Behind this Waterfall

in #daviddawei7 years ago

Hello Everyone,
On my last day in Huatulco (Oaxaca), I take a tour up into the hills to visit a series of Waterfalls. I hesitate to take tours in Mexico because they waste too much time stopping at restaurants and shops to get you to buy things along the way, which boosts their commission.
These side trips waste valuable time that cuts into the time at your ultimate destination. This tour was only 450 pesos, no way I could get there any easier/cheaper, so I took the tour. It was a very good day, but as expected, we stopped 2 times on the way in and once on the way out, which took more than 2 hours. Instead of hiking in and visiting the 3 waterfalls, we only had time to see this one in this video. In addition, they serve a basic meal at a restaurant near the waterfall.
The road in and out was a dirt road in poor condition making access difficult otherwise it would be a good place to visit and spend a full day exploring another time.
There are hidden jewels in the Hills of Oaxaca, but they aren't so easy to find or access

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ABOUT David 大卫 Dawei

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