Debt is a social NORM

in #debt7 years ago

“There are four things every person has more of than they know; sins, debt, years, and foes.”

  • Persian Proverb

This article is less of an article, and more of a tangent on financial fears. In our lovely little world of high taxes, student loans, and ungodly expenses for just about everything, we live on. I am 19 years old, and I am already making monthly loan payments.

Will Rogers once said "Worrying is like paying on a debt that may never come due." However, how can someone not worry to some degree when you owe the state or government thousands of dollars?

While used in a different context, this quote absolutely inspired this piece. While we spend rigorous hours working and working in order to make ends meat, we often focus too heavily on our debts, not just financially. We come to a habit of only allowing ourselves the things we need in order to survive our financial crisis.'

While I feel it unfitting not to pay for our goods, I also feel it even more so important to truly appreciate what we do have. Now I am not saying that people should go all against god's will and morals. Working hard should not go undone; however, live a little. Don't this idea of paying back paper stand in your way of following your dreams. You are not alone. You are not the only one in debt.

In fact, from a 2015 study, 80% of American citizens are in debt of some kind. Unfortunately, it has become a social norm. Whether it be student loan, credit card debt, or simply owning a place to live. According to, "44% have mortgage debt. Overall, the median debt load among Americans is $67,900, overwhelmingly driven by mortgages (the median home loan balance is $103,000)."

After reading this, my heart sank a little because I thought about what my future has in store. Upon the loans I already have, I will have to live somewhere too. More debt. After so much time spent stressing over this, I can somewhat settle my stomach a little knowing that I have a future and an opportunity to do something great with it. Whether that pays off my loans or not, I will still have a shot at changing the world.

I am special, just like every other unique individual in the world, and we all have a promise of possibility in our worlds. With a lot of work ahead, I accept that I was not born into a family swimming in money, because it made me this much stronger. It made a person who appreciates everything they have. I am somewhat at ease because no matter what, I will get through it.

“I’m in debt. I am a true American.”
-Balki Bartokomous

My original article on the Odyssey-


You are right. Debt has become a social norm and more people are in debt now than ever before. It is really becoming a huge problem for many people all over the world. It is a sickness, an unruly master, that takes over and ruins lives.

I have written several articles on credit, debt, and other financial issues that will hopefully help people get control.

Thank you,
Spencer Coffman
Realistic Options For Debt Relief