This Magic Moment....Would be so much more magical if you weren't such a downer :(

in #depression7 years ago

Oh you know the moments in which I spake..speaketh...spawneth....You know what i'm sayin Bro so STOP HA!
It's moments like, you take your wife to Paris & instead of Joy she shrieks about finances complains the whole time and not one tear of Joy was shed. The moment you hand a friend who's struggling with bills a few hundred to pay it and they barely utter a Thank you (where the hell are the balloons falling from the ceiling you'd been saving that money for months), or the moment you take the day off work withdraw the rainy-day fund and go surprise a BFF with a weekend getaway only to find they wont leave the house (actually they wont even get out of bed to entertain the idea).

Have you ever Planned something that you thought was going to be beyond spectacular?!? I'm talking the whole 9 yards, you went over the limit, busted the budget, threw caution to the wind and poured gravey on that there steak ( Look at you flossy and saucy). Only to have your Daydreams and night time prayers about the magicality of this moment COMPLETELY SMASHED. I mean WTFradulent ughhhhh!!!!! Nothing hurts worse than to have your hard work and great sacrifices met with an unappreciative smaketh down. Weather the receiving party was, the opposite of thrilled, melancholy and glum, argumentative as opposed to ecstatic, aggressive, rude,or worst of all oblivious to the blood sweat and tears you gave up to create or manifest this magical moment, No matter their adverse response its all a striking knife, bringing forth the death of the joy you anticipated having upon the celebration of your awesomeness.

Lets get into it:
When loving someone with depression expect this to happen often. Oh don't go reading every internet quiz that tells you your offender is a narcissist ( narcissist is just a popular new buzz word). The reality is people with anxiety and depression have a very difficult time experiencing JOY themselves. it's like a perfectly blue sky with a tiny gray cloud , for most people that's an amazing experience, but for someone with depression tunnel vision only allows them to see the cloud ( imagine how much this sucks). it's even more painful to know that you should be appreciating something but somehow you simply can't. For many people with depression and anxiety disorder suicide is a constant and dominating thought, I say this to say PLEASE think about that. True Love is Patient, it's Kind, it suffers long, and it doesn't brag ( Text on love borrowed from God). When we do things for others it should never be in the hopes of getting applause because sometimes you won't, but don't stop, don't give up on goodness, listen with two ears talk with one mouth (in case you missed the metaphor listen more than you speak and try to understand the people you love). I promise if you continue to fight the good fight of faith, working actions of love, out pouring positivity, eventually you will find the reward is far greater then anyone's Oh's and Aw's. The reward of appreciating the beauty of goodness will find it's way back to you. You will reap what you sow in goodness.

Help your loved ones seek peace, it's a fight for some to find joy but that doesn't mean we quit on them... LEAN IN!!

Seek & you will find,



Thanks for the post. Probably the first thing I've read where the author "gets it"

Your so very welcome! This Author has lived on both sides of the coin my friend! Peace & Blessings to you!!

Let me tell you of my disappointing experiences: This happened so often, I eventually gave up expecting much out of my wedding anniversaries dates:
You are very excited, this is going to be a special evening. You get all dressed up and waiting for your husband to come home from work.
He gets home late. Then he takes for ever to get dressed, until the evening is half gone. He tells you he didn't even book a table at a restaurant!
So you both leave your children (you're worrying how they will cope on their own). And when you at last get to town (you live out in the country), he takes you to a fast food place (it's empty except for you two and no lovely music) and the food is `sad'.... your idea of romance is a popped bubble!

Thank you for opening up so freely, I admire your courage. The truth may set someone free on both sides of this difficult issue. I feel your pain it is difficult having depression, it is probably even more difficult loving someone with depression. Your a fighter and you are a worker of patience and love. I would encourage any spouse, when possible, for the sake of peace, do what the other simply can not or won't. Next anniversary take the wheel and drive well my friend!! Peace & Blessings to you*****