Wenn die DDR wiederkehrt..

in #deutsch5 years ago (edited)

..wird sie nicht sagen: "Ich bin die DDR!", sondern sie wird sagen: "Ich bin die Wohnungs-, Bildungs-, Renten-, und Klimagerechtigkeit. Nur böse Menschen können gegen mich sein."





This is non-sense. Demonstrations in 1989 were in favor of liberal/constitutional democracy, globalization, European integration. Right-wing populists, collectivists, nationalists are doing the opposite. They are against individual freedom and human rights, against liberal-democracy and constitutionalism, against global development and Europe, favor racism, social-phobias, authoritarian governance and reactionary politics. What you are doing in this post is romanticization that does not reflect the social and political reality.


Lol I dont care.
The picture describes that people who were for free-speech in 89 were called "freedomfighters" while nowadays people for free-speech are called all kind of names, like for example nazis or right-wing-populists.
At least in germany.

And you unramping ur prejudices and accusations aint any better.

Especially cuz europe has nothing to do with democracy. They are not even democratically voted.

Imho, left and right wing are both complete bullshit. They are part of the system. Part of the plan to divide and rule.
Corruption and fraud are structurally organized. It's part of the system.
As much part of it as ur taxes pay wars.

Change it.

Der Witz ist ja, dass man immernoch das selbe sagen darf wie nach der Auflösung der DDR. Nur ist man jetzt nicht mehr zufrieden damit.

"I do not care"?

So you do not care about rational arguments and facts? As regarding political theory. I would say that is ignorant behaviour.

Yes, there are many people, as right-wing collectivists and nationalists, who say that are in favour of free speech. But what is meant is that one is favour of hate speech or free speech for certain groups while at the same time wishing to abolish constitutional democracy.

Members of the European Parliament are democratically elected. Commissionaires are elected by democratically elected national governments and approved by MEP:s .

I am completely in favour of change and more democratization but that demands long-term development https://www.opulens.se/english/how-can-we-democratise-our-world-for-a-post-industrial-future/

I do not care about ur political biased lies.

There is no hate speech.
You fucked up guys now start to jail people for telling truth. Good job boy.
The European Parliament is not democratic. Get your facts right. We have a new EZB president (van der leyen) who wasn't even up for choice.

Have fun sliding down the rabbit hole.

What you are writing here is typical right-wing collectivist behaviour:

  • postmodern/post truth

  • facts do not matter

  • divides humans into elites and people

  • does not favour constitutional aspects as freedom and rule of law

and you are a typical left-wing with their accusations and fucked up believesystem and worldview
thanks for the conversation

I am not left-wing. I am a liberal, and therefore against both left- and right-wing collectivism

And I am an anarchist and therefore not only against rigth wing or left wing, but the whole system.

Cuz we are being forced to pay taxes, which finance wars.

With your ignorance, you only further proved his point.

It is not ignorance. It is about facts and political theory. Right-wing populist parties see "people" as a homogenous group that should have unlimited powers. That is dangerous since it goes against freedom, human rights and constitutionalism.

You are simply labeling people as 'right wing'. That is pure ignorance.

I work with political theory. And I am not using the label "right-wing" but right wing collectivist https://fee.org/resources/right-wing-collectivism/

I work with reality.

You are an authoritarian using all sorts of labels so you do not have to engage in an honest debate.


Which honest debate? The point is that right-wing populists are anti-freedom and in favor of strong-man authoritarianism

Everything you are saying about those 'right wing' -whatevers might be true; It's just that the people in the top picture of the OP are not right wing at all.

Mir gefällt die Art, wie diskutiert nicht.

Wenn etwas gegen den Mainstream geht, landet man schnell in der rechten Ecke.
Das ist mir mittlerweile egal.... Ob und in welche Ecke ich gestellt werde...

Nun, würde ich den Kommentar von @lauvlad89 upvoten, würde ich doch auch direkt mit STAATSTREU, LINKSFASCHIST gestempelt. Die Menschen, die sich über ihre Stempelung beschweren versuchen ja auch nichts anders zu machen als ihre "Gegenseite".
Mir ist was völlig anderes egal, aber was das ist, muss ja keiner wissen ...

Nun, würde ich den Kommentar von @lauvlad89 upvoten, würde ich doch auch direkt mit STAATSTREU, LINKSFASCHIST gestempelt

Japp, kann ich aus eigener Erfahrung nur bestätigen.
Es gibt hier sogar Leute, welche Kritik an ihren Ansichten, als Einschränkung ihrer Meinungsfreiheit ansehen.
Naj, ich hoffe die Communitys kommen bald, dann können die Hardliner ja unter sich bleiben und werden nicht mit anderen Ansichten und Meinungen belästigt.

Es gibt einen menschengemachten Klimawandel, jedoch verändert dieser nicht das Wetter, sondern das Gesprächsklima! ;)

LOL - so ist es!

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