The Ever evolving Disaster Of Social Media Triggered Depression

in #depression6 years ago (edited)

O.k. So everybody has been over eagerly abusing the word triggered these days I'd agree, but it is an actual thing. For example If you were on a diet and I randomly posted a picture of let's say a doughnut pizza.....
Me: (Drools uncontrollably) It would trigger all kinds of senses and emotions in our body..... I mean your body... cause your on the diet not me sighs. I'm hoping you get the point cause I'm not posting anymore food pictures It's triggering me and I'm on a "Healthy Lifestyle plan" sighs*. The point is There is something that can "trigger" almost anyone. Triggered doesn't always mean angered it can often mean sent on an emotional tail spin of some sort.

Social Media is an amazing platform where Billions of people around the globe can communicate, share thoughts and ideas, create and have access to information at an astronomical rate, yet we are finding more and more that just like with television, movies, magazines, and other airbrushed for perfection media outlets, Social media is also proving to be a platform of fantasy more so then the reality of life it was intended to be.

With our nearest and dearest sharing their seemingly most intimate and exciting moments online or even "on LIVE" we watch as cousin Jenny sky dives, goes golfing in Paris shares her kids good grades, takes cooking lessons and her gorgeous husband Jack scales the Alpes. Rarely is seen a solemn day of cousin Jenny posting " Just sitting at home binge eating and crying for the 7th straight day in a row because I caught my son Ben fiddling himself in my bed, my daughter Becky was having a trisk in the car with her 3rd boyfriend this week, and my husband Jack refuses to make-love to me until I lose 10 pounds.... Hope your all doing the same." if people were this candid it would frighten most people off. Many would call them an over share-er and send them tidy little inboxes telling them that the world doesn't care about their problems so they should keep them to themselves. or as my family would say "Don't tell folks your business." In some way's this is true to an extent, and in other way's it couldn't be further from the truth!

With all of our social media bubbles nice and tidy we've created an imaginary land of High fashion models, world travelers, Happily-Ever-After families and Internet Flexers young and old... Monsters like Lil-Tay! Most of what you see on-line is the fantasy of what people wish their life was really like everyday, as they continue to try to keep up with what they think is the next persons life is like, by peering in the little media bubble next to their own. Is it shocking that some people spend all day looking through the glass eye to see what the next person is doing? From their work mates to their High School love, they imagine themselves living a life better than the slop they've been dealt.

It's important to remember at the end of the day YOUR ONLY LOOKING AT THE SKY of peoples lives, they are only sharing their highs with the world because the highs are beautiful like the models in a fashion magazine, the bullet wound in her thigh will be airbrushed out unfortunately, as will all the problems in your High School Boyfriends marriage. Everyone has problems. The world of social media doesn't show you when mom pushed sally at the park and she flew off the swing and landed in the mud on her face, or when people get fired, or when they get their hearts broken. it almost seems like a Hollywood illusion, poof, lucky Kendra has another new hunky guy she's eating at a fancy restaurant with, you don't see Kendra crying into her pillow every other week because she's socially awkward and failing in relationships. We see people swinging high but they hide the falls that would honestly be more relateable to us.

I could write a whole book on Social-media triggered depression. It really is a disaster, and with more and more people disconnecting from real interaction and plugging into this virtual Not-Reality hours a day, more people are buying the lie that only they have problems, believing everyone else is surrounded by wine champagne and friends daily....It's such a lie. Please understand I'm not telling you to go put all your "business" online, my mother would be upset if I did, I'm saying PLEASE LOG OFF, live life, make human contact, love the people around you, Share a few pictures, like a few pictures, love a few pictures, and then log off. If you love somebody who seems like a zombie always sucked into their phone, gently ask them to be present with you in the moment, like a drug addict they'll resist and be edgy at first, but then they'll be so greatful.....

Seek and you will find,
