Decide - It's Time For Us AllsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #decide7 years ago (edited)

| For the dreamers, for believers, for the innovators, for the creators, for anybody who’s ever inspired me |
I came home late one night, intoxicated ,with my body throbbing and mind full of toxins, some external, some internal, self made demons. Most of the demons that kill us mentally are our own creations.
Animals get killed once by hunters or predators, they have no mental accentuation, alas humans are unlucky that way you know. Death kills us once, our mental discords kill us everyday.
But we have to understand that things trouble us only because we grant them the power to. We let unnecessary stuff bother us. We spend our time worrying and doubting. Most of the things we worry about never even happen. Live now, worry later .
Most of us have worried about what path to take in our lives at one point or another. Think back to all the times you felt lost and hopeless, and then think about where you are right now. Everything changes, nothing lasts, whether good or bad. Next time when you’re stressed about your life, know that : You’re never given anything you can’t handle, God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but eventually you’ll get there. If it’s meant for you, you will procure it. Destiny and destination have a common root for good reason.

Let nobody except yourself be able to influence your emotions, don’t let somebody’s darkness dim your light, it’s your story, they might not understand, it’s always a matter of perspective.
You’re not always all you want yourself to be but you’ve come a long way from who you were, think to yourself: What if you were the same person a year ago? Everybody wants to turn back time but nobody wants to be a person from their past.
This is for everybody going through a seemingly impossible phase of their lives: Remember, it’s just a phase. Nothing’s permanent, not even your troubles. It’s okay, it’s going to be alright, it may not seem like it right now, but things are going to get better at some point of time, I promise. Don’t lose your strength. You are stronger than you think you are. What’s broken can be mended. What’s hurt can be healed. No matter how dark it is, the sun is going to shine again.
A shoutout to everybody trying to get their life together: Working on yourself is one of the hardest and most testing parts of life, wherever you are, keep working, keep going.
Inspire ~ Be the change you want to see, everybody wants good changes but nobody wants to change. Inspire others to do better and be happier. Take charge, inspiring others is such an underrated activity. Personally, I get no greater pleasure than when somebody looks up to me, when they tell me that I impacted their lives positively.
Be nice to everybody, they’ll be nice to you. Even after all the cruel stories of atrocity that we hear and read , I assure you, there are more good people in this world than bad. Even after I’ve been backstabbed, broken, been lied to , had my name dragged through the mud countless times by people who don’t even know me personally, I BELIEVE, I believe that there’s good in this world. The optimistic way is really the only way I’ve known.

For what it’s worth: It’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of and satisfied with and if you find that your are not, you have the strength to start over.
I hope that you don’t let the world condemn you for being too loud, for being too expressive, for being yourself, that you do not let it convince you to try to be perfect instead of real.
Given below is my most favorite quote ever: ‘This is life, people will screw you over. You’ll fight with your family. You’ll witness things that will change you forever. You’ll blame lovers for things that old lovers did, you’ll lose best friends who you thought would stay by your side forever. You’ll come to realize that everyone has a past. You’ll cry, you’ll laugh and you’ll embarrass yourself. But then, you’ll find your very own moment where none of that matters, where you can sit back and realize that shit happens to the people who can handle it and this is who you are and that you can get through it. Accepting yourself and finding yourself, your purpose in life is the most satisfying feeling of all.
WHAT OTHERS THINK OR ASSUME OF YOU SHOULD BE NONE OF YOUR CONCERN- Let them judge you. Let them misunderstand you. Let them gossip about you. Their opinions are NOT your problem. You stay kind, committed to love and free in your authenticity. No matter what they do or say, don’t you dare forget your worth or the truth of your beauty.
Ten years from now, make sure that you can say that you chose your life and didn’t settle for it.
So, do it. Ask yourself, Is the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More compassionate? Decide, breathe in, breathe out and decide.


I appreciate you taking the time to read it!