Better Brave Browser than Chrome Browser/Lieber Brave Browser als Chrome Browser
Der auf Datenschutz ausgerichtete Browser Brave setzt seine Adaption in Sachen Krypto-Space fort. Seine bisherige Wallet ersetzt er durch eine in den Browser integrierte Anwendung. Mittels der Brave Wallet können Nutzer dann direkt diverse Kryptowerte kaufen und speichern.
Der Erwerb von Non-fungible Token (NFT) ist ebenfalls möglich. Sie ist selbst verwahrend, das heißt die Wallet-Nutzer halten selbst ihre privaten Schlüssel. Laut Homepage werden alle mit der Ethereum Virtual Machine kompatiblen Token unterstützt. Auch der Import anderer Wallets wie MetaMask oder Hardware-Wallets wie Trezor und Ledger sei möglich.
Das Hinzufügen einer nativen Wallet passt durchaus in die Krypto-freundliche Open Source-Strategie von Brave Software. Die Wallet steht unter einer offenen MPL-Lizenz. Das bedeutet, dass Entwickler den Quellcode einsehen und daran weiterarbeiten können. Nach eigenen Angaben hat der Browser 42 Millionen monatlich aktive Nutzer.
Das charakteristische BAT-Token-Belohnungsprogramm teilt einen Teil der digitalen Werbeeinnahmen mit den Nutzern. So ist es möglich, BAT, die von Brave Rewards stammen, in der Brave Wallet zu speichern.
Ich zitierte aus folgenden Artikel...
Mein Persönliches Fazit:
Im Vergleich zu Bitcoin hat Basic Attention Token etwas schlechter abgeschnitten. Jedoch finde ich, jeder sollte es sich nicht entgehen mit dem BRAVE BROWSER ein paar Bat zu verdienen. Am besten wenn du auf STEEMIT, Hive,Leofinance oder Blurt deinen Blog pflegst...
Somit habe ich einen weiteren Favoriten meiner Kryptoinvestitionen abgearbeitet...
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Ripple
- Stellar Lumens
- Cardano
- Aave
- Solana
- Polkadot
- Maker
- MLT von Welt der Wunder
- Uniswap
- Basic Attention Token
- Compound
- Chainlink
- Axie Infinity
- Filcion
- Cro Token
- dydx
- Helium
- Atom
- Civic
- Power Ledger
- Tron
- Steem ,Hive, Leo
- VeChain
- Ontology
- Algorand
- Tezos
- Neo
! [Screenshot_20211121-200740_Coinbase.jpg] ()
The data protection-oriented browser Brave continues its adaptation in terms of crypto space. He is replacing his previous wallet with an application integrated into the browser. Using the Brave Wallet, users can then buy and save various crypto values directly.
The purchase of non-fungible tokens (NFT) is also possible. It is self-custody, which means that the wallet users keep their own private keys. According to the homepage, all tokens compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine are supported. It is also possible to import other wallets such as MetaMask or hardware wallets such as Trezor and Ledger.
Adding a native wallet fits perfectly into Brave Software's crypto-friendly open source strategy. The wallet is under an open MPL license. This means that developers can view the source code and continue working on it. According to its own information, the browser has 42 million monthly active users.
The characteristic BAT token reward program shares part of the digital advertising income with users. So it is possible to save BAT that come from Brave Rewards in the Brave Wallet.
I quoted from the following article ...
! [Screenshot_20211121-202412_Cryptocom.jpg] ()
My personal conclusion:
Compared to Bitcoin, Basic Attention Token performed slightly worse. However, I think everyone shouldn't miss out on earning a few bats with the BRAVE BROWSER. It's best if you maintain your blog on STEEMIT, Hive, Leofinance or Blurt ...
So I've worked through another favorite of my crypto investments ...
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Ripple
- Stellar Lumens
- Cardano
- Aave
- Solana
- Polkadot
- Maker
- MLT from World of Wonders
- Uniswap
- Basic Attention Token
- Compound
- Chainlink
- Axie Infinity
- Filcion
- Cro Token
- dydx
- Helium
- Atom
- Civic
- Power ledger
- Tron
- Steem, Hive, Leo
- VeChain
- Ontology
- Algorand
- Tezos
- Neo
Viele Tollen verderben den Brei. Der Browser ist jedoch interessant.
Momentan versüssen meine vielen token mein Kryptoportfolio. Einige token gehen gerade durch die decke. Z.b. der cro token oder Helium
Heard first time the brave browser. Good to know about it
very good post, thank you for the information you provided 👍👍
hopefully we are smart in choosing the platform we use👌
One of the advantages of this brave browser is that it is compatible with most Chrome extensions, Ad Blocker is already incorporated, its privacy and performance is superior to the rest of the browsers and the best thing is that you can acquire tokens bat.
Once I used this browser. Its performance is good. ButbI can't compare it with chrome. To me, chrome is still the best browser.
It is interesting to mention that the brave browser comes from the same developer of the Chrome browser. Add-ons such as steemkeychain or hivekeychain can also be used on BRAVE
Love to know it. Some features of this two browser are similar.
Brave is successful to attract people most by its outstanding performance and the reward of basic attention token. I wish brighter future of them.
Thank you for the timely information regarding the browser oriented to the protection of wallet with specific application. Greetings.
first time i know about Basic Attention Token. Thank you friend....
I can highly recommend you to download the BRAVE BROWSER and practice how to earn bat token in the browser.
you can download the browser for free from google playstore
yeah, i can do this. Thank you very much for sharing this information
Thanks you sir for sharing 👍
Hello @der-prophet… I have chosen your post about “-Better Brave Browser than Chrome Browser/Lieber Brave Browser als Chrome Browser-” for my daily initiative to retest - vote and comment…
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