On depression

in #depression4 years ago (edited)

Depression can be a wonderful teacher. It’s there for a reason. If you judge it, if you try to push it away, then you are pushing away your greatest teacher. And you are arguing with reality. You are saying ‘my reality should not be like this, it should be different. I know better than God’.

It is understandable to have these thoughts when you are experiencing suffering, because it is painful, it is challenging. But know that whatever experience you manifest in your reality it is because it is there to serve you in some way. It is there to teach you something, to show you something about yourself. And when see this lesson, when you understand this lesson very deeply, the teacher will leave. So, for now, don’t try to push the teacher away, bring the teacher closer.

Close your eyes, take in a few breaths and tune into your body. Depression is a word, it is a label to describe your experience. How is that experience feel inside your body? Can you feel it somewhere in your body? Can you describe it? For the time being don’t label it, don’t judge it. It is simply a sensation in the body. Let yourself feel it fully. Surrender to it, don’t try to control it or push it away. Let it take over your whole body if it wants to. Notice your breath as you feel it. Simply let yourself feel this sensation. This sensation does not belong to you, it is not yours, it is an experience that is here right now, it is simply an energy. This energy might try to express itself through thoughts. When this happens know that these thoughts have nothing to do with you. Notice each thought as it comes, and let it go. Like clouds passing by. Thought cannot hurt you. You notice them as they come and go and you don’t give them any power at all. You simply follow your breath.

Surrender and fully allow it to be here. Make friends with it. It is not bad, it is not evil, it is not wrong, it’s like a little child that is here with you and is in pain and is sad. So take this child in your arms and hold it with love, hold it with gentleness. It’s ok that you feel this way, you haven’t done anything wrong. Because if you tell this little child that is suffering ‘you are wrong, you shouldn’t be here’ it creates more suffering.

You might not feel better straight away. The object of this is not to feel better. If you do not feel better that is also ok. It is simply to notice what is here and to allow what is here to unfold. When you fully surrender, your system opens and the energy is free to flow and move and release. When you are in a state of contraction saying 'I shouldn't experience this, this feeling shouldn't be here' there is no space for the energy to flow and move. And it gets locked up inside of you and it becomes denser and denser until it becomes a blockage. You need to learn how to surrender and let yourself feel the unpleasant sensations. It is not always easy, but the more you become comfortable with feeling the uncomfortable, the easier it will become.
You can apply this to anger, to sadness, to whatever emotion arises.

Learn how to honor your emotions and not judge one as better than another. You are not here to experience only pure bliss all the time. Earth is a great learning school and you are here to experience a vast range of emotions. That is the beauty of the game. It’s just that you judge your experiences, and you prefer one to another. Do not pay attention to that, instead become still, become silent within and recognize your emotions coming and going and surrender to that. Once you surrender you become still inside and your higher self will begin to communicate with you more freely and it will express through you in a clear and natural way. And when you feel that then you act upon it. But first you must listen to what is here and be present. You can tap into the stillness anytime you need it, is always there. It is within you, in your Heart.

Dan Motoc