
Opps, i guess i increase your work load haha. Maybe you can nominate more judges and tweak around with adding on rules so can eliminate non quality.
If more rules, i suggest more reward :p

Was thinking of just closing it lol. Already giving out a lot (used to be only 2 - 3 winners) these days. :(

You wanna sponsor? XD

Maybe you can change to weekly contest by 1x daily food picture = 7 picture for 7 days meal in a post, so your post revenue able to cover :)
I'm still very new to Steem, just this 2 days able to get the whole picture. Right now calculating how much should i invest into Steem Power to earn come curation reward :)

You need to invest A LOT to make enough from curation rewards. I rather just focus on post rewards unless you have lots to invest.

yea planning on a lil heavy start up :) , let's not spam comment haha. let's call it a day... getting to bed, good night to you bro. Hopefully i able to get into top 3 place soon haha.

See you soon on upcoming post.