Check out this is a proposal I've made exactly one year ago for the redesign of Spells of Genesis playing cards!

in #design9 years ago (edited)

The playing cards mockups you'll see below are my official proposal for a redesign of the SoG playing cards. I've made that proposal in a day and this is how they look

A first approach to the concept I wanted to grasp, the basic layout and feel of the cards.


Click the image to enlarge

Next, a more elaborate design that replicates all symbols, colors, numbers and all the information the original cards have.


Click the image to enlarge

Simple mockup with only one card


Click the image to enlarge

And here are the card's they currently have.

What do you think? What version do you like the most? The original ones or the redesign ones? Leave you comment below

The story: I did this by my own will as I usually do from time to time. I liked the project but felt the cards were so "Magic the gathering" style, and having a relation to the BlockChain tech, the way I see it, the cards should had a modern design to appeal to the younger audience. Unfortunately and after some emails with Marketa from EverdreamSoft they said (if I can remember - lost the emails) they couldn't change the artwork because the cards were already embedded in the BitCrystals BlockChain and this proposal died until today's "revival".

And it was funny because today I was looking around at some old project and folders and I stumble with this one and I thought "Yeah, I could share that on steemit, it's a dead proposal that never saw the day of light, I've never shared it with anyone besides Marketa". Maybe it's time to share this proposal to all because not even the Bitcrystals "investors" saw them at bitcointalk thread.

When I was moving the .jpg to my cloud folder I notice the date and DAM, exactly one year ago! What a coincidence, I made this exactly one year ago. For me, this detail about the date was so important that I've made a headline with it :)

More about Spell of Genesis - BitCrystals

Bitcointalk thread:

BitCrystals (BCY) are tradable Counterparty assets which act as the game-fuel and premium currency in EverdreamSoft’s upcoming free-to-play mobile game Spells of Genesis (SoG) and flagship trading card game Moonga. They can be used to enhance gaming experience like buying card packs or unlocking new features.

Thanks for your time viewing this, and I hope you've appreciated these artworks. Cheers!

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the redesigns look more modern. great work

Great work Bruno! Keep it coming!

how to play in it. can I download a full set?

I've added on the post the link to bitcointalk thread about Spell of Genesis for more information.

this is cool, and I have no idea what this game is.
The satoshi card is awesome!

Design preference is very personal, subjective matter :-)

I would prefer your design ideas or correction of the original one (eg size of the text), but not the current look of the cards in the game.

The actual look of card in game is like this:

The one that you posted are from Monga. Look of cards also changed from last beta version ( s about a month ago). now colors are more contrast as you see.

Oh ok, Didn't know they actually changed it. At the time I was told that they wouldn't change it. Guess they aren't fully honest then. I would like to have the email to remind me the exact reply. Either way, it's a look better than that old design.