in #dearsteemit7 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemit is a weekly contest in search of the best advise on a given situation.

A call for help from a fellow steemian was received this week. A troubled artist is struggling to decide on which to prioritize- immediate needs or investment?

Read on and help out 'Never Thought I Could Be An Artist.'

Dear Steemit,

My spouse and I are in dire financial straights, and have been for several years now. I'm disabled and unable to work, and unable to collect disability due to things not relevant right now. Thanks to Steemit, I've been able to make a little money. We really need all the money we can get, but I think I should buy a drawing tablet as soon as I make enough money for it.

My reasoning is this: I've been trying to draw for most of my life. For a brief period as a teenager, I was kinda halfway alright at it. But that quickly went away for whatever reason. I've desperately wanted to be able to draw the beautiful images in my head, as well as the characters I write. I always wondered if digital art would be easier for me than using analog materials. Since coming to Steemit, I've been using a poorly-functioning Samsung Galaxy Note II to draw digitally. My art has drastically improved in just a couple months. At this point, I'm mostly held back by the limitations of my device. I'm still learning, still getting better, but the device I have to use to do it is starting to really hold me back.

I feel like, if I can get a decent drawing tablet, that I can make more money overall, and probably at a decent rate.

But we have things we need to get taken care of as soon as we can.

So, Steemit, I leave this question with you: Should I buy a drawing tablet as soon as I possibly can, or should I spend my SBD on things that we need really badly but haven't been able to take care of for months on end anyways?

It'll be a risk, but I feel in my gut that this risk may just be worth it and could pay off well.

Never Thought I Could Be An Artist

EDIT: Additional info from the letter sender.

Hello again.

I feel the need to explain a little more.

I’m not asking about getting an expensive tablet. Or an expensive computer to go with it or anything. I’m just fine using my obsolete laptop and free art software. I’m asking about buying a $44 monoprice tablet. (Finances are tough enough that that’s a big investment for us.) I have spoken with my spouse. My spouse thinks we should do it. They have watched me try to draw for almost thirteen years, and they are amazed by how quickly I’m improving. But I’m still very unsure and want to do the right thing. I do not want to buy a used tablet because I have had terrible luck with used electronics, and that’s not a risk I want to take because I need it to make money.

Some of our needs are very necessary, but we’re unable to save up enough for them in a reasonable amount of time. (Repairing our only vehicle, as buying another -- even used vehicle -- is not a reasonable option at this point in time.) My spouse thinks that we can repair the vehicle sooner if we put the money into a drawing tablet first.

I have been practicing drawing by hand since I was a child. I do not improve. I stopped improving a long time ago. To the point that my heart has been aching for what I’m not able to put on paper that’s in my head. But with digital art, I’ve been improving by leaps and bounds, and I’m starting to be able to put the images in my head on a computer screen.

My device is very limited. It’s very old, and it doesn’t work well. There’s no fixing it. It’s just old technology and the hardware has died twice. Technically my phone consists of two dead phones that were scrapped and combined to make a single almost-working phone. The screen sensitivity is starting to give out, making drawing become more difficult. I’m afraid that this phone is not going to last much longer, especially if I keep using it so much like this.

As for my disabilities, I’m chronically ill and I suffer from constant agonizing pain throughout my body. Because I’m under forty years old, it’s damn near impossible to get any medical help with my pain. (Pot is illegal where I live. I don’t want to completely screw over my chances with doctors yet.) I can’t go out and work, and not for lack of trying. I’ve tried working at home, but I’ve had no luck with that, either. Steemit is the best thing that’s happened to me.

As a roleplayer (on hiatus due to a lack of decent roleplay partners) I know how much people are willing to pay to have others draw their characters. So I feel like I could very well start making a living that way if I can continue to improve.

While I love my spouse and respect their opinion on this matter, I’m afraid that they might be trying to encourage me and help ease my severe depression, as being useless and not contributing weighs heavily on me. I want to make sure that if we buy this tablet, we buy it for the right reasons. Not because my spouse trying to make me feel better.

As for the person suggesting my spouse joins Steemit…yeah, that’s not going to happen. My spouse is very antisocial, even on social media. They make maybe three Facebook posts a year. My spouse just isn’t the type of person that can easily do something like Steemit.

Never Thought I Could Be An Artist

Share your thoughts for a chance to win. Here are the things you need to know:

  • A sticky situation will be posted once a week (Sunday/Monday) and contest will run for 7 days from posting.
  • To enter the contest, simply COMMENT YOUR ADVISE or
  • CREATE A POST on your page about the topic, and put in the comments here the link for the post.
  • An UPVOTE is a MUST to qualify.
  • A RESTEEM is highly appreciated, but not a requirement. This will also help increase the reward pool for the succeeding weeks.
  • PRIZES totals to 10 SBD, broken down as follows:
  • 1st Place- 5 SBD
  • 2nd Place- 3 SBD
  • 3rd Place- 2 SBD
  • Winners will be announced on the 8th day from contest posting.
  • 1st place will be chosen by this week's letter-sender and judge!
  • 2nd and 3rd will be chosen via MOST UPVOTE COUNT.

