Decenternet: The new platform road to Freedom!!!

in #decenternet6 years ago

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Since the creation of the internet, governments, internet providers and non-governmental organizations have kept us limited, enslaved and oppressed through mechanisms that favor them economically. One of them applies a marketing monopoly such as the case of AT & T (Supplier Internet) which allowed the consumption of certain content on their platforms where they have economic interests.

For example, AT&T already lets you watch its DirecTV Now video service without having it count against your data plan, but watching Netflix or Hulu still chews through your limit. source

Other reasons we can mention is the privacy of users, where they make us believe that we are protected confidentially and violate our personal data to use them for monetary purposes at your convenience, a very clear example of this is that they register keywords of certain searches prior to then sell us put together an advertisement that matches our records stored on the web.

We have a lot of web to cut with respect to the use of the internet, originally they sold us an appearance of disguised freedom when we can really see that it enriches owners of large corporations through the vulnerability of our personal and private data. All our movements including the mouse cursor are monitored, any data that we enter through the web is stored and controlled.

Internet has been beneficial for society in some aspects, however the riches that this produces (more than 3 trillion dollars) are distributed among few individuals. Decenternet or Dnet has come to give us all the solution to our problems and provide us with endless benefits and possibilities of unlimited improvement. We have the possibility to grow within the platform and monetize our content in the same way to obtain goods and services with SPYCE which we will talk about later.



When I read about this excellent platform it struck me that she does not need to report to any organization but directly to her users, to obtain a better and complete concept about decenternet I will mention her white paper.

"D-net is a movement against internet abuse. There is a popular saying that says: "Internet controls the actions of people" and the Internet can not control itself, therefore, "who controls the Internet controls the action of people."

It is a great advantage that your operation is completely independent since no main entity can control or suppress its content to manipulate users according to their convenience. Other advantages that users can enjoy is their currency called SPYCE, which gives us the ability to perform all types of transactions, purchases of goods and services related to servers, applications, and others.


Decenternet is based on 4 fundamental pillars such as:

1. PROFITABLE: ability to monetize our content and supported in the SPYCE currency where we will perform transactions to pay for goods and services.

2. SCALABLE: Growth of the platform in a completely decentralized and complete way encouraged by the mining of SPYCE.

3. DECENTRALIZED: like Bitcoin, no entity or organization can control it.

4. HYPERSPEED: with a faster and more efficient reliability protocol based on P2P technology. An example used by Bitcoin technology.





D-net is made up of 5 main assets that are: D-net web hosting, Anuvys operating system which is an operating system capable of replacing all other existing ones in the market, has the capacity of privacy and protection that the OS No Blockchain can offer you, it can process up to 10 million minimum transactions per second, making it the most scalable OS. The Search Engine Liberty Search Engine is one of the fastest and most reliable search engines in the world it is a self-sustaining native application financed by the D-net mining network, it is a neutral search engine that allows to obtain information on demand that Ad click, allows you to search for web content without the influence of any authority or third party. The Osiris browser adapts to the demand for use of high performance and low performance applications driven directly from the metadata, with Osiris you can experience browsing of conventional websites and also the d-net websites at the same time. Spyce is another asset that is part of the structure of Dnet, mining with this cryptomoneda facilitates the distribution of wealth between users and not just a particular group of people.



Making a comparison between internet and decenternet I can conclude that Dnet offers me an endless number of plus advantages, such as: security, income generation through mining with Spyce where the finances are shared equally, does not lead to competition between users, gives us the ability to perform searches based on increased demand and not in more clicks generated by ad, any transaction is directly reported to the user and does not depend on a governmental entity or another.

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For further information on the vision for the Decenternet:

Decenternet’s website: and ANUVYS website: for further information.

Decenternet has a presence on Social Media on:

Facebook: source

Twitter: source

Telegram Group: source



The information contained within this post shall not be taken as a financial advice. I am not a financial advisor and none of your investment decisions should be carried out based on any information presented here. You can lose all of your money by investing. The information presented in this article is for educational and entertainment purposes only.