Lydie Livolsi CEO & Funder Of MYDENTALWIG'S AI Interview

in #dentalwig4 months ago

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Meosha: Hi everybody

welcome to another episode of creators to Creators

today, today we have a very special guest

Lydie: Lydie Livolsi

Meosha: welcome! haha I'm so happy that you're here, um

cause I you know I love talking to,

just just hearing people's journey

I think you know everyone has a story and I just

it always fascinates me just to go

I like to go back to the beginning

uh just a little bit

um so tell me a little bit

a little bit about your childhood

and kind of how did you

find your way into what you're doing right now.

Lydie: well, hi everybody

my name is Lydie Livolsi I'm here in Los Angeles

the sunny Los Angeles um

I'm the CEO and founder of My Dental Wig

and I'm an inventor and innovator

and basically, I'm the inventor of the dental AI patent

which is very simple

but it's going to transform humanity

uh because it's going to make a lot of changes

we're going to be able to collect data

from the entire body 24 7

and use the data in the AI to really tract uh

serious diseases like cancer stroke

diabetes seizures

Alzheimer’s or autism

etcetera things that have not been done yet so yeah

I grew up

I was born and raised in Africa in Cameroon and I mean

basically, I grew up

I'm coming from a big family where

my dad was very ahead of his time

he knew that uh women

must have a good education

even though I didn't live a long time with my dad

because after graduation from kindergarten

my dad fell sick, I'm sorry,

and you know it was from the

poisons from bombing um

in my area with the war, you know

Cameroon was like I wasn't born yet

you know 15 years in wars

um against uh

British and French because Cameroon has both

one side is British

the other side is French like in Canada. So, my parents

they were very active against um

being occupied by foreign countries.

So, they fought a lot and so he got sick after my uh

kindergarten graduation and so mom

where mom stays on his bedside

in the hospital from my first grade to fifth grade

So, in January 1st you know.

New Year Day 1975 my dad passed away.

So, the last time I saw my dad

was when I was in kindergarten

however, during the small amount of time that I spent

with my dad

I only have good memories

He’s the one who taught me how to read

how to count, a

B c,

the whole alphabet it's my dad because my mom uh

she didn't have any

have any education.

So, my dad was the one who did it for me

and so, what happened was that my dad

on January 1st, 1975 in the morning in the hospital

this is what my mom told us

and she saw he got a surgery that didn't work well

after the surgery my mom

she saw that her husband wasn't doing good, well.

and she thought she really understood that that was,

this time he's not going to

to stay. So, she asked him

listen when we left home almost five years ago

you said, because I'm the last child,

and he said she said

you said to lydie that you will be back

and now it's not going to happen,

what do you want me to tell her

what am I going to say?

and my dad that was his last words

he said,

just say to everybody who loves me

to allow her to have a good education

and that was it.

and this is based on these last words of our dad

that my siblings my older siblings

they sent me to France in a private dentist school

very expensive but

and when I completed my education

I started my business in France

I had the one location in a Reims

the city of champagne and the other one in Paris

and I decided to leave France

and move to Los Angeles

especially because of prejudice

you know even being married to a Caucasian

it was very very hard

and I told him you know what

I can't take it anymore um

let's move to the United States

and this is how I came here in Los Angeles

straightforward in 2010 so I had to go back uh

learn English because English is my fourth language

you know

go back to college learn English all this

and I took some classes like leadership in college um

public speaking

or classes that I knew will be helpful for my business

and today I'm here with this patent

that consists of embedding chips

inside the dental devices

to collect data from the entire body

24/7 wow

Meosha: that's incredible like how did

how did you come up with that

like like do

were you sitting down and just like

just came to you like this is what I wanna do?

Lydie: basically, you know

one of the reasons why I went to France

to learn how to make the dental devices

the main reason was that my grandmother

because I saw only one grandparent,

my grandmother from my mom's side,

all grandparents were killed by the war

and so, my grandmother

she had only two teeth

in her mouth

and so

I was blessed because one of my sisters was dentist

I say was because now she retired.

and I remember one day in the village

in our village Batie my grandmother she said

she asked my sister, you know

who is dentist, I heard that you make teeth

please can you make my teeth

so that I can enjoy chewing crunchy

roasted peanuts? oh

you know and you know

when she asks something like that

you don't realize

because seeing my grandmother with only,

only two teeth as a little girl in my mind

it's just normal hmm

you know and it's when she asked my sister like this

I was already in university

you know because I wanted to become a

a physician I was doing uh

chemistry and biology in university when there it hit me,

oh my God yeah

of course, I always saw her on her knees on the stones

you know try to uh uh

to crush the roasted peanuts

because she doesn't have her teeth okay.

