Thriving in Chaos

in #deepshit7 years ago

When I was a kid, I used to fantasize about the end of the world. I didn’t get off on the ides of pain or suffering but something about being there to see it, knowing that every problem would soon be “solved” felt so romantic.

Since then, I’ve experienced no less than 2 end of the world scenarios. I can say with certainty that I no longer have any romantic notions about the end of days, but there isn’t still something about chaos that excites me, though it’s very different from before.

i promise I’m not sadistic, image link

Before it was a violent desire for catharsis. I had so much frustration and I wanted it banished. Apocalyptic situations were a perfect metaphor for such catharsis and so I often daydreamed. When I actually faced death I was beyond terrified. But from facing death a lot of that fear has been released, and I’m much more balanced and clear because of it.

This is why I’m still attracted to chaos. I’m much more discriminating about the kind of chaos I enjoy now. I prefer chaos where nobody gets hurt and where people are invited to go through the same kind of transformation I went through thanks to it. I’m talking about markets crashing, about power outages in areas where resources are abundant enough. I’m talking about losing large sums of money when you still have optinions. I’m talking about breakups and getting fired. I’m talking about extreme weather that’s not quite extreme enough to be dangerous, but close. Things that FEEL like the end of the world when they are anything but.

I love these situations because I can feel people grow from them, and sometimes help them along. It’s also fascinating to see how people act in situations you don’t often get to see. I enjoy watching them get very serious and trying to cheer them up. I love laughing out maniacally when I hear others talk as if it’s the end of the world, while meanwhile their bodies are safe and well fed. If they want to go deeper, we can go deeper. If not, let them think I’m a maniac. I’m going to try to keep doing what I can do, staying calm, making good decisions and enjoying life, regardless of what things look like at any given moment. If I can share that with anyone else, great.

Have an awesome day.


Remember in The Matrix how people would snap out of it when things were too perfect? I think we all need a certain amount of chaos in our lives. If you haven't read the book Tribe by Sebastian Junger I'd highly recommend it. I'm paraphrasing here but he says something along the lines of "disasters and tragedy are often remembered more fondly than weddings and vacations".

Don’t we want to wake up from the matrix? That brings up another reason why I feel an attraction towards chaos. Because it’s actually what everyone desires and I want to see how they react once they get it, maybe, like myself, they will stop craving disaster so much.

We do, my meaning is that if there's too much order we reject it, perfection and "happiness" has no meaning. So I do agree with you that we all desire chaos but only to a point. Too much chaos becomes disastrous, whereas not enough is tyranny. I'm actually reading a book right now - 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson - that talks about the need for the balance between order and chaos. Or you can watch his YouTube videos

This looks really good. I added it to my wishlist. Easy Link for anyone else.

I enjoyed your comment!

It's one of my favourite books, it makes you question a lot about how things are in today's society without offering any real answers. I recommend it all the time!

That's what the book The Continuum Concept did for me along with helping me to get in touch with wounds of not being properly nurtured as a baby in American society. That's the main focus of this book. It's one of the most important books in my life.

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out!

And I just realized the irony that it got destroyed in hurricane Irma haha!

I love this. I'm the kind of person who appreciates somewhat of a mess. I grew up in a home where you literally couldn't have a magazine on the coffee table. Everything had to be put away. So I don't like super clean looking neighborhoods and cities. They seem boring and suffocating to me. I like street art. I like a picture being crooked.

I think you're probably not at all the only person who fantasizes (fantasizED) about the end of the world. Have you ever seen the show Last Man on Earth? It seems like if almost the whole entire world died all of our problems would go with it. It's exhilarating.

P.S. I love reading your stuff. It's where I find most of the people I follow. I always find cool people in your comments.

No character! That’s how I’d describe the cities you mention. I’ll have to check out that show.

I’m honored that you enjoy my posts, you are also one of my favorite writers at steemit. I’m sorry I don’t read as many of your posts as I’d like to. I try to upvote anyway to keep you going. I’d like to stop spreading myself thin once I’ve gotten some more momentum going. You are at the top of my list of people whose accounts I want to visit more.

Ordo ab Chao - order from chaos. We all need it whether we like it or not, It is necessary for our development. life wouldn't be quite as exhilarating without at least a modicum of chaos.

I feel OK with Chaos too, most of the time. Although physical chaos in my living space is another matter. That I find hard to live with.

I didn't rant and rave when Trump got voted in and the Brexit vote went the way it did because I thought the shake up they might both cause could be a good thing.

What we've been doing in politics has for years has been a stagnant to-ing and fro-ing and, in the UK at least, it could do with a shake up. The major parties have been really similar in their outlook. So much so that, for the first time in my life, I almost didn't vote in the last election.

Interestingly, although there are lots of stories about this and that happening and predictions about what Trump and Brexit might mean in the future, so far there hasn't been much chaos caused by either. Maybe it's early days. We'll see.

Trump is a perfect example. Do I like him? Hell no. Do I think he’s done any good, not that I’m aware of. Do I think he will? No. But he forced so many people to question their assumptions about life and politics and society and to me that’s a huge win.
(Not trying to convince anyone of my politics)

There is a chinese idiom to describe this kind of situation perfectly, a bad thing can be relaly good and a good thing can be really bad, the story behind it is much more elegant though.

I agree. Anything that shakes up this complacent status quo we've been living in for yonks and makes people reconsider is a good thing.

An interesting scenario is developing re Brexit . . . if we don't get our shit together (which we don't appear to be doing) and end up leaving with no agreement, the areas that will be hurt the worst, at least in the short term and the ones that voted to leave and vice versa. Ironic, eh?

That is truly beautiful my friend thank you for sharing with me. I find myself often in similar mindsets but I dont think I had ever managed to work it in such a concise way. Much appreciation :) Cheers and have a good day bro.

Thanks :-) I’m surprised by how many people can relate to this haha