Showcase Sunday: That’s what they taught you...

in #dblog5 years ago (edited)


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You make plans, you think you have everything,settled and the guy up there with the beard is laughing...

It's not the first time, nor the last one too.
How many times have this happened to you?To have everything in order and well organized up to the last detail and tadaaa ... with a sudden phone call...everything collapses. Come on, do not think too much about it.
The times are countless and the guy up there is having fun with you...

You think you are doing things the right way...well guess what.YOU DON’T
Because your acts,are exactly what you were taught...and nothing more...

You think it is a coincidence?Think again...

They told you that money can fill your internal void... and you believed them ...

They told you that power and glory are more important than love, and you believed them ...

They told you to live your life like it is a competition if you want to survive, not with solidarity, and you believed them ...

They told you to emphasize on the external glow, not your inner wealth...and you believed them ...

They told you that Peace can be claimed only by War, and you believed them ...

They told you television and politicians care about what is best for you...and you believed them...

They told you that you were a sinner from birth, and you believed them ...

They told you that pills can offer more peace of mind than a walk in the sea, and you believed them ...

They told you that you are superior to other people of different race or religion, and you believed them ...

They told you that all kind of dependencies will solve all your problems and will give you the happiness you are looking for, and you believed them ...

They told you that you would gain value in society if you were to become a brilliant scientist, not a brilliant Man, and you believed them ...

They told you that life is an unceasing struggle for survival, and you believed them ...

They told you that dreams are only for the fools, and you believed them ...

They told you that you are a weak, powerless creature, and you believed them ...

A mountain of dirt ... and at the top you stand bewildered, and scared. You're upset.
Now you discover everything from scratch.

Now is the time to find your own personal Truth

You have no ignorance.

But you have a responsibility

For the choices, decisions, and plans you will make from now on...

Maybe now it makes sense why usually...everything collapses sfter that phone call...

Maybe these.... are wake up calls...from the guy up there...

620 days old but I love it. I used to write philosophical stuff back then...only I used to read them...except this one...even got featured by msp-curation...



They told me when I was a kid about that bearded guy up there, and back then I believed them ...
Later on I taught myself to only believe in myself ...

The problem is that they still tell us and the songs are renewed with every generation and that most are listening very carefully and playing on the song that was composed to fulfill a few sick minds and to enslave billions.

Hard to change that...and even harder to persuade others to see the truth