ReviewHunt: dAppstore - the Decentralized App Store

in #decenternet5 years ago (edited)


Just the other day, I checked my email and received a new campaign notification from ReviewHunt.

It's been a while since I last joined a review hunt campaign (because when I check almost all the campaigns were already finished lol), but the email got my attention so I I opted-in and joined the campaign.

Quest Overview

The campaign has four quests - two mandatory, one bonus, and one buzz.

The first quest lets you install the Osiris browser on a Windows machine and create a Spyce wallet account. The second makes you sign-up for dAppStore. The bonus quest makes you follow their Youtube channel and Twitter account. And finally the buzz quest gives you the chance to write a review about the dAppStore (

Overall Experience

Personally, the campaign and the quests were clear. The steps to accomplish the quests can easily be understood and followed. If you had difficulty in following the instru, there were supplementary Youtube videos included.

I was easily able to complete the first three quests in a short period of time. The buzz quest of course took the most time because you had to do a review of actually playing a dAppstore game.

dAppstore Game Selection


You have a lot of choices for the games. Most of the games were card games. But what I was looking for was was a game that I can play as a third person. If you're familiar with Warcraft, I was looking for the same game experience - a game that I can quickly try and give a review.

Eventually, I went with MyCryptoHeroes. (I discovered that this was a game developed in Japan.)

Game Experience


When you visit the game's home page, you will be greeted with the following screen (My page was actually displayed in Japanese and I was only able to switch to English after I logged in):


When you click the "Play Game" button, it will prompt you to sign-in either with your Ethereum wallet or Google account for trial play. I chose to to sign-in with my my Ethereum wallet.


It will prompt you for a signature request. I clicked "Sign" after scrolling to the bottom of the request.


I was not able to record the inifor the game, but if I remember it correctly, I was asked to select or build my heroes/team. After doing that, I tried a training battle. Here's the page that displayed after logging in with my Ethereum account.


If you're familiar with SteemMonsters, it's a similar experience.

This was the quest I tried.


Click "Departure" which I think needs a more simple action like "Play" or "Train". And you will be prompted to select a difficulty and a a team.


You will then be brought to the battle page. I was quite annoyed by the sound so I muted it by clicking on the speaker icon on the top right of the page.


There are three battles, I just clicked on Next at the conclusion of each battle.


It was just suspicious that one of one of the names of the enemies were "Phishing 1.5".

Here's the quest result.


Overall Impression

I'm not a fan of online games because I know that these games require time and effort to play and level up. But somehow, I wanted to have an idea of what they call Web 3.0 or decenternet.

I was able to get that by

I was able to get that by using Osiris and dAppstore - it gave me an idea of what is to come.


I encountered this issue just today. When I first visited the Games page using Osiris, I didn't have any issue because the games were normally displayed. But when I visited it today, it displayed an "Empty slides" page when I clicked on the link from the ReviewHunt campaign quest.


However, when I clicked on the "Store" icon on the menu bar, and clicked "Games", the games page normally displayed.



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