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RE: Elite Monk Status Update (It's NEVER Going To Be Enough Guys)

in #dating5 months ago

I think for men and women the place you start to get somewhere is when you stop being anything for anyone and just be yourself. Real people like real people I think and a lot of the time we are so busy trying to fit a mould or become someoen else we don’t realise being ourself is the most powerful then that in itself is an unlearning process to shift off all the layers of conditions and things we thought we had to be.


Pearl thinks Uk has worst looking women and hottest guys so to move to Britain as a woman. It made me laugh when she said that.

The only people who are truly happy in my opinion are the people
Who have a true spiritual connection, that’s based on true connection and being best friends. Material stuff and looks is going to get pretty empty pretty quickly Altho I understand someone wanting someone fit and healthy and when they are for sure. Most the red pill and mgtow guys got cheated on and are bitter. They look at one or two billionaires getting hot much younger women and think that that applies to all guys. Even if they did get it these women are likely not there for real love anyways and these same guys will then bitch about the woman taking their money or cheating on them and go from red pill to mgtow. Then feminism has gone wild these days too. It’s really become men hating women hating men hating for the most part rather than seeking to connect. I think the world is defo going through a bit of a connection crisis. I don’t think all this online dating helps either.

I obviously don’t know Tom and Gisele but most women would understand why she left as men and women are not the same. A woman doesn’t care a bit if he is good at football what she wanted was his presence. If the rumour will was true she tolerated his busy lifestyle and him being away all the time for the future hope that he set a date when he would retire and spend time with them as a family and she could maybe pick back some of her work and passions too ( remember she was more successful than him before she had kids). He went back on that from what I read. I actually get why he did he was prob addicted to the adrenaline of the sport the fame etc but she wasn’t and I completely get why she had had enough: most women value quality of time far more than they would value someone being an elite athelete. I actually think Gisele was genuine and just got tired of having a distant relationship. My bf is American and it’s funny as he has the exact same story about Tom Brady etx and I don’t think he gets it either. Because you guys value sports stars you don’t realise it’s meaningless to us in a love relationship.

Brad Pitt is a bad example as that was clearly his karma for cheating in his first wife and publicly humiliating Jen. It’s one thing to leave but the way he did it was pretty bad.

I have a lot of thoughts on what you wrote. Thank you for replying to the post. I just haven't gotten to the comments on here until now.

The first thing I would say is in general things are more misaligned now than in other times in recent history. People try to point to the 1950's but that isn't a good example because of all the men lost in World War II. Taking into consideration dating apps, instagram, and other social media men and women both have to compete against the entire world not just others in their immediate area. Seems like that's not the case but I have had this conversation with men and women and it isn't uncommon to have some sort of digital pen pal of a person you had a near miss with but then stayed in contact with and follow their stories or communicate online but still haven't ever met them. I also have these with women I hung out with 1 or 2 times and we are friendly but we don't live in the same place but know things might be different if we were in the same place but haven't had the conversation of trying to uproot our lives to be in the same spot. All these remote connections wouldn't have happened as much 50 or 100 years ago. These all drain our time.

I have also changed my dating app setting on something like Hinge to other parts of the world to test the waters. This has been insightful in some respects but for the women on the other end you could say it wasted their time at the moment.

I agree that the red pill and mgtow crew have went through various situations of either frustration of lack of success or they got cheated on or other things and a lot of them haven't done the work to be in shape or do anything interesting with their lives. For myself I have looked at the statistics and have tested a lot of situations and also am fairly good at sizing up the competition and also have listened to a lot of women vent about past relationships and all that to me.

I do agree there is a connection crisis because every single person you evaluate you will go through all these mental gymnastics to figure out if a situation will work with a particular person before ever even meeting them. Then if you do eventually meet the person there might be other differences to work through.

The situation of being real love vs just wanting their money honestly stretches to every level of society pretty much from my experience. If a man isn't improving a woman's life and continually ascending she will likely leave if she thinks she can do better or is better off on her home. Now that could end up being a miscalculation.

I have seen a lot of women try to defend Gisele on the whole Tom Brady situation which honestly seems pretty weird to most guys because you can't play at a high level like that forever and the fact that he had stretched it out that long was miraculous itself so we are talking maybe a year or two more of playing potentially. I have seen that situation play out a lot in baseball. Chick gets with the guy who plays baseball but then he decides to retire to work a regular job and provide more for her and then she gets bored because he is always around and isn't the baseball player anymore that the kids are getting autographs from.
It's tough to use the celebrities as examples but they are people we both have knowledge of.

