Blockchain for Democracy and Elections.

in #democracy5 years ago

When the colonial masters handed over countries to the native africans they, left everythhing they had built and stood for. Most African states today looks up to their former colonial masters for moral support to the point where many believes the the former colonial masters still influence matters of national interest. That being said, indepence came with it power struggle, the fight for multi-party systems from single party dictatorships. Most African states today are a democratic country.
This year has seen many countries going for polls, nationals exercising their rights to vote. Some like many other wanted one party over the other. With corruption on the rise, government looting, power governance,high levels of unemployment, some voted with hopes of things changing by changing regime. It is sad to report that most Africans democratically elected a true leader atleast once. Cases of rigging elections is not news among voters, every election voters are worried about the safety of their votes.
Electoral bodies assures voters of a free and transparent elections but that is it, free elections,the rest goes to the highest bidder. If votes can be rigged to maintain power among the powerful then what is the point of going to vote? most people asks this question. It will take great effort to secure votes and deliver the most transparent and secure elections that we may call free, until then democracy is at risk.
Thanks to Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and Blockchain technologies we can now develop applications that will deliver the longer waited free democaratic elections. Time and again the blockchain has proven to be not only reliable but also transparent. The challenge is convincing the electoral bodies to adopt this technology. Thats where the colonial masters comes in with donor aid and grants.
If only we can harness the power of CC,IoT and Blockchain we might be the first to bring the world the most secure elections, i have the idea, some you have the capacity, if we can work together we can achieve more and solve one of the biggest prolem in democracy.