King of the Crypto Hill - Tutorial by Pictures

in #dapp6 years ago

Let's play King of the crypto Hill!

This is a tutorial on how to start playing the game at it's curret beta state on the ropsten testnet.

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First step:

Move to the ropsten testnet and get some test eth.

go to testfaucet request page:

Click the green button:

upon succes there will be posted under transactions.
If for some reason the testfaucet page doesn't function like it sometimes does, pm me on discord your eth adress and I'll send you some eth to test with. I decided to test on ropsten testnet because of the simple click and you get eth to test setup.

First step in the game:

go to the market page:

buy some villages:

confirm the metamask transactions that pop up, gas limits are precalculated, you could chose to change gas price depending on eth network congestion.

new metamask shows when you transactions came through. you can always double check if transactions failed or are succesfull.

The UI reloads gamestate each minute so if your villages don't show up after 1 minute check if the transaction reverted for some reason.

Collect some GOTCH (Gold of the crypto Hill)

Go to the my villages page to collect some precious gold by collecting taxes at your villages.

notice that the villages created first have more gold yield per block. each village you want to collect taxes from costs 1 finney, So be smart when you collect your taxes(yield per cost).
collect taxes by clicking the according buttons and confirm the transactions.

Let's buy some soldiers at the market

notice we've got 255 Gold, we're going to buy 1 soldier at 100 gold per soldier.

Notice that the actual buy price might vary as the state of the actual price is calculated upon receiving a transaction to buy soldiers.
Each block new soldiers are added(dependand on amount of villages in game) to the pool to be available to be bought.
and soldier price is calculated that totalsupply of gotch / availablesoldiers = price with the exception that available soldiers can't exceed the max supply, so the cheapest soldiers are bought at 1 gold for 1 soldier.
which is why afterwards our supply looks like this:

254 gold , 1 soldier bought.
Let's buy some more so we can take over an enemy village!

Attacking enemy villages

my villages for collecting new taxes looks like this:

now lets look at this inactive players villages:

Let's take em over!

Game tip: taking over a village autocollects their outstanding taxes for your gain as spoils of war

Notice that soldiers just kill eachother at a 1-1 ratio. I sent 20 soldiers to both. village 0 is the highest yielding village in the game! so expect some fighting over the top yielding villages and defend them with enough soldiers to keep them from being conquered.
Soldiers you send in the attack stay in the village and defend it. You can't call this soldiers back for anything else, they are spent . so make sure you send you amount of soldiers you want to send.

Supporting a village to increase their defense:

simply push the add defense button and send the amount of soldiers you want

All soldiers you send are deducted from your soldiers pool that are waiting for orders:

Let's buy some DOTCH!

It's the ingame currency that will persist between rounds, ERC20tradeable

Let's trade some dotch for eth

The offers are now set at the marketplace

Ingame marketplace is designed contract wise that you only need to buy 1 offer placement andyou could alter the price, add/remove amount of dotch in your offer afterwards withoout needing to place new offers each time.
UI of the ingame marketplace is still a work in progress.

Buying dotch to start playing the game

If you enter the game at a later stage it might be worthwhile to buy dotch at the ingame marketplace. Convert them to gold and buy soldiers with it. It will give you an instant footing in the game. It will depend on people wanting to sell their Dotch and at which rates they will actually do it.

  • Dotch is bought to and from the contract for Gotch. if there is not enough supply at the contract the transaction will fail.
    total supply of Dotch available is yet to be determined. total supply of gotch increases as taxes are collected at villages.

Game tip: before you stop playing convert your gold to soldiers. soldiers will be the most valuable asset in the game and price per soldier should start increasing when there are > 100 villages in the game and if the game is actively played.

Take the hill and get those sweet eth pot payouts.

Go to the hill and attack it using the attack button

Claiming of P3D dividends not active on testnet due to there not being a p3d contract to port to on testnet.

STIL GOT QUESTIONS? => get your answers at the discord channel