In regards to Peal thinking the UK has the worse looking women and the hottest guys I can see why she might say that. The UK seems to be a real tough dating market. I haven't been there but ran across several UK women in Thailand and one was cool but most seemed very bitchy and acted as if they were royalty. It was weird.

Pearl has really done herself a disservice in some respects because even with all the supposed awareness about men and women she is playing things out too long and everyone is a joke to her. I was talking to her for a bit on Instagram because she is from Chicago and I was going to drive over there and meet her for a date but it never happened. So even guys who would seemingly be a good pick for her she isn't ever getting anything going with anyone and then it will make it tough because whoever she does try to date will get put on blast and her audience would have their opinions about the guy.

Going all the way back to the first thing you said about "just be yourself." A woman can sort of rely on that by just existing and not getting to fat. The bar is pretty low for women. Just don't be way out of shape and be nice and smile some and then they will get 1000X the attention of a man with an equivalent look. For the guys we have to build up far more than previous generations. The whole hoflation goes like this. You have to be 10X more than your grandpa to get a woman 5X worse than your grandmother.

There is certainly some truth to that for sure.

I disagree about women a lot of people
Mistake attention with love and they are not the same thing at all. It’s actually more common for an attractive woman to struggle than an average looking woman, take it from a photographer who knew a lot of attractive women they all
Struggled the hardest because it’s difficult for them to separate attention from love /
Feelings. A more average looking girl let’s just say that even tho I hate focusing on looks probably knows when a man makes a move he is legitimate about building an actual relationship. I think it’s much harder for attractive women to work out men’s motivations and decide who is genuine. They then just get really jaded from meeting all the idiots. Sometimes in life I think being average is possibly the best scenario for love.

The dynamic of an attractive woman is interesting because there was a time where a woman wouldn't know she was attractive and would be very subconscious thinking she wasn't pretty. Now that is less likely because while in the past guys might have been afraid to talk to the pretty girls now they can blow them up on Instagram and leave all kinds of comments about how she is so hot. That really changes the dynamic from the jump.
I think another issue is so much of a woman's look is a fabrication with all the makeup and fake eye lashes and then women are going so far as to get the Brazilian butt lifts, lip injections and all this stuff so people have become very confused about what beautiful is. Men in general have to live in the reality but yes there are hair transplants, and these radical procedures to lengthen guys leg bones to give them that extra height which is pretty insane in my opinion. In some ways that makes more sense than a chick getting a Brazilian butt lift though because she could have done squats, stepups, lunges, hip thrusters and spent the time in the gym to build her but up but a guy can't spend time in the gym to grow 4 inches when he is already a grown ass man.
I think you would be surprised though with the attractive women a lot of men would essentially spend all resources on them to keep them around so at what point is something love?
I have a love for these MILFs I have been with and we have an unspoken understanding that we were just hanging out and fucking around. They were just at a different part of their lives. We are still cordial and will sent each other Reels on Instagram and stuff. So the premise that a man was just using a woman for sex sort of escapes me unless he literally knew there was no way he was going to ever talk to her again and he went at it imagining he was doing someone else and she didn't get off and then he just took off after that.
Attractive women don't really fall into that category in my mind unless they are being extremely annoying to where they are becoming unattractive by nagging the man a bunch or saying ridiculous stuff. We can't really call a universally attractive woman a "Slump Buster" for really any guy. They would keep her around and keep going back to her if it made sense and was convenient. If he actually lives in another state then its hard to really work that anyway we spin it.

You inspired me to make a video on this topic lol

I just now saw this. Sometimes I'm on HIVE more than STEEM and Blurt.
I certainly can see what you are talking about with guys trying to waste your time acting like a potential client for photography or something when they were really trying to get closer to you for a date.
I still go back to the whole thing on if someone is "using" someone and how that relates to sex. As a man if I'm not getting the woman off multiple times compared to how many times I'm getting off I consider it a sub par performance. So if the woman is getting off in my opinion that is in a way and even trade. Then the time spent when two people are hanging out and having sex is an even trade in some respects. We could dive on a deeper level with that and come up with scenarios where one person's time might be more valuable than someone elses but for the most part let's say that's an even trade.