If you find this worthwhile and would wish to support the project, please let me know, this is ALWAYS welcome!

Comment your thoughts on this and upvote! Resteem would be much appreciated to help increase the prize pool for the succeeding weeks.

True to the spirit of the Steemit community, I am excited to see finally, Dear Steemit is starting to be a venue to positively discuss possible solutions to a given challenging situation. Steemit's very own advise column, where all of us take part in counseling!

Most of us may have found ourselves in a position where we have to make tough decisions, and we seek other's counsel to help us in our decision-making. Dear Steemit aims to be a venue for this- the scenarios may be real-life experiences, or theoretical, that most people may relate to. If you have a challenging situation to share and would wish for the Steemit community's advise, feel free to message me via discord or steemit chat, username dreamiely.

Need advise? Most of us do.
Share some insights? Most of us can!

Steeming happily ever after,



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The first thing I'd do in the writer's situation is sit down with the spouse, and take some time to go over the list of things they thought they needed badly. For each item on that list, figure out what they've been doing in the absence of said item and determine whether or not they can continue coping in that way. If they think they can continue coping for a while longer, then the item isn't needed THAT badly; money that would've been spent for that specific item can instead go towards saving up for the new tablet. On the other hand, if the determination is that the couple can't continue coping, then there is a genuine need that should be taken care of. Money should be prioritized to addressing genuine needs first before saving up for the tablet.

Unfortunately there is only limited information about the writer's situation. We don't know what kind of disability they have, how it affects their everyday life, if there's stuff in their home that's broken and needs to be repaired, etc. If more information were available, respondents to this post would be able to provide more specific advice or guidance.

Hi, additional info provided above by the letter sender, please check it out ^_^

Excellent. Given that the spouse supports making this $44 investment, I say that the artist should go for it. Here are some additional ideas:

  • If money still needs to be saved to purchase the tablet, are there micro-crowdfunding options available?
  • I'm aware of several illustrators who have gone to Patreon and utilized that as an extra income stream; perhaps the artist should look into that.
  • Would the artist be willing to post some of their past work here on Steemit? It is possible that exposing their work to Steemit might impress someone enough that they'd be willing to order some commissioned art. Bonus points (and cash) if the artist and prospective client can work out a deal that involves two versions of the same commissioned artwork; one made from the old tablet and the other from the new one.

Hi, This is indeed an interesting situation. Here are some things to consider while making your decision.

How proficient are you with your drawing skills? If you are a beginner and just trying to hone your drawing skills, then I would say no. Spend your money on your bills and practice drawing with a pen and pencil. You seem like you may have some experience so...

How proficient are you with photoshop/corel and any other digital editing software? There is a big learning curve here.
if you have a little experience that will help but learning everything these programs have can get frustrating.

On the bright side there is a tutorial for just about anything and if you are confident in your skills, then I say go for it!

That is unless....
You really should use that money for the cancer medicine.

Thanks for the continuous support and participation @doctorcrypto! The letter sender will have a big reveal once the contest ends. Stay tuned ^_^

Hi, additional info provided above by the letter sender, please check it out ^_^

This post received a 4.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @dreamiely! For more information, click here!

Steem happily ever after ♥

Yep! Steemit is made of stuff same as that of fairy tales ^_^

First off, I'm sorry that you're in such a situation. It's difficult to deal with having disabilities on top of being short on money. That aside, here's my take:

We all have needs but it's important to also realize that needs are defined by how much importance we give it and so, our level of adjustment depends on the weight with which we define a need. Example, with the vehicle. Is it possible to commute? Or would repairing it be more cost-effective? It is the little things that would help you decide, ultimately, if those other needs should come above the need for a tablet. But be it that your spouse thinks it's a good idea to buy a tablet, it is also important to talk about the reason for your partner's agreement. Yes, it could be that your spouse is trying to make you feel better. But isn't that a good reason, regardless? After all, if you're suffering from pain and depression, it is also a weight on the minds and hearts of the people around you. It might be that they want to help you but they cannot help any other way. They might see the tablet as a long-term investment. How? For one, if it makes you happy and eases your pain, it puts them at ease enough to be able to concentrate on other aspects that need to be seen to. Another important point, as you mentioned, it can help you earn money thereby earning back the money it cost to buy it (as well as earning more after recovering the cost) and potentially be an additional source of income to help with the other needs.

