is out with his friends. You can only caution and warn them so much and even though he is a good kid, good kids can make mistakes too. This is something that only time will tell but it doesn’t make any easier on me or the Mrs. and the Mrs. is a worrier from the word go on just about everything.

According to UPS...

According to UPS his birthday present should be delivered before the end of the day today so while he may not have it open early in the day he should at least be able to open it on his birthday. Like I had said in a comment to someone, I think more of the business cards will end up being handed out to young hot chicks in the bars rather than for business but what the hell, business cards are tools and you have to use all the tools at your disposal if you want to succeed in life. One of the measurements of success for a young man is just how hot that chick on your arm is when you are out and about.

I am caught...

I am caught up on drawings now, I just finished the second of the two I got on Monday so if I don’t see any new ones in my inbox today I will be able to start going into some details on the items I mentioned the other day.
So that is it for this edition, I need some sleep and the eye lids are sagging fast.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose of Sultnpapper. Please check out this post by a fellow Texan and great story teller when it comes to the old west; @janton ; https://steemit.com/history/@janton/butch-and-sundance-bitter-butch-strikes-back-99c822f2cae23est


I'm just excited about your 'consulting service' and understand that sometimes that business can get hurried. It's a really good thing to do an occasional 'super rush' job for a good client. It can be a back scratch exchange...

T Bone. It's a happy, scary day. I get it.

I think, I believe, that you've done your part, showing him the world and the way it turns. It's really all you can do: Put the base down and trust in the kid and what drives him.

So, enjoy your dinner tonight. It's a big deal and all of you have earned this night. You and Mrs. Papper and the entire family. Have some fun! Besides, grey hair wears well on you.

We had some nasty fog this week as well. I hate it when I can't even seen the tail lights of the car in front of me. Makes me afraid I am going to run right up their tail pipe. Today it was ice. Lots and lots of ice!

Howdy sir sultnpapper! sorry I missed the voting limit on this post but wanted to stop in and say hi. It's a good thing you can make it without a lot of sleep though. Tell T-bone not to get into trouble in Texas. My gosh with my wife working for the county jail we are shocked at how severe the punishments are for minor and first time offenses, many of them DUI's.
At least in this part of Texas it's some serious stuff!

One thing I have been able to do all my life is go on 5 to 6 hours of sleep with no problems and that has paid off big for me several times. If I sleep to long I wake up with a headache most times.
I tell the T-Bone all the time that the old campaign "Don't Mess With Texas" wasn't just about littering, the state had a second motive with the use of the slogan. I think he gets it about how the cops and sheriffs are just looking for reason to pull you over so they can look for other things to charge you with.
As I am guilty of driving before under the influence I was lucky enough to never get pulled over and never caused or got into any wrecks. That was many, many years ago when I was young and stupid and have come to realize just how dangerous those actions were. I use to have a website promoting sober driving and created several bumper stickers that reflected that position, well mainly attacking drunk drivers. One of my favorites was this one, "There is a place in our society for drunk drivers... the county jail."

Howdy sir sultnpapper! Since you do well on 5 or 6 hours of sleep do you try to get 8 hours just because that's more normal and recommended or do you try to get 6 hours?
I'm similar. If I get 6 hours then I'm fine.

It's so true about the drunk drivers and I love that statement you have about the county jail and that should persuade anyone to only drive when they're sober, that place sucks! lol.

What about the Daily Dose? People have to be wondering and going through withdrawals!

Seldom do I ever use an alarm clock, for years I have normally woke up between 5:45 and 6:15 so I always try and get to sleep before midnight. Lately though I have been up well past midnight working on drawings and the last three months of working at the old place I needed to be on the road by 6:25 each day in order to make it work on time.
Now I work from home so no need to commute or anyone worrying about if I am on time. Very similar to how the old job was for the prior eleven years, my customers don't want to see me before 9:30 at the earliest unless we have an event planned for that day when they open.
I am hoping to get back to do doing the Daily Dose soon, I kind of jumped the gun in the last Daily Dose proclaiming I was back. I have a bunch of new products that I have to get up to speed on that are taking a lot of my "free " time plus doing drawings.
I promise I will get back here doing it regularly but it will be hit and miss for a while if I can get any in at all.
To tell you how busy I have been; I have played one poker game in the last 15 days and that was only because it was the finals of the Team Up series and I didn't want to let my team mates down by not showing up. I did finish 5th that day so I wasn't real rusty on my game.

wow sir sultnpapper, you are working from home? What about the new job with the company based out of Houston? Did I miss something? I knew you were doing the drawings for people but I thought that was just on the side.
Well as far as coming back everyone wants you to be well caught up and settled into your new life and schedule before that so they understand.

The company is based out of San Antonio area, I will be covering most of south Texas but mainly the Houston area, about 80% of my time will be in Houston but I office out of my house.

oh ok sir sultnpapper, NOW I understand! That is perfect! Dang that's a great set up!

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You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 392 (02/06/19)

21 is a big and important number, you can only hope that you have given him as much of your wisdom and knowledge as you could. The rest is all on him. I hope the grey hear will not grow fast :)

Ah, glad you mentioned the birthday again, as I forgot to send him an email. There will be a birthday greeting for him from me! 😃

The drawback to relying on business types is that it is on their time, and when they're running behind it puts a crimp in everyone else's plans by unreasonable expectations. But at least you got it done for them.
As for your son, I'll send his greetings through you with the new term for people that is being used now a days, "Dear Current Resident", or "Dear Valued Customer", Happy 21st Birthday!!!
Use your newfound age with common sense and wisdom!
Nice update @sultnpapper!

Thanks James. I am really sorry for the late reply. That is a great note for the boy, I need to check in with him and see just how many folks sent him birthday wishes and if he replied to them. His and my schedules are where we haven't seen much of each other the last couple of weeks.
I really appreciated that resteem, it didn't go unnoticed, THANKS!

No worries, sultnpapper, I know about the schedules and a thing called "Life".

With 17 that dreadfull 21 and the grey hair is in My future ! And I read jantons blog too