Decentralization is more important than centralization ?!?!

in #decentralization5 years ago (edited)


The two main branches of management roles are centralization and decentralization authority. There is no way finishing debate between these main branches of management roles to prove which one is better. The mixture of both are needed to balance the organization and management as both have advantages.

Centralization is the systematic and consistent reservation of authority at central points in the organization. ll the important decisions and actions at the lower level, all subjects and actions at the lower level are subject to the approval of top management. Under centralization, the important and key decisions are taken by the top management and the other levels are into implementations as per the directions of top level. For example, in a business concern, the father & son being the owners decide about the important matters and all the rest of functions like product, finance, marketing, personnel, are carried out by the department heads and they have to act as per instructions and orders of the two people.

On the other hand, decentralization is a systematic delegation of authority at all levels of management and in all of the organization. In a decentralization concern, authority in retained by the top management for taking major decisions and framing policies concerning the whole concern. Decentralization pattern is wider in scope and the authorities are diffused to the lowest most level of management.

A mix between decentralization and centralization was established to enable flexibility and peak performance of development projects. Centralization and decentralization relate to the decision making organisation of the unit. In the first case, only the central unit is eligible to take the autonomous decision while in the second case, the decision making process can be taken in several sub units. As the result the centralized units have a rather hierarchical management system, while a decentralized system is characterized by rather horizontal management system.

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Decentralization is today’s concept where decision making is not the prerogative of top management only. With the increasing profession­alism in the management function and global span of business, decentralization has become a need if an organization wants to grow. However decentralization is not a sure bet, it could be a troublesome exercise as no good in the world exist without bad, decentralization has its own costs and shortcomings.

The main disadvantage of a decentralized organization is the high expenses for this system to be carried out. Administration expenses tend to rise in decentralized enterprises. When it comes to the employment of trained personnel and availability of physical facilities, every separate department tries to be self-sufficient. This, in turn, leads to under utilization of facilities and duplication of functions. Such attributes make decentralization tailor-made only for large organizations.

Another disadvantages is decentralization may cause conflict within an organisation.Decentralization puts increased pressure on divisional heads to realize profits at any cost. This may lead to inter-divisional rivalry leading to bitter fights. Each divisional head might be tempted to build his own empire at the cost of others. Problems of coordination and control may also arise when such ‘mini-companies’ or ‘little empires’ exist within an organisation.Your managers may have a different agenda from yours, which can create a schism between the goals you want to advance and the goals they want to advance. For example, a mid-level manager may be more interested in growing his department than in meeting performance standards.

Surprisingly, these issues would not arise in centralization organisation.Centralization implies pulling bunches together to make arrange and authorize process. It is participation for more prominent benefit. As Centralization organisation would cost lower expenses.A brought together association holds fast to standard strategies and techniques that control the association, which help decrease office and authoritative expenses. The fundamental chiefs are housed at the organization’s head office or home office, and accordingly, there is no requirement for conveying more offices and gear to different branches. Likewise, the association does not have to cause additional expenses to enlist experts for its branches since basic choices are made at the head office and after that imparted to the branches. The reasonable levels of leadership lessen duplication of obligations that may result in extra expenses to the association. Moreover, rivalry and such conflict within an organisation would not happen as Centralized organizational structures rely on one individual to make decisions and provide direction for the company. Small businesses often use this structure since the owner is responsible for the company’s business operations.

Lastly, Centralization organisation could be a better option than decentralization as it is more cost efficient compared to decentralization and would not create tension and conflict among the workers but instead a harmonious environment where the workers are helping one another instead of competing. At the point when an association pursues a brought together administration structure, it can concentrate on the satisfaction of its vision easily. There are clear lines of correspondence and the senior official can convey the association’s vision to workers and guide them towards the accomplishment of the vision. Without an incorporated administration, there will be irregularities in transferring the message to workers in light of the fact that there are no reasonable lines of power. Coordinating the association’s vision from the best takes into consideration a smooth execution of its dreams and procedures. The association’s partners, for example, clients, providers, and networks likewise get a uniform message.

If be given a choice, decentralization is far more important than centralization because it focuses on the individual needs of people. A system can’t work properly by just individuality. It needs monitoring from different sources. If a single entity works for a society there are major chances of irregular functioning. Power should not be in a single hand but it should be dispersed so that people are not dependent on one party. Decentralization also makes the execution faster as it reduces the burden on a single entity.

Decentralization of power has certain points of interest. For example, decentralization prompts compelling control and supervision. Since concerned chiefs appreciate full expert to make changes in work task, to take disciplinary activities, to change generation plans or to prescribe advancements, they are in a situation to oversee the subordinates’ exercises. Moreover, it helps enhancement of administrative capacity which prompts an expansion in their spirit and this outcomes in a higher efficiency.

However people can make an improvisation by mixing both centralization and decentralization. It may help people in many ways.