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RE: #deletefacebook & How to get exFacebookers to STAY on Steemit

in #deletefacebook7 years ago

Heeeyyy @daniarnold! There you are! You were in my feed today and I didn't need to come searching just for you specifically this time! Yay!

...With regard to that subject, Even you with a headstart and friends already on the platform have to be specifically searched a lot of days.

I love Steemit! That said, I have friends that are fairly successful every day people who have really interesting projects, podcasts, and community organizing experience that I won't even begin to invite over unless I can take the time and also have the SP to be able to help get them off the ground... AFTER Paying to get them in in a reasonable amount if time. They are too busy to waste their time, and I would think with being so busy they would also get discouraged easily trying to get their content seen.

Nothing is free and easy about trying to make changes in the world with how utterly fucked it has become... via the banks and corporations. However, if Steemit were intended to be fair it seems people would not have to search through so many circle jerks and stroke so many egos in an attempt to get seen only to have followers that don't interact, or few followers that do. (I've read a LOT of complaints!) I've been fortunate enough to find some really good people that I like on here, after tons of hours spent. I'm able to do so because I have already spent years building up projects that I feel are relevant to the platform, work from home, and have a kid in homeschool that does very well without a lot of extra help from me. Not everyone has that.

The regular FB user is used to reposting content made by others for likes, or to share info because you can do that there. Steemit being a paying platform, most don't do that here, and if they do they will only succeed if they are upvoting themselves. It takes a TON of time to get anywhere on this platform. People are already busy trying to figure out how to keep the bare necessities, so this is definitely not the solution I would like to see it be in it's current form.

I'm suspicious of who is behind all of the crypto movement from the word go anyway, but there are definitely people on here that will only upvote trendy, light fluffy, content and I'm not sure if that is because they are delegated by people who would prefer to keep it that way or just because that is really all they care about. I like light fluffy content sometimes myself... but there are only a few that I have seen that are powerful enough to make a difference that will take the time to really look for the value in people's content when it is not light and fluffy. But there definitely are at least a few. I think it takes determination and a lot of help from the nether realms to have them find your content with the way things are designed.

Things would definitely need to change for FB users to come here and stay. There are some pretty well known great thinkers with awesome materials that have been trying to get in and they cannot seem to get in. I'm not sure if they are willing to pay to get in. I'd help them if I could but I am not in that sort of position atm, so...

I'm really thankful to have gotten in here thanks to you, and your friend! I'll stick around because I like it, but it isn't going to change the financial world for everyone overnight that's for sure. I've been around a while, and around the block.. and I don't have the time, nor the patience to be the problem in the world and 'get by' through ass kissing and ego stroking, but I am willing to work to network with authentic Steemians because I really hate FB and did from day one. I only go back because that is where everyone is, and refuses to leave because they share friends and family pictures and so forth. Steemit does not have that social aspect, but they claim to be working on it... we'll see. There are far fewer trolls on here because of the way it is set up... that I really like!

I do agree it is set up like wall street. It's because the mindset that has been programmed into people is that that system works... but only if the 'right' people are in charge... and now they are 'in charge' so they are emulating what has been done before. I've said a few times this past week or so, the changes are going to have to come from within people on a fundamental level first. Until that happens people will just repeat the examples they have grown up with nomatter how well intentioned they may be.

In my last chapter in this rediculously long book I've just written, LOL... I had an odd (in your kind of way 'odd') experience the other night while contemplating a post I had just read that was about issues on Steemit like censorship and control of the platform, and whether it would ruin it or not. A timeline jump sort of thing happened, where in one timeline the lights were on and in the other they were not. It happened just as I had decided that people are going to get what they resonate with, including on Steemit. Like the timeline jump was a vibrational shift that confirmed my thoughts! If people view it negatively they will definitely have issues... If they have a positive attitude it can work for them, at least to some degree. So it's just like everything else you discuss... creating your reality with intention instead of allowing yourself to become so frustrated that you sink yourself. (Even though there is definitely a very stacked deck. I look at it like Ben probably would... Whatever happens, I'm growing food... so... ;)

I'll be over to join your website pretty soon then! Glad that you've gotten it up and running!!! Thats awesome! Have a great day Dani!!!


thanx darlin! I'm looking forward to seeing you over on UnFUckers!
love d
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