Unexpected Valentines

in #dating7 years ago

I am already behind! I had a date on Valentine's day.

There was a concert, Hippie Sabotage, and my brother randomly gave me two tickets because he didn't feel like going. I had about an hour before the concert started but decided to ask a guy if he wanted to join and he happily said yes! Neither of us even knew the band.

He said he would pick me up. I was getting soooo nervous so I started to clean. I was seriously scrubbing the toilet 5 minutes before he showed up. I went into my room to change clothes because I was wearing a cropped hoodie which would be way to warm for the concert. I tried on about 4 different shirts but couldn't decide and ended up wearing whaat I had on before... the freaking long sleeve hoodie.

The first thing I noticed when I got in his car is that it is clean.. points! I was nervously talking fast and my voice was shaky but once I realized I took a deep breath and I began to feel more comfortable.

He told me he had never been to a concert at the venue we were going to, nor had he ever been to concert where there weren't seats! Which I have never been to a concert with seats so that was wild to me. I'm going to call him Newbie Guy because of this and also because it was my first date so it's new to me lol.

As soon as we got there we realized we definitely were not wearing the clothing everyone else was. People were dressed for a rave; bright colors, fishtail-net tights with just thongs, and men weren't wearing shirts. We joked about next time we will go to the thrift store and pick out an outfit for each other.

The opener, Azizi, was not our style at all so we just hung near the bar and talked. He joked about making a mixtape and adding Azizi in it... more points for sense of humor.

Some random lady asked us, "What is your story?", I started turning red and began to sweat because I had no idea what to say but Newbie Guy kept looking at me. I just kept saying, "Uhhh," and then she asked if it was our first date and finally Newbie Guy answered, "I don't really know, we are just hanging out,". Which honestly was kind of disappointing because I considered it a date and so now I was unsure of what he thought. Besides the point, the rando lady then said, "well whatever it is, you two are adorable together," then turned around but Newbie Guy and I just looked at each other and walked away from her. We joked about if someone asked us again we would say we were siblings even though we look nothing alike lol.

We kept talking about random stuff and he made a lot of jokes.. more points!
He bought me a water without me even having to ask which was super nice... points!

When Hippie Sabotage actually started to play we went down to the bottom floor. We were so squished but we had fun. We danced and he made me laugh when he did. He started to let lose a little and was being more goofy.. points!

They started a freaking mosh pit and we were in the middle of it and were getting shoved all around... we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into lol.


Standing in front of me was a guy that wasn't wearing a shirt but was dripping in sweat. I kept trying to back up so I wouldn't hit him and Skyler grabbed my hand and wiped it on the guy... it was so gross but funny. No points for this move since there was definitely a downside.


He seemed like he was enjoying the concert which made me feel good because I don't think either of us really listened to music like they played.

After the concert he dropped me off at my apartment and thanked me for inviting him.
About 10 minutes later he sent a text saying that he had fun and thanked me again. Then he said that we should hangout again but next time go into the mountains.

Honestly I can't give any advice for what he could have done differently besides maybe when the lady asked about if it was our first date I wish he would have said yes but at the same time I was nervous about saying it because we don't know what the other person is thinking, ya know?
For manners I would give him about a 7 out of 10. He was polite and nice but there definitely could have been more. He could have told me how much he enjoyed it and asked to hangout again in person when we were in the car, he also could have knocked on the door instead of texting me that he was outside, he also could have opened the car door for me when we were leaving the concert. But all minor things and I think 7 is still pretty far up there!
His personality I would say about a 7.5 out 10. He made me laugh a lot, it was super easy talking to him, and he was kind to me. He was goofy at some points but I wish he was goofy and let lose more often throughout the night.
Overall this was such a great first day and went better than expected! We have a plan to go on a drive into the mountains in the next few days and I will let you know how that goes!