Depressing Tales of an Uninteresting Life

in #depression5 years ago

Eae, it's been a while right?

My life isn't that good, but after I thought out some of my problems with depression I think at least it's getting better.

I'm seeing a psychotherapist to try to cure it, and for now it's going well enough, still a long way to go to cure everything that is wrong with my head.

The past few days I fell like I just exist, and hope time flows faster than it should, so i stay on Youtube and gaming everyday everytime.

But every time I go to sleep I feel that i'm just wasting my life, and start to think to much about my life, like, if I'm just wasting time, why do I still fell the urge to pass time faster?

Maybe I just don't like living at all, and I don't want to kill myself, so I'm stuck in the middle, wasting time instead of trying to solve my problems.