Evaluate the other needs, too, as I mentioned with the vehicle. Consider if there are other alternatives in dealing with the other needs. Then compare it with the tablet (you've already mentioned you're not going anywhere with the paper and pen approach). If guilt and being selfless are holding you back from evaluating effectively and logically, understand that it is difficult for your loved ones to see you struggle and perhaps seeing you happy (and productive) in the long run is a need for them, too.

Best wishes :)

hi 'Never Thought I Could Be An Artist'

i have read your letter. Hopefully reading twice is enough to try to put myself in your shoes.

The message that i am receiving are the following:

  • your current physical disability makes working at home the best option and Steemit community is ideal for you

  • you got the artists' hand and eyes to create digital arts which you want to continue to cultivate and add beauty around you. And with that same skill generate continuous income for you and your family

  • you got a supportive spouse encouraging you to have a better digital toolkit

💡So should you need a new digital tool? Yes, specially you mentioned your current device is nearing the end of its working lifespan

💡Can you still create digital arts now using your existing tools? If yes, keep creating and keep sharing.

💡Is getting a new device a MUST? if yes, then go for it.

💡When will i get a new device? My suggestion which works most of the time is to walk to your wall calendar and encircle the exact date you'll get it. For example, if the gadget cost 44 dollars, aim to set aside 1 dollar per day. Then after 44 days, together with ur wife, purchase the gadget. Assuming you start setting aside 1 dollar today, you would have 44 dollars on August 23, 2017. The duration i set is just an example.

I look forward to see your creations. All the best 🌄

I would say it's a matter of perspective. My brother is a super talented artist. I actually got him a tablet on Christmas of last year and he is really just now learning and utilizing the drawing tablet to its full potential. Also depending on the tablet you buy some require additional software. If it were me I'd try to find something that has it all. When he draws he also uses a hand sleeve as screen sensitivity can be an issue. I would say if its a necessity vs. want situation, cover your necessities first or you will find yourself further behind. I am in no way suggesting to not to follow your heart. Art is a skill and I am truly inspired but the things people post on Steemit. Trust in the Steemian Community, we are here for you. If you are willing to share your identity on Steem, I will follow and upvote. I think everyone deserves a chance. Resteeming this post! Steem on!

Hi @travelnurse, identity reveal will be made once the contest ends. The sender opted to remain unknown during the contest run. Thank you for the support and participation!

Hi, additional info provided above by the letter sender, please check it out ^_^

I understand this situation a hundred percent. The only difference is I'm physically fit and have a permanent work. Although the pay is good, and together with the funds I'm cashing out from Steemit, sometimes it still doesn't cut it and I still have to earn more. I have the same issue. I only draw on paper, an entry level phone, and a laptop that was borrowed (i don't have a touch pad i only use a mouse); I could really use a device that has a pen so that I can draw better, but finances doesn't let me buy one. Here's what I can advise. Set your priorities first. I feel you're an amazing artist, the medium only helps with the art; it's the heart that makes it. It's you who make the art, not your gadget. Some artist try to be resourceful and even go over the limits of their medium. If you can make it with what little you have now, it will hone your skills. You don't need an iPad Pro or a Surface to create art. You just need a creative brain, a heart for art, and tons of perseverance. Time will fly and you won't notice you have a workstation of your own. A big Wacom and high end PCs. Be brave, don't stop drawing, you'll make it with flying RGBs and CyMgYs (don't know if that's right). Cheers!

Thanks for the participation and support @deveerei! Stay tuned ^_^

Hi, additional info provided above by the letter sender, please check it out ^_^

Parang gusto ko na din ng pen-tab. Napanood ako ng reviews sa YouTube.

Not sure if you're religious or not. If you are pray about it first.

So here's my opinion:
I would say since you have communicated the need for a tablet with your wife, and have looked at the financials, if she's ok with it, then you should go ahead and buy it.

Some of the most weathly people started out/or were in a similar situation like you at some point. The road block 99.9% of the time is going to be financial. However, if you truly believe that your skills are progressing as an artist and buying this tablet will help take you to the next level, then it's completely worth the risk! You mentioned that you aren't quite 40 yet. This is perfect, because you're still young enough to where even if you loose on this investment (I'm almost certain you won't), then you'll have plenty of years to make up for it!

I know some people might mention you need to take care of things by a list of prioritizing. Although I do agree that the tablet is on the lower list of priorities right now, I do believe that in the long run, if taken seriously, your ROI I'll more then pay for the tablet, and help pay for other necessary items as well.

I hope this helps, and God Bless!

I would buy a cheap used Graphic-Tablet and pay the bills from the rest of the money. After you earned some money with your art, you can sell the Tablet for nearly the same price you bought it and buy a better one.

Thank you for sharing your inisghts @c-c-c!

Hi, additional info provided above by the letter sender, please check it out ^_^