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RE: Quest post week thirty two: Ogers (part three)

in #darklands6 years ago (edited)

gob is foloving the dirt road. he can hear birds singing. he ses some flowers on the side of the road he is stopping thinking to pick them. and take them home to his camp its no flowers ther maby he can trye and make a pot for them...then in the forest he can see a person running he recognize him its maxwell. before gob can shout maxwell is gone...gob is wakes up from his day dream the colonists most be in danger. he hurry up the road and trying to hear and see. around a corner he can see @methus he is standing in the middel of the road two large bolts are in his chest. in the forest gob can see the colonists and oger are romming a around them. in front of @methus he can see to large oger they are ready up ther crossbows and aiming at @methus..the oger has not seen gob he trying to put a berserk spell on one of them @rollthedice


I hear one of Maxwell's whistles in the forest and go to meet him at his hiding spot.

He tells me the he'd just seen gob wandering up the road toward the ogre ambush. But he doesn't think any of the others have followed us back yet.

I say, "We should go out to warn him!"

Maxwell replies, "Gob?! Maybe, maybe we should go out and smash him for leading us into this mess."

"But what if gob is here to help; he is a powerful mage I've heard." I say to Maxwell.

"Agreed then..." Maxwell says. "We will go follow gob and see what he has to say about this."

"and to check on the others too?" I suggest, "maybe we can figure out a way to help them."

"We will see..." Maxwell grumbles.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

he steps put an get spotted @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 9.

the oger starting sreaming at the oger archer next to him gob ses the oger in F5 trying to put a berserk spell on him to +16 to hit @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

this oger ses red going to atttack the oger next to him gob them casting a nettels wall infront of @methus from G10 to I10 @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 18.

a thik green wall of nettels are groving out of the ground the are blocking the line of sight to @methus gob notest @methus moved but he is now in cower and the wall is a place to run to cover non the less