Daily Photo Selection 📷 Aug 31st 2017
All photos are featured with an explicite approval of authors.
@anri-avgustino opens a new Competition — Photo of flowers on the sky background, and it starts on September 1st.
Please state clearly in the comments how would you like to be featured in the “Daily Photo Selection”: with a linked photo, or with link only without a photo. We are making a list of photographers who are ready to improve the visibility of their work through the DPS. Thank you.
Sunday is a day of rest for all of us. Thank you.
@gringalicious this time prepared a true spectacle for your sense of taste and your sense of sight — Chocolate Pancakes + Honey Sweetened Cocoa Ganache…

@digitalis — a Butterfly close up. Really close…
@bescouted brought beautiful portraits from his Bali trip…

@bonggita found most charming Fennec Fox cub at the Belgrade Zoo.

@outerground bravely recorded Alien Invasive Species…

@old-guy-photos reports from the Ren Festival and Fair…
@jasonrussell recorded live music in a Hometown Show!

@anasz is showing us his countryside…

@stabe continues his report on Mostar grafitties…

@kommienezuspadt comes with a workflow in a Palm Springs Nude Bowl, on a really hot day!

@allmonitors keeps precious moments of street life in the Philippines…

This is not a competition. These are not “the best” photos on Steemit. These are just photos I have discovered by going through Steemit pages. Just enjoy and comment wherever you want…

Another great selection from DPS. ! @photo-trail bringing the steemit community's best photo moments is a gift for all involved and deserves a round of applause...
gif courtesy of giphy
I love a good animated gif but I think it's not really the personal touch if you don't add a comment too.
This cake..I want :) and this Blue woman ... very good photography :))
thx for sharing