and this is how my sister

she said you know what uh

we are planning to send lydie uh

in Europe to learn how to make teeth

so that she can come back and make your teeth

and that was how the reason why I was sent to France


it was 4 years program and during my second year

I received a call that my grandmother passed away

and that same summer I went back home

I flew back for vacation and you know

I didn't even want to get go inside because she was

she was buried in her house, in our tribe

we buried people in our house yeah

we are the descendant of ancient Egyptians,

and then I went home

and I pledged on my grandmother grave

I said listen grandma

I went in Europe to learn how to make teeth

So, I can come back here and make your teeth

but now you're gone and I say

you know what I promise you

that I will do everything

that is legally possible

to replace the teeth of all people in the world

to honor you and that was beginning of my quest

you know.

So, my first patent was the dental impression kit

because during that process of research

I understood that legally

the only thing stopping me was the dental impression

then I said now

I need to figure out a way to have access

legally to those dental impressions

and I came out with the dental impression kit

I patented

you know companies like Smile Direct Club you know

smile Direct club?

they sent kits out to people to take the impressions,

send back so they can make the clear aligner

that's my patent


that kit that is sent out is my patent

even is another company

all these come any company out there

sending out dental impression kit to people

to do anything it's my patent.

I use my patent to make what I'm great at

which is making teeth

you see and that's why those company

they have those limitations because they are not uh

dental device manufacturer like I am

that is really my skill

I can make full denture, partial denture

I can make crowns, bridges, implants

I can make all this and I was like now

I'm embedding this logo in my dental wig

what if I embedded chip the sensors hmm

you see and I was like yes

the sensor, the sensor uh

the smaller chips are like 1 cm by 1 cm, no 1 millimeter

which is very small tiny yeah

and it can take a lot of data and I was like

oh my god I said look at this one

you see I have the room,

enough room to put to any size of chips

even many chips I have room here on the dental wig,

this is at the bridge 3 teeth

I have room here even inside

we have room even inside the gum here of the bridge

we can embed chips you see what I mean

I was like this is it and then I start writing


my patent application and I contact my lawyer

patent attorney here locally

and he was like oh my God this is so amazing yeah

so, the good thing is that it's patented

and we just need to raise capital

so that we can launch and scale

and also

really provide this amazing service to human beings

we need that.

Meosha: I love that I have I have this is I mean

I this is incredible

and I'm sure all the listeners are gonna be like

holy crap this is amazing um

I have a one question I love asking this question

there's no wrong answer

but the three levels of influence money

power and respect

and if you could choose only one of those things

which one would you choose and one

Lydie: money


I like that that's a good answer

I mean I got the respect right

I got the money is power

when you have that power people will respect

you just how it is

Meosha! I love it you know

Lydie: like right now we are

we are trying to go out with another

one of the purposes of this interview

is to broadcast about this dental AI

and we need more money to do that

we need investment people

people and we have these investment

where people can even invest $1,000

and we need to even

to explain to people how lucky they are

that now it's legal in the United States

or even none

accredited investors to invest in a startup

to take that risk right

Meosha: you know so money is

money is power definitely power absolutely

that's a great answer I love it

uh where can people find you on social media

and to get involved in everything on social media

yeah, I mean

Lydie: go to um

it's mostly the company I mean

if you send me an email or [email protected]

or respond right away

and social media Facebook

but the thing is that

you know how they use bots or this

it's crazy how AI is because people rely on it

but I don't because you know

when you pay for ad

they send books to like your page or

or to come to

to write things or it's not real person

right behind that I've done it

I went through that

that's why an interview like this is more powerful

because it's so you are talking to me

it's not like fake uh

somebody took your voice and took mine and put together

you see what I mean

Meosha: absolutely yeah


Lydie: so yes

just go to

uh there is a contact form

form fill out that form

and that for sure it will land into our mailbox

and even if we check

we regularly check our spam box that belongs to us

social media does not belong to us

Meosha: absolutely absolutely right

thank you so much it was a pleasure talking to you

and you know I

I for all the listeners

I want them to follow follow

follow follow

get involved as much as you can

this is incredible I appreciate your time

this is great I Learned a lot

I Learned a lot today so thank you

thank you so much again for coming on

Lydie: it's my pleasure Moesha and er I

I can't er

I'm so grateful and I thank you er

thankful for you

your time for this interview and all of you

guys who are listening just take this advantage

of becoming an early-stage investor

because this is how we build wealth we build power

Meosha: thank you so much thank you so much

and thank you all for listening

and always remember to live

love laughs

we'll see you guys next time bye bye!

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