Del Bigtree: The Scientific Method For COVID Injections Has Become A Scientific Fraud (Exclusive)

Del Bigtree is one of the preeminent voices of the Vaccine Risk Awareness Movement. He joins me in this episode to expose the truth about vaccines and the propaganda being put out and calls on people to think and be informed about what is really going on.
Del's career as an Emmy winning producer of the CBS talk show, The Doctors, changed profoundly when he produced the documentary, Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, which is credited with igniting a revolution against pharmaceutical tyranny around the world. Now Del’s internet news show, The HighWire, is the fastest-growing program in the natural health arena with over 75 million views. His non-profit, the Informed Consent Action Network, or ICAN, is leading worldwide investigations into drug and vaccine fraud that have already resulted in multiple winning lawsuits against US Government agencies Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, CDC and FDA. But Del is probably best known for his powerful speeches that weave shocking truth, searing wit and dynamic passion into an experience that is often described as electrifying.
Check out The High Wire
Check out I Can Decide
Check out Vaxxed
View on Rumble of Liberty · Del Bigtree: The Scientific Method For COVID Injections Has Become Scientific Fraud
Articles, shows and additional links and videos mentioned in this episode.
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Exposing The FDA, Pharma, Politicians, Attorneys & Organizations Criminally Involved In The Opioid/Drug Crisis
Vaccines, Autism & Chlorine Dioxide With Kerri Rivera
The Gavi Vaccine Summit, Mandatory Vaccines & Autism With Kerri Rivera
The Universal Antidote – Chlorine Dioxide Documentary (Video)
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