I think from my perception it would be an intoxicating drug to be a beautiful woman and get the attention and essentially having men willing to expend all resources to be around. I'm not going to lie I think it would be hard to manage.
As a man that has some level of success with women that would be considered beautiful by the mass majority of the population I can tell you this and I have thought about this for a long time. There are so many options that it certainly becomes too great for most beautiful women so sort through it all and to figure out what truly would be best for her. It's impossible to know but since the options are of such high caliber and especially for these women in college you would think that after dating a handful of guys and sorting through their best options they would have arrived at something fairly stable but I see it all the time this isn't the case. I just think it is too many options and women aren't going to starve without a man in a place like the United States so depending how they are feeling that day they can go forward with it or not.
Also it's hard to sit there and tell a woman she really needs to select her best option by the time she is 23 and ride or die with that situation. Personally I think most women would be best off by doing that and I feel that most women are playing out their options way into unnecessary overtime but I 100% see how it happens and why it happens.
For a man to come along and fuck her better than any other dude and be on a higher level than the other guys is a tough task overall. I've ran up on this a lot of times myself where I have to have so many elite facets to my game it's mind blowing. And let's be honest with ourselves. We can say I'm lucky but also I have put in an insane amount of work to arrive at this point. It's exhausting but most dudes are straight up starving out there and just deleting themselves. This past weekend hanging out with friends from the past I was informed about a couple more suicides.

You realise ppl fall in love right hahaha women don’t just select from options and think about what makes sense or even half the time have the mental capacity at that age to know what they are really choosing they just feel love / a connection and hope for the best at that age. Just as men struggle, women struggle I don’t know why men think they struggle but all women should have it all together and find and pick the very right man for them by 23, 2 years after a persons brain has fully developed hahaha. Someone can even want to ride and die but if the other person doesn’t want to it’s a done deal and they can’t force them to ride and die with them. I think it’s a silly attitude myself to expect men to take ages to figure it out but women should do it all by a certain age. That also relies on them picking someone that also also has it all together and picked exactly right at 23 it’s not a one side and done. For a woman to marry a guy at 23 and let’s assume they are both 23 that relies on two ppl not one.

I think you’ve read a few too many red pill blogs or know some rly weird women. No genuine woman wants the best fu** or the richest man they just want to fall in love and it be reciprocated. People are putting focus on all the wrong things these days imo. It’s all become very materialised. People don’t marry someone because they are good in bed else everyone would want to date a porn star it’s just not what most ppl care about. Sure they want to feel a sexual compatibility but they don’t want some porn king haha it’s about so much more. It does seem more difficult these days for ppl to stick it out tho for sure even in marriages and engagements it doesn’t mean much anymore

I get what you are saying about deciding from a lineup and anyone can do whatever they want. I just think there is a major misalignment of what people want and oftentimes it isn't based in reality. One of the common things I see an insane amount of women here in the United States saying is they want kids but biologically it makes no sense for when they are saying that and then I have seen a ton of women wait until its way too late.

Unlimited Options and unlimited time and I see all the time where they think they are going to snap their fingers and the guy they always dreamed of will be right there solving all their problems.

As far as love, I feel that men catch feelings and fall harder than women because they don't have as many options. It is often the women leaving the man. I have experienced this several times in the last couple of years. I would continue to spend time with the woman but they torch the situation. They usually come back around but sometimes not because they have so many perceived options.

And it isn't that I have necessarily watched too much Red Pill stuff or any of that. Honestly a lot of that content sort of confirmed the reality that I had already experienced throughout time.

I know when it comes to the sex component and the physical compatibility component that is the reason several of the women came back around full circle and reached out to me again. I know that because they said that.
Statistically things aren't looking good out there with relationships and marriage. Ultimately birthrates are dropping in a lot of countries. This disconnect between men and women seems to be causing a lot of people to be very unhappy.

Omg I did not know that you could do that to grow taller what the actual f*** these ppl are seriously risking their health too with this stuff as god knows the long term affects. Thetr is now strong evidence even fillers can cause cancer because they block lymph drainage

Yeah the body modifications are INSANE! I just saw a thing about a 19 year old getting a Brazilian Butt Lift and to me the whole thing is so insane. Instead of doing squats, step ups, lunges and all that to build their ass up at 19 she is going to go through this ridiculous procedure.
And this is why we are living in the metaverse already. Someone can radically change their look with all the accessories like lifted shoes, push up bras for women, makeup, shaving.
Then they can radically change their look with all these invasive procedures. Face lifts, injections, Brazilian butt lifts, Performance Enhancing drugs, leg lengthening, hair transplants, people changing their eye color with lasers.
Then we have the digital stuff like filters and AI and photoshop. It's freaking madness in a lot of ways but that is what they feel like they must do in this ultra competitive unnatural world.

My bf is American it’s really not as easy as I thought it would be to close the gap it’s not an easy path that’s for sure. Especially when you have everything set up in life.

Yeah I could imagine that. It would be one thing if you were right out of High School or University or something but when everything has been put into place over the years it makes it tough.