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RE: Moving to hive

Your shots of Krakow are absolutely stunning. Inspiring me to get out of my living room and go explore those places all over again, haha. The following is my submission for the Pro level contest, story to follow:
Old Bagan, Myanmar.

Reason for submission: this is street photography. How so? I don't see anyone around. No one is walking these "streets" that I can see.
And that is precisely my point. That is what makes this picture so stunning for me. Because once, many ages ago, these were not ruins. These were not empty, desolate places. Once, ages ago, these streets positively bustled with life. Much as we see in your Krakow pics, these streets once felt the footfalls of merchants, priests, and commoners alike.
Now they are desolate. Now they remind us of life's fragility in the face of time.